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Agriculture and livestock survey old resettlement schemes 2012

This Report presents the results of the 2011-2012 Agriculture and Livestock Survey (ALS) in Old Resettlement Schemes conducted by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency.
2012 - Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency

Documento de la Conferencia
Farmer empowerment through land resettlement:A case of Bluegrass Estate, Kadoma, Zimbabwe

A case of Bluegrass Estate, Kadoma, Zimbabwe
Poverty in rural Zimbabwe was rampant during colonial and post-independence times. Poverty creation by colonial authorities through legislation that deprived the indigenous people of their fatherland was meant to create labour for the ruling whites while making sure the indigenous Zimbabweans would never aspire to be equal to their colonizers....
2012 - Zimbabwe Open University

Artículo de revista especializada
Climate change and variability

Smallholder farming communities in Zimbabwe portray a varied understanding
Increasing awareness of risks associated with climate change and variability among smallholder farmers is critical in building their capacity to develop the necessary adaptive measures. Using farmer participatory research approaches and formal questionnaire surveys, interaction has been made with >800 farmers in two distinct smallholder farming systems of Makoni and...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Estudio de caso
Learning from smallholder farmer contributions to seed multiplication and food security in Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, contract farming for seed production has traditionally been the domain of commercial farmers due to the high levels of care necessary in production and perceived high risks associated with contracting small holder farmers. With limited supply and market options, medium-sized seed company Agriseeds sought to use smallholder farmers...
2012 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Artículo de revista especializada
Farmer perceptions on climate change and variability in semi-arid Zimbabwe in relation to climatology evidence

Farmers in semi-arid Zimbabwe prioritize climate variability as their major agricultural productivity-reducing problem. This paper raises the importance of considering local farmers’ perceptions on climate risk, as this greatly influences on-farm investments and decision-making in agricultural management and production in semiarid Zimbabwe. A study was conducted in two districts of...
2012 - International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

Artículo de revista especializada
Welfare impact of private sector interventions on rural livelihoods: the case of Masvingo and Chiredzi smallholder farmers

Improving livelihoods in rural areas is important to progress of the developing world and it helps in the creation of the domestic demand for the productive sector. Private sector partnerships in rural areas have been the major driver to reduction of market uncertainties and management of risk and thus bring...

Estudio de caso
Evaluation of draught animal power systems for maize and cotton production at smallholder-farmer level in Masvingo province

An evaluation of smallholder draught animal power systems was conducted in six study areas in Masvingo and Chivi districts of Masvingo province over two seasons 1999-2000 and 2000-2002. The objective was to investigate the effect of renovating animal-drawn ploughs and cultivators on field performance and on maize and cotton yields...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Estudio de caso
The sustainability of conservation farming in the smallholder farming sector

A case of Guruve communal area in Zimbabwe
This study is based on fieldwork conducted in Ward 5 Guruve District of Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe. Conservation farming (CF) has been widely embraced as an antidote to the perennial food insecurity situation, bedeviling drought prone regions in Zimbabwe, such as Guruve district and in Africa at large. Despite widespread promotion...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Estudio de caso
Technical challenges and agribusiness prospects for developing pro-poor small scale dairy processing schemes in Omaheke region of Namibia

Lessons from Zimbabwe’s dairy development program
A study was conducted to assess the potential of establishing small-scale dairy processing schemes that would bring development and economic growth, alleviate poverty and enhance the standards of life of the Namibian livestock rearing population. Lessons were deducted from the Zimbabwe Smallholder Dairy Development Program (DDP). Secondary data was collected...
Namibia - Zimbabwe
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Estudio de caso
Indigenous knowledge systems and livestock production under small- holder farmer management in the face of climate change

A case of Guruve district
Indigenous knowledge systems of livestock care and health care is the only asset in the hands of the small holder farmers to mitigate the impact of climate change on livestock production. This study explores the role of indigenous knowledge systems of livestock care and veterinary care in the face of...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Artículo de revista especializada
Factors affecting smallholder farmers’ responsiveness to climate variability induced hazards in Zimbabwe

 Increasingly, unpredictable weather poses challenges to livelihoods as it requires greater investment of time, energy, and resources in order to maintain crops and animals through dry spells. Vulnerability to climate variability induced hazards can be reduced successfully with an understanding of the most vulnerable to the impacts and how the...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Farming as a family business

Training manual
Since October 2010, DAI has been implementing the Zimbabwe Agricultural Competitiveness Program (ZimACP), with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project is a 4.5-year initiative designed to support and facilitate the farming and agribusiness sector, through their representative bodies, to dialogue and arrive at consensus...
2012 - United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Documento técnico
An evaluation of smallholder dairy production in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwean dairy subsector consists of a number of actors from input suppliers, milk producers, processors, transporters to service providers. The subsector was and remains dominated by production from the large-scale commercial farms and of late by imports. As a result of the land reform in 2000 and macroeconomic policies,...
2012 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Hoja informativa
Strengthening smallholder market linkages through contract farming

Zimbabwe’s economy is starting to turn around after almost a decade of recession characterized by macroeconomic and political challenges. During this time, the near collapse of formal marketing channels, as well as shortages and high prices of key agricultural inputs (fertilizers, seeds, crops and chemicals), resulted in steep drops in...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Revista especializada
Nature & Faune: The forest sector in the green economy in Africa

The present edition highlights the significance of the forestry sector to the overall economy and its importance overall in the region’s land use, demonstrating its potential to make a difference in improving (or worsening) an economy’s green credentials. It is an important message about forestry and greenness.
Cameroon - Liberia - Nigeria - Rwanda - South Africa - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Integrated Weed Management in Zimbabwe’s Smallholder Sector, Where Are We?

A Review
The introduction of the Integrated Weed Management (IWM) in Zimbabwe’s small holder sector seemed to be the answer to the weed management problem in the sector. However up to the present moment the drudgery associated with weeding still dominate in the sector. Research in Zimbabwe has investigated various techniques varying...

Estudio de caso
Restoring Lost Livelihoods

The case of smallholder plantation crops in Zimbabwe
Small-scale coffee and tea production used to contribute considerably to household income of more than 6000 smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe, including Mr. Duri up to the late 1990s. Since the year 2000 when Zimbabwe embarked on an unplanned land reform programme, the resulting economic instability brought the tea and coffee...
2011 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Artículo de revista
Youth and farming

The laxity of young people taking up farming may be due to, but not limited, to lack of farming incentives, inadequate access to productive assets such as land and capital, inadequate infrastructure, limited well-functioning markets, high population pressure on land and inadequate access to appropriate technologies by farmers. In this...
Kenya - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zimbabwe
2011 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Estudio de caso
A logit estimation of factors determining adoption of conservation farming by smallholder farmers in the semiarid areas of Zimbabwe

Despite heavy investment made by various organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa, to promote conservation farming, the adoption of this technology remained low. Therefore, this study was carried out to estimate the factors determining the adoption of conservation farming by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The study was guided by theory of adoption....
2011 - University of Zimbabwe

Revista especializada
Nature & Faune: Climate change implications for agricultural development and natural resources conservation in Africa

This edition of Nature & Faune magazine explores climate change implications for agricultural development and natural resources conservation in Africa. It provides a rich menu spanning many dimensions of climate change as it relates to the African rural farmer, fisher-folk and herdsman who are on the frontline of managing and...
Cameroon - Chad - Ghana - Mauritania - Nigeria - Senegal - Sudan - Zimbabwe
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:212