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Artículo de blog
Innovating tradition to protect ancient forests in Papua New Guinea
Supporting an Indigenous Peoples’ community to monitor forests with satellites and tablet
Besta Pulum cannot contain his excitement about the tablet computer he is holding in his hands. “When I was young, I never saw that kind of computer. Now I’m seeing it; I didn’t sleep [from excitement],” says the community chief, who reckons his age at around 60.
Like his father before...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - FAO
A place in the sun: Farmers' co-benefits from solar irrigation in Bangladesh
Solar irrigation pumps (SIPs) are gradually replacing diesel pumps in relatively water-intensive agricultural production systems and geographies to reduce carbon emissions from food systems. However, beyond its climate change mitigation potential and fulfillment of Nationally Determined Contributions commitments, the adoption of solar irrigation also has direct co-benefits for farmers. Taking...
2024 - International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Hoja informativa
Strengthening Ecological Monitoring for Mangrove Management in Andhra Pradesh: Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary
Coastal ecosystems and associated biodiversity are under severe threat due to global climate change and subsequent sea level rise (SLR). Mangroves, as a socio-ecological system, are of paramount importance for combating climate change, ensuring the sustainability of coastlines, and supporting coastal communities. Despite providing numerous ecosystem services and tangible benefits...
Artículo de revista especializada
A cog in the capitalist wheel: co-opting agroecology in South India
The Andhra Pradesh Zero Budget Natural Farming project was implemented by India’s State of Andhra Pradesh in 2016 and renamed AP Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) in 2020. APCNF is recognised as a sucessful example of peasant-led agroecology by social movements, multilateral UN bodies, governments, and researchers. We offer more...
2024 - Kudali Learning Center, India
Artículo de revista especializada
What makes agroforestry work?
This review summarizes findings from 22 case studies published together in Tropical Forest Issues 61 (Torquebiau 2024). The case studies present clear and tangible benefits from the adoption of agroforestry, based on a wide range of practices from Africa, Latin America and Asia. In this review practices and conditions for...
2024 - Tropenbos International
National agricultural innovation system assessment in Pakistan
Consolidated report
An assessment of seven innovation case studies in Pakistan in 2022 found that agriculture innovation systems show limited collaboration and networking, and a supply-driven rather than market driven approach to innovation. This limits the potential for scaling innovations such as the ‘Super Seeder’, a machine that sows wheat directly in...
2024 - FAO
Collective Responsibility In Family Farming for Rural & Urban Connectivity
The family is deeply involved in organic farming, with all three members actively participating. Effective farming is a collective effort, and without my family's support, it would be impossible to achieve our goals. My husband fully supports my farming endeavors, making their work both productive and fulfilling. They directly deliver...
2024 - DHAN Foundation
Strategies to overcome stagnation in agricultural adoption despite awareness and interest: a case study of conservation agriculture in South Asia
The Eastern Gangetic Plains are a densely populated region of South Asia with comparatively low productivity yet a strong potential to intensify production to meet growing food demands. Conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification (CASI) has gained academic and policy traction in the region, yet despite considerable promotional activities, uptake remains limited....
2024 - Cambridge University Press
Artículo de blog
A tale of two brothers revolutionising farming in Karnali: Building sustainability, climate resilience and pride
In the serene village of Sadhikhola in Surkhet district, two brothers, Chandra Bahadur GC and Tek Bahadur Gharti, are rewriting the narratives of farming in Karnali province, mid-western Nepal. Originally from Surkhet, they travelled to India where they were migrant workers for many years. Their journey from labourers in India...
2024 - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Estudio de caso
Mainstreaming biodiversity in forestry
Country case studies
Forests harbour a large proportion of the Earth’s terrestrial biodiversity, which continues to be lost at an alarming rate. Deforestation is the single most important driver of forest biodiversity loss with 10 million ha of forest converted every year to other land uses, primarily for agriculture. Up to 30 percent...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Finland - Japan - Malaysia - Mexico - Peru - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2024 - FAO
Artículo de blog
Global goal on adaptation: An opportunity to address current adaptation woes in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
In order to adapt to the impacts of climate change, most countries in the region have developed National Adaptation Plans and Strategies and are now gearing up to implement them. ‘UAE-Belem work programme’ convened by UNFCCC is working on refining and developing indicators for measuring progress towards the Global Goal...
2024 - UNFCCC
A voice for Bangladeshi smallholder farmers
Women and youth lead the way in Bangladesh’s agricultural transformation
Salma and her family are potato farmers from Rangpur in northwestern Bangladesh. This region is prone to destructive monsoon floods and seasonal drought, and farmers here are increasingly reliant on cultivating cash crops to withstand these frequent weather-related shocks. But even this wasn’t working.The situation was becoming dire. They feared...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Mapping affordable and transferrable climate-smart technologies for smallholder farmers
In response to the pressing need for innovative solutions to address food security challenges, a Tripartite Cooperation Agreement between FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa region, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) initiated a comprehensive “Mapping exercise of affordable...
Bangladesh - Brazil - Egypt - Jordan - Morocco - Nigeria - Palestine - Tajikistan - Tunisia - Türkiye
2024 - FAO
Artículo de blog
Satellite imagery in rice crop mapping: Sowing the seeds for stronger food security
In 2022 – 2023, Nepal achieved a remarkable 4.33 per cent increase in paddy production, churning out 5.72 million metric tons. The images captured by the satellites provided the crucial baseline information that was required to develop this production data. This technology is known as ‘remote sensing-supported crop area mapping...
Hoja informativa
Promoting economic inclusion of small-scale farmers through homegrown school feeding in Timor-Leste
Timor-Leste is a small country located in Southeast Asia with a population of over 1.3 million people, of whom over 70 percent live in rural areas. Its territory is exposed to a wide array of natural hazards, including floods, droughts and earthquakes. The most recent estimates indicate that, in 2021,...
2024 - FAO
Artículo de blog
Harnessing Earth observation technology for Bangladesh’s agricultural resilience
As Bangladesh’s Department of Agricultural Extension and ICIMOD firm up a partnership on using remote sensing and Geospatial Information System technologies in the country’s agricultural sphere, crop mapping and flood and drought risk management will now be on a stronger footing.
Hoja informativa
Effective forest and landscape restoration actions in Lebanon: A cross-sectoral collaboration between FAO, Lebanon and Korea
As the initial funder of the Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism (FLRM), the Korea Forest Service has consistently supported the implementation of forest and landscape restoration (FLR) activities in Lebanon since 2014 and has agreed to extend its financial support to 2025.The FLRM projects in Lebanon mainly aim to step...
Lebanon - Republic of Korea
2024 - FAO
EcoFarm: To encourage agroecological farming practices
Predictive analytics and enhanced farm and crop management systems within an agroecological framework ensure crop quality and supply. Farmers should use the advantage of big data, AI, and ML technologies to predict prices, determine the health of the environment, and compute agricultural output and yield. The best crop kinds to...
2024 - EcoFarm
Homestead pond aquaculture innovation for food production in the context of climate change in the Mekong Delta, Cambodia
The Asia Mega Deltas Initiative (AMD) addresses climate impacts in Asia's deltas, including the Mekong Delta, aiming to adapt deltaic production systems for resilience and reduced environmental footprints. Work Package 1 (WP1) fosters innovation scaling, enhancing sustainable intensification and value chain development through learning alliances involving farmers, local governments, and...
2024 - WorldFish (WF)
2023 Papua New Guinea Rural Household Survey Report
From May to December 2023, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) implemented a rural household survey that collected detailed data on rural household food consumption and expenditures, agricultural production practices, employment profiles, child and mother 24-hour diet recall, and child anthropometry measurements in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The research...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - IFPRI
Total results:1994