Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de revista
Bringing consumers together to keep local food in business

Ethical purchasing groups, known as GAS (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale) first appeared in Italy in the 1990s. GAS are groups of consumers who purchase collectively and directly from producers who are chosen on the basis of sustainable production principles. GAS groups were born from the desire to build a healthy...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe

Sitio web
Member countries to dig into land degradation

Given the links among soils, land use, climate change and food security, land degradation today is receiving increased attention. FAO member countries have made it a central topic for the forthcoming session of the European Commission on Agriculture (22-23 September, Budapest, Hungary). Soil degradation is defined by FAO as a change...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Families – The Entrepreneurs of the Countryside

This brochure presents eight case studies showcasing the role of European farming families as resilient, rural entrepreneurs in the context of the UN International year of Family Farming (IYFF) (2014). It is clear within the IYFF that family farming as a global political objective refers to a sub-set of family-owned...
France - Germany - Hungary - Ireland - Poland - Spain - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2015 - European Land Owners

Documento técnico
Innovative Solutions for Organic Farmers in the EU Optimising Arable Yields

Various studies have shown fluctuations in the yields of organic farms. Yields vary a lot more than in conventional farming depending on regions, systems, management practices, particular crop types and growing conditions.
2015 - Agriculture&Innovation

Artículo de revista
Using the internet to put local food first

La Ruche Qui Dit Oui was set up in 2010 in France to provide a web platform for farmers, producers and consumers who want to buy and sell agricultural produce. La Ruche Qui Dit Oui means “The beehive that says yes” which is what the system (or beehive) aims to...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe

Artículo de revista especializada
How can public policy support small-scale family farms

The International Year of Family Farming, launched under the auspices of the United Nations in 2014, has underscored the important role played by small agricultural holdings in « feeding the World and Europe ». 2014 was also the year when the new CAP  was implemented, coinciding with a newly elected...
2015 - European Coordination Via Ca

Artículo de revista
Bringing local food to the city

The first farmers’ market (farmářský trh in Czech) in the Czech capital, Prague, was held in 2009 and since then demand for fresh locally-grown produce has continued to increase. Within two years, there were more than 13 farmers’ markets in the capital. Jana Spilkovà, an Assistant Professor of Social Geography...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe

Revista especializada
Food & Farming - Focus on Jobs and Growth

Farming and food are “big business” in the EU – even though they involve players both large and small. On the one hand, agriculture itself is restructuring and slowly taking a lower share of total employment in the EU – as new knowledge and smart techniques make farm workers more...
European Union
2015 - European Commission

How to become viable? A guidance material for small-scale farmers

There are many challenges faced by small scale family farmers. In this region, smallscale farmers have difficulty accessing markets, and when they do they lack competitiveness on the European markets. These farms are less resilient to floods and droughts, hence there is a need to strengthen the adaptive capacity of...
Hungary - Serbia
2015 - CEEweb for Biodiversity

Artículo de revista
Public policies for sustainable local food

In the last few years Hungarians have become more interested in healthy eating, as fresh and seasonal food has become more fashionable thanks to the promotion of local farm products by civil society. This trend is demonstrated by the rising popularity of farmers’ markets and food festivals, which have become...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe

EU farm economics overview FADN 2012

This report provides an overview of key economic developments in European agricultural holdings based on 2012 data, the latest available in the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The FADN survey represents farms that account for the majority of EU agricultural production. After the sharp decline in farm income in 2009,...
European Union
2015 - European Commission

Artículo de revista especializada
Agricultural market volatility is ‘here to stay’

Faced with falling meat and dairy prices, exacerbated by Russia’s embargo on EU products, which are affecting producers in many member states, the European Commission decided to authorise aid totalling €500 million, to help, among other things, with the private storage of cheese, powdered milk and pork.
2015 - EurActiv

Fête De La Pomme

Fête de la pomme: activités: Conférence: Comment produire sans pesticide? Promenade dans les vergers Marché du terroir: 80 artisans et producteurs régionaux Pressage artisanal: apportez vos pommes et repartez avec votre jus! Concours de la meilleure tarte aux pommes Marche de la Pomme de 5 et 10 kms Etc.

If our small farms are allowed to wither, the whole nation will suffer

Conservationists tell us about the extinction of wildlife, but there is another more insidious extinction going on right now – the disappearance of traditional dairy farmers, who have supplied our nation’s milk for generations. As each demoralised farmer quietly gives up and goes out of milk – and there are...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2015 - Sustainable Food Trust

Artículo de revista especializada
Pluriactivity of farming families – old phenomenon in new times

The article is devoted to the pluriactivity of farmers and farming families. It presents a historical outline of this phenomenon, and the conceptualisation of the term pluriactivity and the related term diversification. Then, the scale of pluriactivity in the EU is described on the basis of statistical data, with a...
2015 - Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences

Artículo de revista especializada
EU Commission ready to give more aid to young farmers

Over 160,000 young European farmers will start their own businesses thanks to aid provided by the 2014-2020 rural development programmes. These are the initial estimates of the European Commission, based not only on programmes that have already been adopted, but also those awaiting approval. If confirmed, this would mean an...
2015 - EurActiv

Farm structure survey 2013

In the European Union (EU), there were 10.8 million farms in 2013 working 174.6 million hectares of land (the utilised agricultural area). Between 2003 and 2013, slightly more than 4 million holdings disappeared in the EU, while the total area used for agriculture remained almost stable. This means increasing agricultural...
2015 - Eurostat

NGOs - Association of Private Agriculture of Czech Republic (APA)

The most important interest NGO representing the family farms in Czech Republic is the Association of Private Agriculture of Czech Republic (APA), professional organisation of private farmers. It prepared in connection of International year of family farming a series „Way of the cross of Czech farmer” dealing with the biggest 12...

EAAE Seminar: Does Europe need a Food Policy?

Several European markets are characterized by oversupply and low farmer prices, with society and policy makers discussing sustainability, environment, the relation between food and health and ethical topics, such as animal welfare and food waste. In addition, current value chains are under pressure and new structures are upcoming. These developments...

Sitio web
Web platform generates higher income for producers

Direct purchase of agricultural products from farmers in order to improve freshness and quality is being increasingly demanded by the international fruit trade. And so the Spanish internet portal was set up in order to deal with this demand. is an online platform where fruit producers can sell...
Total results:2283