Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Revista especializada
Revista Mundos Rurales, abril 2011, n° 4

Este número de Mundos Rurales incluye artículos sobre: A un año de las Elecciones: Autonomías en Bolivia, entre incertidumbre, prudencia y dejadez La necesidad de mantener la esperanza y el cansancio promueven un acuerdo para las cámaras en Cancún. Vivir bien…sentirse bien Política de tierras en Bolivia. Una mirada a cinco años de gobierno...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2011 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)

Characteristics of small-scale coastal fisheries in Europe

The study analyses the structure and economic performance of small-scale coastal fisheries (SSF) in Europe. Eighteen main clusters within SSF are identified and their distribution by NUTS-2 region is presented. The contribution of SSF in terms of income and employment to the economies of the NUTS-2 regions is also assessed....
European Union
2011 - European Union - European Commission

Estudio de caso
Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi

Noto Peninsula has a rich history and culture that dates back over 2100 years. Though life on the peninsula was initially typical of a hunting and gathering society, according to archeological surveys, the roots of today‘s agricultural system can be traced to the Nara Era over 1300 years ago.  Over...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Report of the Workshop and symposium on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries: Towards FAO Guidelines on Marine and Inland Small-Scale Fisheries, 19-21 September 2011, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

The workshop was the first in a series of consultations around the world organized to discuss the Voluntary Guidelines on Small-scale Fisheries (VGSSF) and propose measures, keeping in mind the interests and concerns of small-scale fisheries and fishing communities. The workshop was also a forum to make the role of...
2011 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Mountainous farming in Europe

Mountain farming in Europe is based mainly on ruminant livestock and utilization of locally produced forage resources by grazing and hay. Farmland extends from mountains in the eastern Mediterranean to the Atlantic coast, with major areas at the highest elevations in central Europe, thus encompassing wide variation in geology, soil,...
2011 - Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions

Grassland Farming in Austria - status quo and future prospective

Austrian grassland farming is marked by very differing climatic and topographical conditions and, compared with many European countries, it is also distinctively small in structure. While mountain regions follows traditional methods which are ecologically orientated and sustainably maintain the utilisation of the land. Austria has chosen the path of widespread...
2011 - Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions

Sierra Leone: Farming as a business - Part III

Sierra Leonean farmers benefit from new business skills. This final video of a three-part series shows how FAO has used EU Food Facility funding to train farmers on how to better market their produce.
Sierra Leone
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
Land grabbing in Africa and the new politics of food

'Africa is for sale’ is how some characterise it: there is a ‘land grab’ underway. Others are more cautious, speaking of ‘large-scale land acquisitions’, while the World Bank notes euphemistically the ‘rising global interest in farmland’. Whatever the prevailing terminology and ideologies, there is now ample evidence that large swathes...
2011 - Future Agricultures Consortium

''Forest License'' project delivers skills for small-scale forest owners

Luxembourg, like other countries, contains forest owners who have inherited their forest land but they themselves are not involved in professional forestry. These types of forest owners may tend to leave their forest alone and not manage them. An INTERREG project helped to identify such ''passive'' forest owners and Leader funds...
2011 - European Union

Agricultural changes in the European Alpine Bow and their impact on other policies

The socio-economic frame-conditions of land-use change in the Alps are diverse, as is the adaptation of agriculture. Generally, the Alpine space is a land of meadows and pastures. This is a result of developments on the European agricultural market and a better economic context for the production of milk and...
2011 - Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions

Estudio de caso
Protección de porcinos a campo abierto

Para pequeños productores
Este documento corresponde a una tesis, trabajo de investigación y recopilación, sobre instalaciones porcinas, tipos de parideras y cajones de recria, con sus ventajas y desventajas, también hace una revisión breve del sistema productivo enfocado en pequeños productores. El siguiente proyecto se deriva del gran crecimiento en el que se encuentra...
2011 - Universidad de Buenos Aires

Climate change and impact on European grasslands

This paper analyses the likely impact of climate change on European grasslands in relation to their present agro-climatic conditions. Such an analysis is an essential part of any assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture given that grasslands are of high importance for agriculture in temperate and humid regions of...
2011 - Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions

Irrigated meadows and virtual water: the case study of Greece

Water scarcity and society’s urgent need for increasing water quantity and quality – considered to be very significant public goods – force scientist and policymakers to reexamine and exclude water-demanding cultivations from areas with water scarcity. 
2011 - Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions

Artículo de revista especializada
Evaluación técnica y económica del pepino y el pimentón como alternativas al tomate bajo invernadero

Con el objetivo de encontrar alternativas de diversificación al tomate, se realizó una evaluación agronómica y económica de cinco híbridos de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) y trece de pimentón (Capsicum annuum L.), mediante el establecimiento de cultivos semicomerciales. La evaluación económica comparó cinco proyectos: tomate larga vida, pepino cohombro y...
2011 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Artículo de revista especializada
Producción, uso y comercialización de especies aromáticas en la región Sumapaz, Cundinamarca

En el marco del programa de investigación "Aprovechamiento de aceites esenciales de especies nativas y foráneas promisorias para uso agrícola en Colombia (2007v7163)" se realizó el presente trabajo guiado con el objetivo de: describir la producción, uso y comercialización de especies aromáticas en región Sumapaz, Cundinamarca. La información que se...
2011 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Documento técnico
Linking smallholders to livestock markets in Tanzania

Combing market and household survey data
Linking farmers to markets is widely viewed as a milestone towards promoting economic growth and poverty reduction. However, market and institutional imperfections along the supply chain thwart perfect vertical and spatial price transmission and prevent farmers and market actors from getting access to information, identifying business opportunities and allocating their...
United Republic of Tanzania
2011 - World Bank

Documento técnico
Aporte de ingreso económico de las mujeres rurales a sus hogares

La finalidad del presente documento es incursionar en países seleccionados de América Latina sobre el aporte de las mujeres rurales a través de sus ingresos a diferentes tipos de hogares, haciendo visible su aporte y facilitando la elaboración de políticas públicas que beneficien a las mujeres: en el empleo, en...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Mexico - Nicaragua - Paraguay - Peru
2011 - Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer (UNIFEM)

Artículo de revista especializada
Estudio técnico-económico del sistema de producción de tomate bajo invernadero en Guateque, Sutatenza y Tenza (Boyacá)

La región del Valle de Tenza (Boyacá) posee condiciones agroecológicas que históricamente han favorecido el establecimiento del cultivo de tomate. El sistema de producción de tomate bajo invernadero principalmente de híbridos tipo larga vida se ha venido adelantando en esta región desde finales del siglo pasado, generando una actividad agroempresarial...
2011 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Strategies to support South Africa smallholders as a contribution to government's second economy strategy (volume 2)

Case studies
This is Volume 2 of the study ‘Strategies to Support South African Smallholders as a Contribution to Government’s Second Economy Strategy.’ It contains the accounts of the 16 case studies that comprised the main ‘data’ for the analysis presented in Volume 1. However, beyond their function of supporting the analytical...
South Africa
2011 - Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)

Población rural y desarrollo dominicano

Respuestas urgentes
La publicación se basa en un diagnóstico de la ruralidad dominicana de la última década, con el objetivo de contribuir al diseño de políticas orientadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida y aprovechar las oportunidades que existen en el medio rural dominicano. Se enfatiza la necesidad de respuestas urgentes para...
Dominican Republic
2011 - Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Agropecuaria y Forestales (IDIAF)
Total results:19841