Búsqueda en la base de datos
Support the farmers who maintain Europe’s pastoral landscapes – change the CAP rules on permanent pastures
Pastoral landscapes are farmed in many different ways, reflecting the variety of pasture and livestock types (breeds of cattle, sheep and goats) in Europe. Some farming systems make use mainly of grasslands that may be sown or semi-natural vegetation. Others exploit pastures of shrubs, for example heather moorland is a...
2012 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Uso de Lecanicillium lecanii para el control de la mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci en algodón y berenjena
Dentro de las especies de moscas blancas, a nivel mundial sobresale por su importancia económica bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), debido a su amplia distribución geográfica, al daño directo e indirecto que ocasiona y al gran número de cultivos que afecta (Rodríguez y Cardona, 2001).
Más Información:
Bibliografía completa de la corporación
Editorial Agrosavia
Repositorio Institucional...
2012 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Declaración V Asamblea General de la CLAC por un Comercio Justo
Las delegadas y delegados participantes en la V Asamblea General de CLAC, reunidos en la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, los días 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2012, procedentes de más de 14 países de América Latina y el Caribe, y representantes de todos los productos certifcados, hemos tratado temas...
2012 - Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo (CLAC)
Guide to the small scale artificial propagation of trout
Small scale trout farming is a realistic income generating alternative in the mountainous regions of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia where income sources and employment opportunities are scarce or even missing. Though all female eyed eggs of well performing pedigree trout strains can be purchased from...
Boletín informativo
Dimitra Newsletter: Women’s access to land
This issue focuses on particularly innovative activities that enable women to have better access to land in several African countries. In Niger, thanks to the debates that began in their listeners’ club, the women of Banizoumbou now have secure access to a large plot of land for 99 years. This...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Mali - Niger - Senegal
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
On the new social relations around and beyond food: analysing consumers' role and action in Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale (Solidarity Purchasing Groups)
Looks at solidarity purchasing groups in Tuscany as an example of consumer intiated alternative food networks.
Guía para la aplicación de normas fitosanitarias en el sector forestal
Estudio FAO: Montes 164
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) inició una actividad en la que involucró a diversos grupos de interés con el objetivo de elaborar la presente guía, en la que se proporcionan a los actores del sector forestal orientaciones claras y concisas sobre prácticas...
2012 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Tanzania’s policies and laws in support of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
During the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and United Nations launched a Global Partnership Initiative on conservation and adaptive management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). The goal of the initiative is: to identify and safeguard GIAHS...
United Republic of Tanzania
2012 - Tanzania Natural Resource Forum
Miguel Altieri: Why is agroecology the solution to hunger and food security?
Public lecture: Food movements, agroecology, and the future of food and farming. Today, a billion people live in hunger. Peak oil and environmental degradation threaten the food security of billions more, particularly with half the world's population living in urban environments where they are dependent on industrially produced and imported...
2012 - Transnational Institute (TNI)
From field to fork: The value of England's local food webs
This report presents findings and recommendations from a five-year national project – Mapping Local Food Webs – to engage local volunteers across England to research their local food ‘webs’: the network of links between people who buy, sell, produce and supply food sourced locally.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2012 - Campaign to Protect Rural England
Fishmeal from fish waste
This project offers an example of utilizing fisheries by-products by supporting an aquaculture
company to produce its own fishmeal from local fish waste. The aquaculture company, Salinas del Astur, which breeds and commercializes sea bass and guilthead, saw a business opportunity in the discards and fish waste produced by the local...
2012 - Salinas del Astur S.A.
"I want to live like that"
A journey in "Le Conche", farm of the young Calabrian farmer Vincenzo Sposato: his passion for the job, the relationship with the family, friendship and his future plans. The story focuses on the innovations brought by Vincenzo who having inherited a traditional olive trees farm, in a few years turned...
2012 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy
Sistemas agroforestales con caucho: el caso de Brasil y Colombia
Esta publicación tiene como objetivo reunir la investigación desarrollada en Brasil, específicamente en el estado de Bahía y en el Magdalena Medio colombiano, para avanzar en la búsqueda del mejoramiento de la productividad del sector cauchero. El cultivo de caucho (Hevea brasiliensis) en Colombia ha tenido un crecimiento vertiginoso en...
2012 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Estrategia regional ante el cambio climático de los pequeños productores del Comercio Justo de Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia y Paraguay
Documento I
En el marco del Plan Estratégico 2010-2012 de la CLAC, que incluye el tema del cambio climático, en abril del año en curso la CLAC desarrolló en Quito, Ecuador un evento de capacitación sobre cambio climático para los pequeños productores (PP) y organizaciones de pequeños productores (OPP) del comercio justo (CJ)...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Colombia - Ecuador - Paraguay - Peru
2012 - Coordinadora Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo (CLAC)
Projet GCP/GLO/212/GFF "Conservation et Gestion Adaptative des Systèmes Ingénieux du Patrimoine Agricole Mondial: système pilote: oasis historique de Gafsa
Afin d'atteindre l'objectif du projet SIPAM au niveau national, la FAO et l'ASM Gafsa avec l'appui des Organisations Non Gouvernementales et les Organisations Gouvernementales ont proposé de promouvoir la reconnaissance des oasis historiques de la Tunisie comme patrimoine agricole national en partenariat avec toutes les ONG opérant dans les oasis,...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Squeezing Africa Dry
Behind every land grab is a water grab
Behind the current scramble for land in Africa is a global struggle for a commodity increasingly seen as more precious than gold or oil - water Food cannot be grown without water. In Africa, one in three people suffer from water scarcity and climate change will make things worse. Building...
2012 - GRAIN
Rural extension as part of an innovation system
Rural extension plays a significant and irreplaceable role in an innovation system that creates, designs, validates, and promotes new ideas, solutions, technologies, and forms of management focused on the resolution of problems and satisfaction of the needs of farmers and rural inhabitants and the organizations that represent them.
In view of...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Chile - Ecuador
2012 - Latin American Network for Rural Extension Services (RELASER)
Sitio web
Corporación Alianza para la Innovación y Desarrollo Rural (CALIDER)
CALIDER define cada concepto como:
Alianza: Es un conjunto de organizaciones del sector rural, de distintas regiones, de diversa naturaleza y tendencias, comprometidas con los problemas y desafíos del sector rural y dispuestos a trabajar en conjunto.
Innovación: La innovación trasciende lo meramente productivo; la innovación es el desafío propio del sector...
2012 - Corporación Alianza para la Innovación y Desarrollo Rural (CALIDER)
Animal Farm
Cascina Barosi is a farm completely run by women. Cascina Barosi is a journey backwards, from big cities to the countryside. Benedetta, from Milan, managed a farm near Cremona. The film recounts his relationship with technology, enabling her to remotely control to the work on the farm, succeeding so to...
2012 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy
Bioprospección para el desarrollo del sector agropecuario de Colombia
Esta publicación recoge el análisis del proceso de estructuración del Programa Nacional de Agrobioprospección, el análisis de las capacidades tecnológicas para el desarrollo del programa y los proyectos piloto para su implementación. Estos avances se lograron en el marco del convenio 069 de 2011, establecido entre el Ministerio de Agricultura...
2012 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Total results:20071