Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Integrated Crop Management Vol.12-2010

Green manure/cover crops and crop rotation in Conservation Agriculture on small farms
The objective of this publication is to offer a reference material for extensionists, professors, agronomy students, technicians in general, and for farmers themselves. Through information that is up-to-date and richly illustrated, it strives to facilitate the adoption and diffusion of No-Tillage, the use of green manures, and the practice of...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Beekeeping in Africa: Installation of bee hives

This technology describes step by step how to install a top bar hive. It provides an overview of the advantages and use of different baits. Furthermore, it gives clear instructions on how to hang hives in trees and to install them on stands and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Beekeeping in Africa: Site selection for bee hives

Identifying an adequate site for an apiary is the first step to successful installation and colonization of a bee hive. This brief entry gives valuable advice on what to take into consideration when choosing a site for a bee hive.This technology is part of a series on hive management derived...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Beekeeping in Africa: Colonization of a bee hive

This entry discusses different methods of bee hive colonization. It explains how a baited and installed hive can be self-colonized by a bee swarm. For cases where self-colonization is unsuccessful, it outlines three different methods to capture a swarm: two alternative ways of catching a swarm (with a bag/box or...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Beekeeping in Africa: Colony management I

examining the colony and controlling swarming
A beekeeper with a colonized hive must remember that the success in keeping bees depends on the exercise of his knowledge of colony organization. This entry focuses on practices to examine and control the colony. The first part gives detailed advice on how to inspect a hive and its colony...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Beekeeping in Africa: Colony management II

A beekeeper with a colonized hive must remember that the success in keeping bees depends on the exercise of his knowledge of colony organization. Three practices of colony management are discussed in greater detail in this entry. The first part gives a step-by-step description of how to divide a very...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Beekeeping in Africa

Traditional and modern beehives and beekeeping equipment
Honeybees that nest in the open produce far less honey than those confined in enclosures. There are good reasons for this. Colonies in the open are exposed to predators and therefore have to employ numerous workers as guards to fight intruders. They have to consume large quantities of honey, which...
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Perception of drought by farmers and its impact on farming and irrigation practices

Climate change scenarios predict negative impacts on agriculture in the southern Mediterranean regions. Preparedness for increasingly frequent droughts requires a good knowledge on how chronic water shortages may affect production and cropping systems. This work investigates recent variations in agricultural production and in cropping practices in Tunisia as induced by...

Artículo de revista
Indigenous Knowledge

In this issue of BAOBAB, we focus on the importance of indigenous knowledge as a key for sustainable agriculture. This knowledge has the potential to play an important role in conserving natural resources, finding food alternatives and reducing the use of chemicals in production of materials. In this issue partnerships...
2010 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Artículo de revista
Water Management and Food Security in Africa

This issue of Baobab focuses on access to water for sustainable agriculture and livelihoods, its management and policies, or lack of them, which can regulate its effective and efficient use. In a region that highly relies on rainfall for food production, a lot needs to be done in agricultural water...
2010 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Estudio de caso
Reclaiming life in marginal areas

Reclaiming life in marginal areas and fragile ecosystems through innovative solutions: The case of bocage perimeters in Burkina Faso
Human activities have helped to speed up the process of desertification in Burkina Faso. In order to curb this scourge and its disastrous consequences, the NGO “TERRE VERTE” has, since 1989, carried out a rural development project referred to as bocage perimeter, (“Wegoubri” in the Mooré language). This new concept...
Burkina Faso
2010 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Artículo de revista especializada
Factors affecting the structure of bee assemblages in extensively and intensively grazed grasslands in Hungary

Bees are the most important pollinators in Europe. We studied bee assemblages on 7 pairs of extensively and intensively grazed sites in three lowland grassland types in Hungary. No chemicals were applied on the grasslands. The bees were collected using sweep net surveys and 1 m wide transect surveys in...
2009 - Community Ecology

Inventory of smallholder contract farming practices in Zimbabwe

This report was submitted to SNV Zimbabwe in December 2007, revised in 2009, and documents the experiences of twenty-five companies contracting smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe to produce cotton, tobacco, paprika, sugar cane, vegetables, sorghum and various seed and legume crops in a hyperinflationary environment. The only company contracting farmers to...
2009 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Documento técnico
Enhancing crop-livestock systems in conservation agriculture for sustainable production intensification

A farmer discovery process going to scale in Burkina Faso
This is a story about how FAO assisted groups of farmers in five farming communities in the moist savannah zone of South Western Burkina Faso to enhance their crop-livestock systems through Conservation Agriculture (CA) practices, including crop diversification, using an innovative farmer discovery process, to bring about agricultural intensification and...
Burkina Faso
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Low Greenhouse Gas Agriculture: Mitigation And Adaptation Potential Of Sustainable Farming Systems

Is low greenhouse gas emission (GHG) agriculture possible? Is it, in fact, desirable? In seeking answers to these two basic but extremely relevant questions, this study examines current farming practices, and incorporates scientific databases from longterm field experiments as case studies for low GHG agriculture. Further, the study examines the...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Organic Agriculture And Carbon Sequestration

The aim of this document is to describe the potential of organic agriculture to sequester carbon and to meet the requirements of carbon accounting systems, including factors such as carbon permanence, leakage and additionality. Furthermore, the document discusses the suitability of measurement and verification methodologies to agriculture systems, including an...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Manejo ecológico de plagas

"El concepto y la práctica del manejo integrado de plagas (MIP) constituyeron un avance importante en el desarrollo del control de las plagas que afectan los cultivos. Como es sabido, el MIP ha sido una alternativa a las medidas unilaterales utilizadas en la agricultura convencional que aplica plaguicidas sin tomar...
2008 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes

Artículo de revista especializada
Farmers’ use of integrated soil fertility and nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production:

A field-level study in Bangladesh
Problem statement: The most pressing problem for Bangladesh agriculture is the current state of gradual decreasing of soil fertility, stagnating crop yields and declining productivity in a range of food crops. According to crop production scientists, Integrated Soil Fertility (ISF) and Nutrient Management (NM) is an advanced approach that can...

Guidelines “Good Agricultural Practices for Family Agriculture”

This manual has been prepared by the Group on Agriculture of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. The purpose of this work is to spread the basic concepts of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) in order to: guide the production systems towards a sustainable agriculture and ecologically...

Basic recommended farming practices

A majority of the farmers in Nebbi district practice subsistence farming which heavily rely heavily on indigenous knowledge and technologies (IKT). What was found during the Nebbi Development Area Network member organizations assessment that household members are have less than 50% adoption rate of improved agronomic and livestock management practices...
2006 - Afard - The Agency for Accelerated Regional Development
Total results:1947