Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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AsiaDHRRA: Three Decades of Nurturing Partnerships, Solidarity Building, and Working with Asian Rural Communities

In our 30-year story, we share the reasons why we exist and the inspirations that keep us growing and flowing as a community of individuals and living structures dedicatet to the development of humanity among people in Asia, especially the poor. We thank all the people and partners who shared...
2004 - Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA)

Artículo de revista especializada
L'agriculture et la Securite Alimentaire : Une etude comparative des Pays du Maghreb

Les politiques agricoles et agroalimentaires suivie~ au niv~au des pays d~ Grand Maghreb ont ete toutes marquees par l'empnse de l'~tat qUI a do~e lieu a des mesures complexes de soutien des prix, de subventIOns aux prodUlts alimentaires de base visant, particulierement, a soutenir les strategies na· tionales de securite...
Algeria - Morocco - Tunisia

Sistematización de experiencias rurales

Alternativas de comercialización: las ferias francas
Esta publicación corresponde al Cuaderno n°38 del Centro de Apoyo al Desarrollo Local (CEADEL). Se produjo en el marco del Proyecto de Articulación de los Programas Alimentarios con el Sector Productivo de Alimentos en la Provincia de Tucumán (etapa II) llevado a cabo entre el Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI)...
2004 - Centro de Apoyo al Desarrollo Local (CEADEL)

Small-scale poultry production

Technical guide
Keeping poultry makes a substantial contribution to household food security throughout the developing world. It helps diversify incomes and provides quality food, energy, fertilizer and a renewable asset in over 80 percent of rural households.Small-scale producers are however constrained by poor access to markets, goods and services; they have weak...

Documento/nota de orientación
A note on food security and land tenure security in Lesotho

In this note of food security and land tenure security in Lesotho, the authors present arguments in favour of the enactment and implementation of legislation in Lesotho that will enhance land tenure security in the country. Some of the arguments include: Tenure insecurity is not the primary constraint on the...

Subsistence Farming and Rural Unemployment – the Case of Slovakia

This paper aim is to examine various assumptions referring to the increase of subsistence farming in Slovakia during the transformation period. Based on statistical data from small landholdings and individual, non-registered farms in various regions of the country (districts with high and low unemployment, eastern and northern versus western and...
2004 - Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

Rural Development in Albania and the Role of Agriculture: A Case Study in the Prefecture of Elbasan

The objective of the paper is to analyse the evolution and strategies of Albanian farms in order to understand the process of adapting to the market economy, to outline the role of agriculture in the country's socio-economic development and to identify future strategies of public policies in rural areas. The...
2004 - Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

Agricultural Problems in Georgia and Strategic Policy Responses

Georgia is one of the poorest countries in the former Soviet bloc. Over half of its 4.7 million people live below the poverty line, second only to Romania among central and eastern European countries. The purpose of this paper is to describe the grassroots reality of the country’s agricultural sector...
2004 - Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

The Role of Private Household Plots in Russian Rural Development

Development is broadly viewed as a process of widening substantive human freedoms or capabilities. In accordance with the concept laid out in the “Development as Freedom,” by SEN (1999), the widening of choice, i.e., the larger number of effective, available alternatives that lead to an ever-greater ability to live a...
Russian Federation
2004 - Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

Towards sustainable agriculture and rural development in the Ethiopian highlands

The Ethiopian highlands comprise nearly 45 percent of the total land area and support over 85 percent of the country's 64 million people that are overwhelmingly rural. The highlands are the centre of economic activity of the country and are characterized by enormous ecological, environmental, agricultural and cultural diversity. The...
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
Policy options

This section aims to identify feasible policy options that target key components identified in the Causal chain analysis in order to minimise future impacts on the transboundary aquatic environment. Recommended policy options were identified through a pragmatic process that evaluated a wide range of potential policy options proposed by regional...
2004 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Documento técnico
Local knowledge systems and the management of dryland agro-ecosystems

Some principles for an approach
Local agricultural knowledge in dry-land land-use systems is centred on the conservation, use and optimisation of soil moisture and soil organic matter. Additionally, biodiversity is carefully managed and nurtured to interface with hydrological and nutrient cycling to provide for ecosystem resilience, food security and diversity, and risk minimisation.
Kenya - Tunisia
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agriculture in Southeastern Poland – Main Problems of the Systemic Transformation Process

For Poland, the last decade of the 20th century was a time of intensive social, political and economic change. Poland was confronted with the necessity of quick but deep changes in the economy, as well as in state administration and the functioning of newly-established self-government structures. As a result of...
2004 - Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

Factor Market Imperfections and Polarization of Agrarian Structures in Central And Eastern Europe

During the past decade and a half considerable effort has been put into agricultural restructuring in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) that are undergoing transition to a market economy. The last decade has also coincided with considerable increase in inequality in all transition economies. The fall in...
2004 - Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe

Agricultural Credit Market in Poland – Experiences in the Market Economy

In this paper, the processes of adapting to the market economy, which the agricultural credit market in Poland underwent during the 1990-2003 period, is examined. Under conditions of low agricultural income and the necessity of broad and deep restructuring in Polish agriculture, the credit market, as an external source of...

Livestock Farming Systems in Central and Eastern Europe

During the 1990’s transition period for Eastern Europe, the European Association for Animal production (EAAP) carried out numerous activities in support of restructuring the animal production sector in the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC). This resulted in a large number of publications on animal production system and issues related...

Hoja informativa
FAO - Nutrition Country Profiles - Belize

The objective of the Nutrition Country Profiles (NCP) is to provide concise analytical summaries describing the food and nutrition situation in individual countries with background statistics on food-related factors. The profiles present consistent and comparable statistics in a standard format. This pre-defined format combines a set of graphics, tables and...
2003 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Diagnóstico Rural Participativo. Una guía práctica

"Diagnóstico Rural Participativo" (DRP) es, después de "Preparación y Ejecución de Talleres de Capacitación – una guía práctica", la segunda publicación del Proyecto Comunicación y Didáctica y se entiende como un manual práctico para la preparación y ejecución de un DRP. En los primeros capítulos se presentan el objetivo, nuestra visión...
2003 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Under the Sun: The transient fisherfolk of Jambudwip

Jambudwip is a 20-sq km island in the district of South 24-Parganas, in the Indian State of West Bengal, in the Sunderbans delta. Since at least 1955, Jambudwip has been used as a base for fishery operations and as a fish drying site, mostly by small-scale, artisanal fishworkers. Behundi jal...
2003 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Actas de conferencia
Workshop on tropical secondary forest management in Africa: reality and perspectives

Secondary forests in Africa Tropical secondary forests are those forests that have developed after clearance (usually by humans) of the original natural forest. Although not appearing as such in statistics, tropical secondary forests occur throughout the tropics, including Africa, and the area is extensive and increasing rapidly. Tropical secondary forests are usually...
2003 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:19862