Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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A Share in the Harvest

This study explores the potential of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) for farm diversification and community development. We define CSA as: A partnership between farmers and consumers where the responsibilities and rewards of farming are shared. The study investigates a range of CSA initiatives from around the world and concentrates on...
2001 - Soil Association

Artículo de revista
¿La hora de las comunidades?

A pesar del tiempo transcurrido desde la primera declaración constitucional de protección del Estado a las tierras comunales, el tema dista mucho de estar resuelto.
2001 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Artículo de revista
Gobernabilidad para el desarrollo rural

Gobernabilidad para el desarrollo rural es gobierno democrático de los sectores rurales y a favor de la población rural. Es que agricultores y gobierno establezcan un diálogo y lo institucionalicen, y que las políticas agrarias beneficien a la mayoría de agricultores y campesinos
2001 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Artículo de revista
Plan de acción para las comunidades nativas

Comenta las discrepancias entre los planteamientos del Comité Especial Multisectorial para las Comunidades Nativas, y los planteamientos del Ministerio de Energía y Minas y las empresas mineras respecto al tema de la propiedad de las tierras comunales y las concesiones mineras
2001 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Artículo de revista
Comunidad campesina: Su importancia para el país

La anunciada creación de un Consejo Nacional de Comunidades Campesinas despertó la justificada expectativa de que por fin se atenderá con seriedad las postergadas aspiraciones de progreso de estas históricas instituciones que, asentadas mayormente en la sierra y selva, cobijan a cerca del 40% de la población rural del Perú....
2001 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Artículo de revista
El reto de las cadenas productivas

En el objetivo de intentar romper los cuellos de botella que le quitan rentabilidad a la pequeña producción, el Ministerio de Agricultura se ha propuesto vincular a los agricultores en cadenas productivas. El primer requisito es la organización de los productores.
2001 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Hoja informativa
Fertiliser efficiency - horticulture in open field

The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Fertiliser efficiency - horticulture in open field brought together 20 experts to find answers to this question. The final report, published in July 2016, contains a set of innovative fertilisation approaches, ideas for Operational Groups, needs from practice, recommendations for farmers and advisers and links...
European Union
2001 - European Commission

Smoke in the Water: Problems and Prospects for Developing Artisanal Fish Trade in West Africa

This video provides an overview of the issues involved, and highlights many of the concerns of the actors in the sector. It also reports briefly on the workshop on Problems and Prospects for Developing Artisanal Fish Trade in West Africa and the West African Fair for Artisanally Processed Fish held...
2001 - The International Collective in Support of Fish workers (ICSF)

Artículo de revista especializada
Integrated agroecological systems as a way forward for Cuban agriculture

A three-year experiment was carried out to study different agro-ecological livestock:crop systems under different soils and climates, without irrigation and using on-farm resources for animal and plant nutrition. Five farms, four in the process of conversion and the fifth with twelve years of establishment were studied. Eight sustainability indicators (reforestation,...
2001 - Pastures and Forage Research Institute (IIPF)

Zero tillage development in tropical Brazil

The story of a succesful NGO activity
Zero Tillage is the main element among several that make up what FAO terms Conservation Agriculture (CA). Although CA uses some specific practices, and may also use external inputs, it is in essence an agricultural concept that conserves and enhances soil fertility, improves the availability of soil moisture, and increases...
2001 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Farming systems and poverty

Improving farmers’ livelihoods in a changing world
An estimated 500 million small farmers – men and women – produce most of the developing world’s food. Yet their families suffer more hunger than even the urban poor, have higher rates of poverty and enjoy less access to basic social services. Meeting international commitments to halve hunger and poverty...

Smallholder irrigation technology

Prospects for sub-Saharan Africa
This report is a review of irrigation technologies for smallholders in the context of improving rural livelihoods, especially in regard to the prospects for sub-Saharan Africa. The role of traditional technologies is evaluated and modern water distribution technologies, such as sprinkler and trickle irrigation, are reviewed. Low-cost irrigation systems, including...
2001 - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista
Agricultura familiar y desarrollo territorial

El modelo de crecimiento urbano que Brasil está experimentando en los últimos quince años podría constituir un momento positivo para reactivar su sector rural. Las políticas dirigidas al fortalecimiento y a la creación de nuevas unidades familiares en el sector rural tendrán tanto más éxito cuanto más importantes sean las...
2000 - Reforma Agraria

Estudio de caso
Socio-economic impact of smallholder irrigation development in Zimbabwe

Case studies of ten irrigation schemes
Smallholder irrigation development has shown throughout the developing world that it can be used as a key drought mitigation measure and as a vehicle for the long-term agricultural and macro-economic development of a country. Successful smallholder irrigation schemes can result in increased productivity, improved incomes and nutrition, employment creation, food...
2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boletín informativo
Dimitra Newsletter: Centre de Recherches, d’Etudes, de Documentation et d’Information sur la Femme

In this issue, we conclude with the last two presentations of our local partners with a description of CREDIF, covering North Africa, and of POSDEV, covering a number of countries in West Africa. Ruth Ochieng, from Isis-WICCE in Uganda, presents the work undertaken by her organisation, which strives to empower...
Ghana - Malawi - Tunisia - Zimbabwe
2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boletín informativo
Dimitra Newsletter: Proposals for the Future

In the present issue, a large proportion of the columns will be been devoted to the Reflection and Self-Evaluation Workshop held in Brussels on 16-18 October with the partners of the Dimitra Project. We hand over to the partners, who have drawn up two documents on the proceedings of the...
Algeria - Ghana - Kenya - Senegal - Uganda
2000 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento técnico
Farm Sector Restructuring in Belarus

A farm-level survey was carried out in Belarus in the second half of 1999, providing a detailed examination of changes in the three main components of the farming sector - large farm enterprises, households of farm employees, and independent private farms. This report presents a description and analysis of the...
2000 - World Bank

Organic Farming in Cyprus

Agriculture has always been an important sector of the Cypriot economy. Following the Turkish invasion of 1974 and the occupation of 38 percent of the country’s territory, including Cyprus' most valuable land and water resources, an accelerated declining trend set in, which is still continuing today. Also, due to the...

Nets for Social Safety - An Analysis of the Growth and Changing Composition of Social Security Programmes in the Fisheries Sector of Kerala State, India

Nets for Social Safety is a first –of –its-kind study, specially commissioned by the ICSF, to focus on the growth and changing composition of social security provisions in the fisheries sector of Kerala, a small coastal State in southwest India. John Kurien and Antonyto Paul, the authors of the study,...
2000 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Estudio de caso
Apatani wet rice cultivation: an example of a highly evolved traditional agroecosystem

The tribal societies of north-eastern India have wet rice cultivation as a land use activity, alongwith shifting agriculture (locally called `Jhum'), and the 'home gardens', which is an imitationof a forest but with economically important species. Wet rice cultivation is done at valleybottoms and sometimes on small terraces constructed at...
2000 - School of Environmental Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University
Total results:19872