Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Ghana: A Good Year

Interview with Jojo Solomon, president, Ghana National Canoe Fishermen Council (GNCFC) on how artisanal fishers should fish responsibly
Most countries look up to Ghana when it comes to responsible fisheries and management. Fortunately for us, this time around, we have a minister who has at least demonstrated a political will to do that which is right politically. Ghana is moving forward with a lot of reforms.
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

La seguridad alimentaria y el comercio agroalimentario en América Latina y el Caribe

América Latina y el Caribe es un importante protagonista en la producción y el comercio de productos agroalimentarios, ya que es el principal exportador neto de estos productos. La región cuenta con los recursos naturales (tierra, agua y energía renovable) y la capacidad necesaria para producir alimentos de manera sostenible...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
Agroecology dialogue series - Beyond the farm: Exploring the synergies between agroecology and conservation communities

T his paper presents five main messages and key recommendations of a dialogue that explored opportunities and limitations of agroecology to address conservation needs beyond the farm. The messages hereby presented look beyond classical on-farm conservation approaches (e.g. conservation of local crop varieties and crop wild relatives) and focus instead...
2023 - ©FAO, Biovision Foundation, Food Policy Forum for Change, and Agroecology Coalition

Public Spending on Agroecology in Nepal and Cambodia – A Baseline Assessment

The agricultural sector, particularly in low-income countries, is facing multiple challenges including climate change, soaring food, fuel and fertilizer prices, biodiversity loss, and lack of adequate investment in agricultural development. With world hunger levels on the rise,1 an urgent move away from industrial agriculture and intensive farming practices is essential...
Cambodia - Nepal
2023 - ActionAid

Terminal evaluation of the first cluster of FAO’s Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency projects

The Global Environment Facility’s Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) supports developing countries to build institutional and technical capacities to meet the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) requirements. This final evaluation assessed the first cluster of the FAO CBIT projects – national projects in Cambodia, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea, and the...
Cambodia - Mongolia - Papua New Guinea
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
WorldFish and Norway promote renewable energy for Egyptian aquaculture

The four-year initiative, called Center for Renewable Energy in Aquaculture (CeREA), is funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Cairo. The initiative reflects Norway's commitment to enhancing nutrition, promoting job and value creation and empowering local fish value chain actors with climate-smart technologies, particularly small- and medium-scale fish farmers in Africa. Commenting on...

Documento de trabajo
Gender assessment study for improved fruit tree and Macadamia nuts value chains in Mzimba and Kasungu districts of Malawi

The growing national and export markets for improved fruit (including mango) and macadamia nuts in Malawi could offer promising opportunities for smallholder farmers if they are better integrated (with appropriate resources and training) within their respective value chains. While the macadamia value chain is highly structured, export oriented and dominated...

Best Practice Guide for Collecting Agroecological Knowledge

Due to the global climate crisis, the importance of communities adopting sustainable methods and practices is becoming increasingly urgent. Globalised production systems and rampant consumption cause the loss of living soils, biodiversity and local seeds, the abandonment of lands, and the deepening of socio-economic inequalities. However, some systems that sprout...
2023 - URGENCI

Addressing data gaps to evaluate CAP Strategic Plans

This report summarises the main outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop on ‘Addressing data gaps to evaluate CAP Strategic Plans’, which was organised by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP on 8-9 June 2023 in Malmö, Sweden. The objective of the workshop was to identify and overcome data gaps obstructing the evaluation...
2023 - EU CAP Network

Boletín informativo
Samudra Report No.90, December 2023

The current edition, SAMUDRA Report No. 90, dated December 2023, features a range of articles from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, with a special focus on climate change. The editorial Comment that opens the current issue of SAMUDRA Report argues that adaptive social protection and effective fisheries management can be...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de blog
Albania, Jordan, and Morocco: FAO project to accelerate food systems transformation pathways

 Food systems stakeholders in Albania, Jordan, and Morocco have gotten a boost from a project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to operationalize their food systems transformation pathways. “SFS-MED: a multi-stakeholder...
Albania - Jordan - Morocco
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Analyse des marchés des produits de la pêche et de l’aquaculture continentales dans les pays du Maghreb

Avec une production annuelle d'environ 41 000 tonnes, la contribution des secteurs de la pêche continentale et de l'aquaculture reste modeste par rapport au potentiel hydrique et biologique de la région du Maghreb. Pourtant, ce secteur pourrait soutenir le développement de l'offre alimentaire et contribuer à la lutte contre la...
Algeria - Mauritania - Morocco - Tunisia
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Documento de trabajo
Consistency, variability, and predictability of on-farm nutrient responses in four grain legumes across East and West Africa

Grain legumes are key components of sustainable production systems in sub-Saharan Africa, but wide-spread nutrient deficiencies severely restrict yields. Whereas legumes can meet a large part of their nitrogen (N) requirement through symbiosis with N2-fixing bacteria, elements such as phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and secondary and micronutrients may still be...

Artículo de blog
‘EIP-AGRI-challenge’ videos tackle challenges in the field

The EU CAP Network’s Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge Exchange | EIP-AGRI has produced six videos in the course of the last year, showcasing innovative farms and projects from across Europe. In each of the videos, a farmer or project manager is interviewed about a specific initiative that they...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network

India: Tap into the Potential

The limitations of India’s local self-government institutions can be overcome through capacity building and institutional strengthening
Community participation and the use of technology in disaster response as well as the role of local self-government institutions (LSGI) in fisheries management were the highlights of a two-day workshop on Sea Safety and Fisheries Management in the southern state of Kerala. It was organized jointly by ICSF and the...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Documento técnico
Acceso a herramientas de comercialización electrónica de alimentos que promuevan la eficiencia de sistemas de abastecimiento y mercados tradicionales de alimentos

Rol de los mercados mayoristas de alimentos en los sistemas alimentarios
La información sistematizada y presentada en esta nota técnica brinda insumos sobre las oportunidades existentes en la adopción de tecnologías digitales para facilitar el suministro de alimentos saludables, considerando que las plataformas digitales pueden articular la oferta y la demanda de alimentos e identificar nuevas oportunidades de mercado.
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Familias agricultoras dominicanas suman esfuerzos y logran acceder a mercados

Los agricultores de la Villa Poppy Cooperativa de Productores se organizaron, mejoraron técnicas de cultivo y venden sus productos para el Estado y cadenas de supermercados y restaurantes.
En la Cordillera Central de la República Dominicana está ubicada la ciudad de Constanza, que se caracteriza por tener un suelo fértil y un clima influenciado por vientos que mueven las nubes hasta que se chocan con las cordilleras, provocando lluvias frecuentes en esa región. Este municipio cuenta con alrededor de...
Dominican Republic
2023 - Programa de Cooperación Internacional Brasil-FAO

Artículo de blog
Saudi AI project helping to preserve Red Sea marine life

A leading Saudi university has started employing artificial intelligence to help preserve Red Sea fish species and assess their sustainability. Through its innovative scientific research and various data-based methods, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is using algorithms to analyze masses of statistics about fish populations, fishing practices, and...

Documento de trabajo
Cross-scale interdependencies require attention in forest restoration

A governance perspective that connects actors at multiple levels in forest restoration is largely missing and much needed to expedite the translation of national restoration targets into long-lasting outcomes. An explicit focus on the interactions across governance levels, and how these influence ecological processes at different spatial levels, can overcome...

Innovación en políticas públicas de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional

Premio de Investigación 2021
La presente publicación contiene los trabajos de las y los ganadores de la versión 2021 del “Premio de investigación a la innovación en políticas de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional”, para las categorías artículos científicos publicados y ensayos inéditos (2021). Es importante aclarar que, en el caso de los artículos científicos...
2023 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)
Total results:19394