Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Étude de cas
Smartphones are boosting gender equality in Georgia and beyond

Women smallholder farmers are leveraging technology and innovation as new agricultural tools
Nestled in the vast plains of Georgia, in the shadows of the snow-covered Caucasus mountains, Malika Machalikashvili’s farm in Pankisi Gorge was once pretty traditional. She and her family shared the day-to-day work of caring for the livestock and poultry, gardening the vegetables and taking care of the hazelnut orchard,...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Quick Tips: Working with Nature in Agriculture and Livestock

Agriculture is a fundamentally important human activity that intrinsically depends on nature and at the same time poses a threat to it. Agriculture depends on healthy ecosystems and ecosystem services, such as fresh water, soil fertility, nutrient cycling, pest regulation and pollination. Biodiversity forms the foundation of food production: without...
Armenia - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Georgia - India - Morocco - Tunisia - Ukraine
2023 - European Commission

Article de blog
From Italy to Georgia: regenerating rural communities with agritourism

Exploring Georgia’s gastronomy offers tourists unique insights into the country and its culture.   Enriching tourists’ experiences also has the potential to attract more visitors which can generate vital income in rural communities.   The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are...
Georgia - Italy
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Étude de cas
Georgia is moving forward on sustainable agritourism ambitions

Georgia is keen to grow its agritourism industry in a responsible, inclusive, eco-friendly way
Earlier this summer, renowned Georgian chef Guram Baghdoshvili prepared khinkali – a traditional Georgian meat-filled dumpling – on an Instagram live hosted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and FAO. As Baghdoshvili took viewers through the steps – rolling out the dough, mixing the filling, shaping the dumpling just so to prevent...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Jointly, FAO and Georgia plan to address land degradation, climate change, and biodiversity loss

Continuous improvement of Georgia’s agriculture, agrifood systems, rural livelihoods, export opportunities, and food safety – responding to climate change, land degradation, biodiversity, and other environmental issues – are among the priorities set out in a new agreement of FAO and Georgia signed here today. Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture Otar...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Galerie de photos
Georgian red wheat bread revives tradition and sparks agritourism potential

Building on its rich gastronomic traditions, cultural heritage and striking scenery, Georgia’s ambition is to become a top sustainable agritourism destination in the region in the next decade.  To help make that happen, FAO and the EBRD are partnering with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, the Georgian National...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Potential brewing for Azerbaijani and Georgian tea industries

Azerbaijani and Georgian teas took centre stage during an online celebration on the eve of the second International Tea Day. FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) hosted the roundtable event to highlight the countries’ potential to produce high quality and specialty teas. They also shared findings from their...
Azerbaijan - Georgia
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Georgia reaches out to agriculture community through first Olympiad competition

A country-wide competition in Georgia that is reaching out to all age groups aims to generate new interest in and knowledge of agriculture. The Olympiad competition, part of an Austria-funded FAO project, will see contestants battle in one out in four categories – farmer, student, schoolchildren, practitioner – with the...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Smallholders and family farms in Georgia

This country study is an important output of the regional FAO project on Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms. This report aims to analyse the development trend and current state of smallholders and family farms in the country and to study the current political priorities and policies affecting smallholders and family...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Étude de cas
The challenge of BEE-ing in a pandemic

Women are the new face of beekeeping in rural Georgia, helping keep a steady family income during COVID-19
With the COVID-19 crisis heavily affecting the economy in Georgia, decimating the tourism industry and sales of wine – a traditional product of Kakheti – many people of the region, who were more active in these sectors, have found themselves out of income. Families struggled to meet ends, and very...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Potential brewing for Azerbaijani and Georgian tea industries

Although the once booming tea industries in Azerbaijan and Georgia have long been in decline, interest in revitalizing the sector is gaining steam in both countries. Tea has a long tradition in Azerbaijan and Georgia, where tea has been produced since the 19th century. The two countries became the main tea...
Azerbaijan - Georgia
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Georgian producers look to increase commercial nut production

Georgia boasts an ideal climate and ample water resources for growing almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts. Although hazelnut production is well-established in Georgia – it is one of the top global exporters of hazelnuts – the country remains a net importer of walnuts, pistachios, and almonds. Georgia needs to build...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Joint FAO, EBRD effort bears fruit in Georgia, Moldova, and Tajikistan

A two-day conference on efficient production and marketing of Georgian fruits and berries concludes today in Tbilisi. Attracting producers from Georgia, the event focused on helping local growers take advantage of numerous investment and market opportunities, both locally and internationally, by sharing best practices in apple, pear and berry production,...
Georgia - Republic of Moldova - Tajikistan
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
FAO report details gender inequalities in rural Georgia

Breeding livestock, producing crops and household goods, fetching water and firewood, housework, cooking for family, looking after children, caring for the elderly and sick members of the family – this is the short list of rural women’s obligations in Georgia. However, the contribution of women to agricultural production remains invisible and...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

An overview of legal and institutional frameworks and opportunities, challenges and recommendations for geographical indication products in Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation

Geographical indication (GI) schemes can play a special role in promoting sustainable rural development, improving farm income and opening new export potential. Natural factors such as soil, climate and plant varieties play a major role in producing a unique product. Usually, GIs comprise knowledge and skills passed on from generation...
Armenia - Georgia - Kyrgyzstan - Republic of Moldova - Russian Federation
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Tushuri Guda. Better Times Ahead for One of Georgia’s Oldest, Most Abused Cheeses?

Small-scale cheesemakers in Georgia have had a hard time competing with big dairy. But one special cheese is managing to fight back.
Produced in the remote mountainous region of Tusheti, Tushuri guda takes its name from the sheepskin sack in which the raw-milk cheese is traditionally ripened. The skin is turned inside out, so the wool is in direct contact with the ripening cheese. Archaeological evidence suggests that sheep cheese made in a similar...
2018 - Slow Food

Gender, agriculture and rural development in Georgia

FAO is committed to reducing gender inequalities through its interventions, and this gender assessment has been produced as part of its broader efforts to generate evidence and knowledge in compliance with its Policy on Gender Equality. This assessment highlights the challenges, gaps and practices in the area of gender and...
2018 - Food and Agriculture of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Tajik officials learn from Georgian peers in FAO study tour

Senior staff members of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Agriculture and its Statistics Agency are in Georgia now to meet with representatives of the National Statistics Office and the Ministry of Agriculture in Georgia. They are on a five-day study tour, sharing experiences on agriculture reforms, learning about implementation of agricultural policies,...
Georgia - Tajikistan
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Note/document d'orientation
Ensuring equal access to improve livelihoods

Poor rural people are often excluded from markets and do not benefit from tailored technologies and rural advisory services. These constraints lower their agricultural productivity, perpetuating poverty and hunger. To achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, agriculture needs to become more inclusive, sustainable and productive. FAO helps countries meet...
Cambodia - Georgia - Tajikistan - United Republic of Tanzania
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
FAO to launch new rural development project in Georgia

A number of positive changes – including improved rural policies, strengthened value chains, sustainable management of natural resources and environmentally friendly agricultural practices – are expected to help Georgia’s agricultural producers become more competitive while reducing the contributions of agricultural production to climate change. These are among the objectives of a...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:66
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