Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Thème principal

Increasing exchanges between farmers to enhance crop diversification (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

There is a general lack of engagement from grain farmers to crop diversification, namely due to limited markets and outlets for harvested products. On the flip side, within the dairy sector, there is reliance on imported soybean and it is currently hard to substitute this cheap source of protein with...
2023 - Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire

Etude foncière et recommandations opérationnelles sur le périmètre du LIFE Coteaux Gascons

Le projet LIFE Coteaux Gascons (LIFE CG) a émergé sur le département du Gers sous l’impulsion de l’ADASEA 32. Ce projet, d’une durée de 5 ans (2021 – 2025), cherche à répondre aux enjeux d'interdépendance entre élevage et biodiversité dans les coteaux gascons ainsi qu’aux enjeux de préservation du patrimoine...
2022 - Coteaux Gascons

Article de blog
What are we going to eat tomorrow around the Mediterranean sea ?

A three-day international conference dedicated to agroecology kicked off in Belgrade on the 28th of March.
From March 28 to 30, an international working meeting dedicated to agroecology – ecological agriculture, which contributes to sustainability and climate resilience, is taking place in Belgrade for the first time. This gathering is part of the project “Mediterranean Caravan of Agroecology”. Representatives of associations from several countries are gathering...
Algeria - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - France - Gibraltar - Greece - Israel - Italy - Lebanon - Libya - Morocco - Palestine - Spain - Tunisia - Türkiye
2022 - URGENCI (France)

Apprentissage en ligne
New Course 'Introduction to Agroecology'

This 6-week course aims at helping you discover what agroecology is, through the complexity of the various approaches that have emerged over the years and in various regions of the world, and through the ways, they can be implemented in the fields, and studied, as agricultural practices. The syllabus is designed...
2022 - Motpellier SupAgro academic team

The 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022)

« Horticulture for a world in transition ». Taking benefits from this new context, the organizing committee is preparing an unprecedented IHC in a hybrid version, which will focus on three priorities:1) to host an outstanding scientific event,2) to reinforce the links between research, education and industry, and3) to enhance the links between Southern and...

Bulletin d'information
FiBL Newsletter October 2022

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL October 2022 Newsletter News highlighting FiBL’s research, training and advisory services
Austria - European Union - France - Germany - Switzerland
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Article de blog
“Even in the technological environment, [which is] very hostile, we are trying to still grow our food, grow plants, see what it takes for them to be more resilient to a harsh environment to be applied on the ground.”  

Thomas Pesquet -- France
  Since 2018, European Space Agency Astronaut (ESA) Thomas Pesquet has been working with FAO to advocate for greater food security, the fight against hunger and climate change, and more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems. After officially being nominated an FAO Goodwill Ambassador in 2021, he sent a message...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
A Lost alpine agriculture

As more youth move to cities, in Africa, but also in South Asia and Latin America, development experts worry about the future of rural communities. So, we can learn a lesson by taking a glimpse at a region where most youth left agriculture some three generations ago.
France - Portugal
2021 - AgroInsight

Article de revue spécialisée
France: To Memory, Poetry...and the Future

Although this year’s edition of the much-lauded Pêcheurs du Monde film festival in Lorient, France, had to virtually reinvent itself, the outcome was a rich and intense experience of visual delight. The 12th edition of the Pêcheurs du Monde film festival, traditionally held in Lorient, France, could not take place in...
2021 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Article de blog
Inspirational ideas: Sustainable farming in French Guiana

Growing sustainable tropical crops in an outermost region  of the European Union: that’s what Julien Villard has been doing since 2016. He left his job as a civil engineer on the European mainland and became a farmer in French Guiana. He set up Villandia Farm, 3 hectares of land where...
France - French Guiana
2021 - Eip Agri, Agriculture & Innovation

Article de revue spécialisée
Covid-19 management by farmers and policymakers in Burkina Faso, Colombia and France: Lessons for climate action

All over the world, the lockdown approach, which was used as the primary strategy to mitigate the Covid-19 crisis, affected various productive sectors and resulted in increased poverty (UNO Info, 2020). The agricultural sector was recognized as a priority sector and was less affected by Covid-19 related travel restrictions for...
Burkina Faso - Colombia - France

Entretien avec Pierre-Marie Aubert : L'agroécologie pour nourrir l'Europe d'ici 2050

Retrouvez notre conférence organisée le 11 mars 2021 avec Pierre-Marie Aubert, chercheur, coordinateur de l’initiative Agriculture européenne à l’Iddri (Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales) : L'agroécologie pour nourrir l'Europe d'ici 2050, le scénario TYFA "Ten Years For Agroecology"
2021 - Fondation Terre Solidaire

Coexistence and confrontation of agricultural and food models

A new paradigm for territorial development?
This book offers a framework with which to analyse the coexistence and confrontation of agricultural and food models and in so doing takes a new look at territorial development. It puts this framework to the test by subjecting it to a series of conceptual works and case studies in France...
2021 - Éditions Quae

Site web

Infloweb s’intéresse aux principales mauvaises herbes rencontrées dans les grandes cultures françaises. Le site fournit des connaissances de base indispensables pour aider au raisonnement des stratégies de désherbage compatibles avec les objectifs de la profession agricole.
2020 - Terres Inovia

L'élevage durable : les agriculteurs Agr'eau témoignent

6 agriculteurs du réseau Agr'eau nous parlent de leur ferme. L'agroforesterie, la conservation des sols, la réintroduction de l'élevage sur une ferme céréalière, l'alimentation du troupeau 100% à l'herbe, sont autant de pratiques vertueuses mises en place par ces agriculteurs.
2020 - Agroforesterie Association Française 13.4K subscribers

Note/document d'orientation
Action contre l’injustice de la répartition du quota de thon rouge

Appel urgent de la PPPAF sur le Thon Rouge
2020 - Plateforme Petite Pêche Française

The Link Between Covid-19 and Biodiversity

A Report Commissioned by the French Public Authorities
The major public health, economic and social crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic raises many questions as to its origin, its dynamics and the mechanisms that explain it. This pandemic also raises questions about the future: on the implication of environmental issues in this type of phenomenon, and on the...
2020 - Foundation pour la recherche sur la biodiversite

Rencontre PELA-Méd dans le Var

Lutte contre le braconnage et la pêche illégale  
2020 - Planète Mer

Traitement bio des vignes par drone (Cave Florian Besse, Martigny Croix VS)

Mélanie Besse, jeune viticultrice valaisanne de 26 ans, est ainsi l’une des premières professionnelles – et la seule femme - en Suisse à traiter elle-même, selon un programme bio, l’ensemble de son domaine de 4,5 hectares de vignes en terrasses au drone. Nous avons suivi ce chantier exceptionnel lors du...
2020 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Article du bulletin d’information
France: A resolute mussel farmer

Amélie Dennebouy has challenged gender stereotypes to become a successful mussel entrepreneur in Pénestin, France. “ We don’t employ women!” Just how many times Amélie Dennebouy, a mussel farm worker, heard that phrase since she began working in the sector at age 17, it would be impossible to say. “Ten years...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Total results:171
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