Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Thème principal

Document de conférence
Financer l’innovation en Agriculture familiale. Le cas des culture en semis direct sous couverture végétale (SCV) à Madagascar.

Le manque d'accès au financement est un frein majeur à un développement équitable de l'innovation en agriculture. En s'appuyant sur l'exemple des cultures en semis direct sous couverture végétale (SCV) à Madagascar, la communication montre que les marchés financiers ruraux ne répondent pas spontanément aux besoins de financement des innovateurs...
2013 - HaL Archives Ouvertes

Organic Agriculture: African Experiences In Resilience And Sustainability

This publication, Organic Agriculture: African Experiences in Resilience and Sustainability, demonstrates that organic management can benefit people, the economy and ecosystems and that this can be achieved in Africa, where hunger and degradation stubbornly persist, despite decades of development efforts.The work presented in this volume stems from the conference on...
Madagascar - Namibia - Zambia

Document technique
L'Agriculture pour le Développement : pertinence et limites à l'échelle des ménages ruraux

Selon l'auteur, le cas de Madagascar illustre bien les pays à base agricole, à potentiels multiples mais à performances agricoles stagnantes et à population rurale pauvre. L'intégration de ses petits producteurs aux marchés figure parmi les options de sortie de la pauvreté proposées. Les contextes et les opportunités peuvent cependant différer...
2013 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Article de revue
Appui à l’organisation des acteurs de la pêche à Madagascar : le projet AD2M donne un « coup de pouce » aux plus vulnérables

L’absence de matériels de pêche (filets, pirogues, etc.) installe de nombreux acteurs de la filière à Madagascar dans une pauvreté chronique. Mais grâce au « micro projet coup de pouce » initié par le Projet FIDA Appui au Développement du Menabe et du Melaky (AD2M) et qui a mis à la...
2013 - Innovation environnement développement Afrique (IED Afrique)

East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis

The second of three books in IFPRI's climate change in Africa series, East African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis examines the food security threats facing 10 of the countries that make up east and central Africa - Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Eritrea - Kenya - Madagascar - Rwanda - Sudan - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Renforcement de l’autonomie et des capacités productives des agricultures familiales en zones rurales d’Afrique sub-saharienne » : Ethiopie, Madagascar, Malawi, Sierra Leone – Inter Aide – Rapport final

En appui au bureau d’études Bourbon Madagascar, le Gret a participé à l’évaluation de la convention programme de l’ONG Inter Aide dans quatre pays (Madagascar, Ethiopie, Malawi et Sierra Leone) sur le renforcement de l’autonomie et des capacités productives des agricultures familiales en zones rurales isolées d’Afrique Subsaharienne. Le Gret...
Ethiopia - Madagascar - Malawi - Sierra Leone
2013 - Professionnels du développement solidaire (Gret)

Amélioration de l’agriculture familiale par la diversification des productions -Madagascar

Objectif global du projet à long terme:  améliorer les conditions économiques et de sécurité alimentaire des familles des 18 villages du district d'Ambatolampy, dans les Hauts plateaux de Madagascar par l’intensification de l’agriculture familiale.Dans un premier temps, le projet d’une durée de 18 mois concerne neuf groupements d’agriculteurs dans trois villages...
2013 - Agence Micro Projets

Partie d’un ouvrage
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Madagascar

Although Madagascar’s economy is agrarian, much of the land is unsuitable for cultivation because of mountainous terrain, extensive lateralization, and inadequate or irregular rainfall. Only about 5 percent of the land area is cultivated at any one time, of which 16 percent is irrigated. In addition to providing livelihoods for...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Document de travail
World Agricultural Watch (WAW) Methodological Framework version 2.8

Continuous monitoring of the changing diversity of agricultural holdings to allow more effective participation of disadvantaged stakeholders in influencing policy formulation and planning affecting their livelihood. 
Algeria - Madagascar - Mali - Senegal
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Étude de cas
Fisheries in Transition

50 Interviews with the Fishing Sector
This report provides 50 interviews from fisheries that are moving towards sustainability. It takes the approach of speaking to those who are directly involved in fishing, earn their livelihoods on a daily basis from fishing and often work at the sharp end in dangerous conditions. These are the people, together...
Australia - Bahamas - Canada - Chile - Colombia - Denmark - Ecuador - Fiji - France - Gambia - Iceland - India - Indonesia - Isle of Man - Japan - Madagascar - Mexico - Mozambique - Namibia - Nauru - New Zealand - Norway - Peru - Philippines - Russian Federation - Seychelles - Sierra Leone - South Africa - Spain - Suriname - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - United Republic of Tanzania - United States of America - Viet Nam
2012 - Prince’s Charities’ International Sustainability Unit

Bulletin d'information
Dimitra Newsletter: Women’s access to land

This issue focuses on particularly innovative activities that enable women to have better access to land in several African countries. In Niger, thanks to the debates that began in their listeners’ club, the women of Banizoumbou now have secure access to a large plot of land for 99 years. This...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Mali - Niger - Senegal
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de revue
La formation continue des conseillers agricoles à Madagascar

Article décrivant comment , à Madagascar, l’association de coopération internationale Fert (Formation pour l’épanouissement et le renouveau de la terre), en partenariat avec l’Organisation Paysanne Fifata (Fikambanana Fampivoaranany Tantsaha – Association pour le Progrès des Paysans), développe depuis 2009 une formation pour les conseillers agricoles intervenant auprès des paysans, et comment,au cours de...
2011 - tête de réseaux associatifs de développement agricole et rural (TRAME)

Climate Change and Food-Systems Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa

The present ability or otherwise of Africa to cope with climate change and improve its agricultural production depends on the environment and natural resources base of the continent, on the impacts of its past and on the nature of its present interactions with the outside world. Africa is a large...
Benin - Burundi - Djibouti - Ethiopia - Kenya - Madagascar - Malawi - Mali - Niger - Nigeria - Rwanda - Sudan - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bulletin d'information
Knowledge Share Fair in Niger, a new sharing experience

Dimitra Newsletter 19 highlights FAO’s strong interest in the exchange and capitalisation of good agricultural practices and in the methods that enable rural populations to access information and communication. The Knowledge Management and Gender programme, which organised a Knowledge Share Fair in Niamey in June 2010, illustrates the innovative methods...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Niger - Uganda
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Document de travail
Promouvoir les filières secondaires en milieu rural par une approche entrepreneuriale.

Une expérience en pays Androy (Sud de Madagascar)
Les agriculteurs de l'Androy, région rurale très enclavée, située à l'extrême Sud de Madagascar, soumis à des crises alimentaires récurrentes, cherchent à diversifier leurs activités économiques et à compléter leurs faibles revenus issus de l'agriculture. Les producteurs valorisent alors leurs ressources agroalimentaires et leurs savoir-faire artisanaux pour développer des activités économiques....
2009 - Professionnels du développement solidaire (Gret)

Document technique
Can the smallholder model deliver poverty reduction and food security for a rapidly growing population in Africa?

Despite the achievements of smallholders in Asia during the green revolution, there is scepticism that Africa’s smallholders — who dominate the farm area in most countries — can imitate this model and deliver agricultural growth. This paper assesses whether such pessimism is justified. Given the high transactions costs of hiring...
Burkina Faso - Central African Republic - Chad - Comoros - Congo - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Equatorial Guinea - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Ghana - Guinea-Bissau - Madagascar - Mali - Mauritius - Namibia - Sao Tome and Principe - Seychelles - Somalia - South Sudan - Uganda - Zimbabwe
2009 - Overseas Development Institute

Revue spécialisée
Nature & Faune: The relevance of mangrove forests to African fisheries, wildlife and water resources

The present edition offers a collection of 14 diverse articles highlighting different aspects of mangroves - from the lush natural stands, wildlings, nursery practices, enrichment planting, to the various uses of the mangrove ecosystems as paddy rice fields, along with fisheries and wildlife sanctuaries and salt exploitation areas. The Special...
Cameroon - Côte d'Ivoire - Ghana - Kenya - Madagascar - Nigeria - Senegal
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de revue spécialisée
Boosting smallholder production for food security

Some approaches and evidence from studies in sub-Saharan
This paper uses the sustainable livelihoods framework to explore the contribution of smallholder production to food security in some sub-Saharan African countries and relates it to the South African case. Noting that many of the world’s hungry are smallholder farmers, it is clear that food insecurity is closely linked to...
Angola - Benin - Botswana - Burkina Faso - Cabo Verde - Chad - Congo - Eritrea - Eswatini - Ethiopia - Gabon - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Kenya - Lesotho - Liberia - Madagascar - Mali - Mauritius - Mozambique - Namibia - Niger - Nigeria - Rwanda - Senegal - Sierra Leone - South Africa - Uganda - Zambia - Zimbabwe

Bulletin d'information
Dimitra Newsletter: Communicating gender for development

At the end of 2009, despite the international commitments made to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, over a billion people are going hungry and 70% of those women and men who suffer from hunger live in rural areas. These alarming results inevitably raise questions as to the effectiveness of the...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Morocco - Niger
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bulletin d'information
Dimitra Newsletter: Information, communication and gender

This 13th edition of the newsletter provides an opportunity for Dimitra and its partners to inform you about their activities over the last six months. It will also present other issues, such as the situation and rights of rural women producers, the right and access to land, food and sustainable...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Madagascar - Niger - Senegal - Uganda
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:81
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