Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Bulletin d'information
ENRD Newsletter December 2019

The ENRD newsletter provides all the latest rural development news from Europe straight to your inbox once a month. From policy updates to ENRD meetings and from project outcomes to online videos, this new and updated tool aims to provide something for everybody interested in rural development policy in Europe....
European Union
2019 - ENRD

Ending Hunger in Asia and the Pacific by 2030

This report was prepared under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) knowledge and support technical assistance project for Investment Assessment and Application of High-Level Technology for Food Security in Asia and the Pacific, implemented by the Rural Development and Food Security (RDFS) Thematic Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC)....
2019 - IFPRI

Site web
Agtube social media platform

Agtube is a new social media platform for rural people in developing countries, and all those with an interest in sustainable agriculture around the world. It is a place where you can upload and share your video clips in any language. Agtube is an initiative of Access Agriculture, an international NGO...
2019 - Agtube, Access agticulture

Document de conférence
Seminario: Repensar las políticas agrícolas y los sistemas de innovación en América Latina

La Red PP-Al organiza un seminario tematico al año o una escuela de verano en los cuales los miembros de la Red y los estudiantes involucrados en los proyectos colaborativas participan y refuerzan sus capacidades de analisis de las políticas públicas. Durante el año 2019, el seminario se llamó: Repensar las políticas...
2019 - Red PP-Al

Bulletin d'information
Agroecology: real innovation from and for the people

The crisis in the industrial food system is impossible to ignore. For over a decade, study after study has validated the assertion of the Food Sovereignty movement in 2007 - that the corporate food system destroys life. Now Governments are anxious to find ‘innovations’ in agriculture that can overcome this....
2019 - Nyeleni

United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 global action plan

The Decade of Family Farming provides an extraordinary opportunity for the United Nations to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an inclusive, collaborative and coherent way. Putting family farming and all family-based production models1 at the focus of interventions for a period of ten years, will contribute to a...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Project aims to reduce contamination, promote sound use of pesticides

It is estimated that about half of the world’s obsolete pesticides can be found in the former Soviet Union, with many of them stored throughout Central Asia. As an important centre for agriculture, particularly cotton production, the subregion was a heavy user of pesticides. What remain are inappropriate burial sites,...
2019 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Mulheres rurais participam de encontro sobre quintais produtivos agroecológicos

Evento foi realizado em Tocantins e faz parte de conjunto de ações do programa Agosto Verde, que tem objetivo de promover boas práticas da agropecuária sustentável
A importância de quintais produtivos para mulheres rurais na agricultura familiar e para a formação das chamadas cadernetas agroecológicas foi tema de encontro técnico realizado pela Secretaria de Desenvolvimento rural de Palmas (Seder) em parceria com representantes da Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária e Aquicultura (Seagro) e do Ministério da Agricultura,...
2019 - Secretaria de Desenvolvimento rural de Palmas (SEDER)

Article de blog
How to Solve the Big Problems That Small Family Farms Are Facing

For almost five decades, organic farming associations like the Northeast Organic Farming Association, the Maine Organic Farming and Gardening Association and others across the country have been dedicated to supporting and expanding the community of farmers, homesteaders and conscious eaters who build their lives and livelihoods through agroecology — growing...

Celebrating Farmers - #IGrowYourFood - 17 April 2019

As part of our Good Food for All campaign, IFOAM – Organics International wants to showcase sustainable, organic farmers who grow our food and highlight the role they play in achieving zero hunger.
2019 - IFOAM

Bulletin d'information
Innovation in short food supply chains. Eip Agri Nesletter

This brochure highlights a number of Operational Groups and other innovative projects and initiatives that are exploring solutions for challenges that collaborative short food supply chains are facing. These projects illustrate successful ways of bringing innovation and collaboration to short food chains, for more impact. This publication also offers inspiration...
2019 - Eip Agri Agriculture&Innovation

Article de blog
EMBRAPA e SEBRAE promovem capacitação em produção orgânica e agroecológica

Princípios da agroecologia e da produção orgânica de hortaliças e marco legal da produção orgânica no Brasil foram os temas do primeiro módulo da capacitação continuada prevista no âmbito do projeto “Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica – conhecimentos e tecnologias para sistemas produtivos mais sustentáveis”, realizado pela Embrapa em conjunto com...
2019 - Empresa Brasileira de de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)

Article de blog
Registro de produção mostra importância das mulheres na agricultura familiar brasileira

O agronegócio é um pilar da economia brasileira, respondendo por quase um quarto do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), com culturas como soja e café de fazendas industrializadas entre as exportações mais importantes do país. Mas o Brasil também tem milhões de agricultores e agricultoras familiares com um faturamento anual total...
2019 - Centro de Tecnologia Alternativa da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais (CTA-MG)

Article de blog
Mulheres quilombolas se destacam na produção sustentável e na proteção do território

No último dia da quinzena de mobilização pelos direitos das trabalhadoras do campo, campanha celebra o Dia Internacional das Mulheres Rurais com o tema “Guardiãs da Terra”
A contribuição das mulheres agricultoras para o bem-estar socioeconômico, para a segurança alimentar mundial e para a redução da pobreza é celebrada nesta terça-feira, 15 de outubro, com o Dia Internacional das Mulheres Rurais. Dar visibilidade ao trabalho delas é o principal objetivo da campanha regional “Mulheres Rurais, Mulheres com...
2019 - Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo (SAF)

Bulletin d'information
National Rural development Network of Romania Newsletter

February edition of RNDR newsletter is available in English, and now also in Romanian Topics include: Launch Sub-Measure 17.1, Consultative options sub-measures and 7.4, Newsletter EIPAgri in Romanian, Event ENRD networX, EURIC Competition - Rural Innovation and many other interesting topics.
2019 - National Rural development Network of Romania

Our Seeds: Central to Food, Life and Culture

In this film, farmers from Lower Dzongu, Sikkim, India discuss the importance of traditional seeds for food, life and culture and their plans to establish a community seed bank to help maintain and revive traditional seeds. Video produced as a part of project: Agroecology, Organics and Sustainability Transitions in Sikkim,...
2019 - CAWR Coventry University

The European City Farms conference - 2019

The European City Farms conference took place from 18 – 22 September 2019 in the Netherlands. About 65 participants from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Italy and Ireland took part in a most interesting programme. The theme was ‘Water, go with the flow!’. The Dutch...
European Union
2019 - European Federation of City Farms

Article de blog
URGENCI Hub for LSPA Training Materials

One Place to Find Them All
“Have all the webinars been recorded?”, “Where can I find guidelines on managing the budget of a CSA farm?”, “I have to deliver a training session on starting a LSPA1 in my country. Is there anybody to contact on the topic ?”, “Do you know if there is a tutorial...
2019 - Urgenci

Potentially Important Food Plants of the Philippines

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

Based on information provided by 91 countries and 27 international organizations, analysis of global literature and datasets, and contributions from over 175 authors and reviewers, The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture assesses biodiversity for food and agriculture and its management worldwide.
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Total results:3869