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Article de revue
"Los pequeños productores somos los actores principales en el desarrollo y no nos toman en cuenta"
Entrevista a Lucila Quintana, presidenta de Conveagro
El viernes 18 de marzo, la Convención Nacional del Agro —en alianza con otras organizaciones— realizó el foro: «El agro decide su voto». Los cinco candidatos que lideran las encuestas de opinión fueron invitados a fin de que expusieran sus propuestas para el sector, pero ninguno asistió. En su lugar,...
2011 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
Fiche d'information
Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty in Yemen
The Republic of Yemen is one of the driest, poorest and least developed countries in the world. Poverty and food insecurity are strongly linked with the depletion and degradation of land and water resources and it is one of the most water-stressed countries in the world. IFAD’s goal in Yemen...
2011 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
From farmer to planner and back
This video features the story of an agricultural worker from Sikkim (India) who participated in the From Farmer to Planner and Back workshop held in Rome. It documents her experience with gender-responsive participatory planning for small-scale livestock development.
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Tierra de mujeres
Reflexiones sobre el acceso de las mujeres rurales a la tierra en América Latina
Este libro es el resultado de un esfuerzo colectivo de muchas mujeres de diversos lugares de América Latina, que desde sus distintas experiencias y capacidades han aportado para que el día de hoy usted tenga en sus manos un documento peculiar. Peculiar porque es la acumulación de reflexiones, aportes, visitas, discusiones...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Guatemala
2011 - Fundación TIERRA (Bolivia)
Swaziland Rural Sector Review
Priorities for the development of smallholder agriculture in Swaziland
The purpose of this policy note is to contribute to an understanding of the factors that combine to constrain the development of smallholder agriculture in Swaziland. It seeks to shed light on why, despite being well-endowed in land and water resources, and despite having a climate that is generally favorable...
2011 - World Bank
Women Feed the World: Africa
Worldwide, women make high contributions to household and national food security. This video explores the critical role played by women in agricultural production in Africa.
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Étude de cas
Demographic and occupational dynamics and the social reproduction of family farming
A case study at the Municipality of Praia Grande - Santa Catarina
This dissertation covers the social reproduction of family farmers in the community of Praia Grande, Southern region of Santa Catarina, facing the trade expansion of family agriculture and the socioeconomic transformations derived. Focus is given on the fall in income and agricultural employment, shaped mainly from mid-1980 on, within the...
2011 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Agricultural Investment
For strengthening family farming and sustainable food systems in Africa
The issue of agricultural investment is a key one in Africa and how and where these investments are directed is of considerable concern to African family farmers and their organisations. From CAADP to the reformed Committee on World Food Security, enhanced investment for food security is at the top of...
2011 - Réseau des organisations paysannes et de producteurs de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA)
Revue spécialisée
Revista Mundos Rurales, agosto 2012, n° 7
Este número de Mundos Rurales incluye artículos sobre:
Bolivia: Propuesta para la Ley marco de Consulta y Participación
La Consulta en el TIPNIS, ¿garantía del Estado o de los pueblos indígenas?
Autodeterminación y autonomías indígena originario campesinas no son prioridad en la agenda política
Una mirada de género a las propuestas de estatutos de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2011 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)
Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub‑Saharan Africa
This volume, Climate Change and Food Systems Resilience in Sub‑Saharan Africa, demonstrates the possibility of harmonizing agricultural production with the wellbeing of the biosphere – and that this can be achieved in Africa, our biosphere’s least developed continent, and the continent which is likely to suffer most from climate change....
Revue spécialisée
Revista Mundos Rurales, octubre 2011, n° 6
Este número de Mundos Rurales incluye artículos sobre:
El liderazgo de la mujer en la VIII Marcha Indígena
Mujeres en las organizaciones campesinas indígenas de Bolivia, luchadoras por sus derechos y reconocimiento
Paso a paso: avances en la participación y representación de las mujeres
El aporte económico de las mujeres en cuatro regiones de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2011 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)
Revue spécialisée
Revista Mundos Rurales, julio 2011, n° 5
El número cinco de la revista Mundos Rurales está dedicado a los 40 años de CIPCA. Han pasado cuatro décadas desde que en 1971 Luís Alegre, Xavier Albó y Francisco Javier Santiago decidieran fundar y poner en marcha esta institución dedicada al desarrollo rural en Bolivia, que poco a poco...
2011 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)
Document technique
Aporte de ingreso económico de las mujeres rurales a sus hogares
La finalidad del presente documento es incursionar en países seleccionados de América Latina sobre el aporte de las mujeres rurales a través de sus ingresos a diferentes tipos de hogares, haciendo visible su aporte y facilitando la elaboración de políticas públicas que beneficien a las mujeres: en el empleo, en...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Costa Rica - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Mexico - Nicaragua - Paraguay - Peru
2011 - Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer (UNIFEM)
Métodos participativos para la inclusión de los pequeños productores rurales en la innovación agropecuaria
Experiencias y alcances en la región andina 2007 • 2010
El capítulo 1 presenta el Seguimiento y Evaluación Participativa (SEP). Se describen cuatro casos de implementación del método: tres desarrollados en Bolivia y el cuarto realizado en Colombia. El capítulo 2 presenta el método Enfoque Participativo de Cadenas Productivas (EPCP). Se describen cinco casos de implementación: dos en los Andes...
Autonomia e cidadania
Políticas de organização produtiva para as mulheres no meio rural
Organizar as mulheres rurais para fazer a produção, a gestão e a comercialização de maneira autônoma é um desafio permanente daquelas e daqueles que pretendem reduzir as desigualdades de gênero. O Governo Federal, em particular o Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), a partir das suas atribuições, persegue este desafio com...
2011 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), Brasil
Note/document d'orientation
Community listeners’ clubs. Stepping stones for action in rural areas
This publication summarizes the unique experience of the community listeners’ clubs set up in Niger and the Democratic Republic of Congo by FAO-Dimitra and its partners. These action based information and communication processes have proved so successful that Dimitra decided to share the experience. The first chapter offers a brief...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Niger
2011 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Women at the frontline of climate change
Gender risks and hopes
Adaptation, vulnerability and resilience of people to climate change depend upon a range of conditions. These vary from their degree of exposure and dependency upon weather patterns for livelihoods and food security, to varying capacities in adaptation, which are influenced by gender, social status, economic poverty, power, access, and control...
Article de revue spécialisée
Developing Value Chains in Amman, Jordan
The city of Amman is the capital of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and lies in the northern part of the Kingdom, covering an area of 1700 km2 with an estimated population of 2,200,000 inhabitants. Annual average rainfall is 275 mm. The poverty rate in Amman reached 8.5 percent in...
The State of Food and Agriculture 2010-11
This edition of The State of Food and Agriculture addresses Women in agriculture: closing the gender gap for development. The agriculture sector is underperforming in many developing countries, and one of the key reasons is that women do not have equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to...
P4P Global gender strategy
This P4P gender strategy is informed by policy and review documents including:
WFP’s current gender policy, which explicitly reaffirms WFP’s commitment to creating an enabling environment for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment to support partner countries in addressing food and nutrition challenges sustainably.
Literature review and empirical research conducted by ALINe...
2011 - World Food Programme (WFP)
Total results:2228