Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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XI Jornadas interdisciplinarias de estudios agrarios y agroindustriales Argentinos y Latinoamericanos

Las Jornadas Interdisciplinarias de Estudios Agrarios y Agroindustriales constituyen un foro de discusión e intercambio de investigaciones vinculadas con las múltiples aristas del mundo rural argentino y latinoamericano, analizadas desde distintas ópticas profesionales y mediante diferentes metodologías y marcos interpretativos. El acento puesto en la convergencia multidisciplinaria sobre el campo de...
2019 - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

Webinar on applying agroecology in IFAD operations

Mixed cropping, using ‘weed’ crops to attract predators and cultivating resilient local breeds - these are all examples of agroecology in action. Agroecology refers to the application of ecological science and principles to the study, design and management of sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Bulletin d'information
IFOAM Newsletter

NEWS FROM IFOAM EU WORKING FIELDS: Biofach 2019, UTP trialogues, benefits of eco-schemes, the Common Food Policy and much more!
2019 - IFOAM

O poder das mulheres na luta por soberania alimentar

No contexto atual de colapso ecológico e aumento da fome, as mulheres e todos aqueles que buscam reimaginar os alimentos, o meio ambiente e as economias do mundo são alvos de ataques cada vez mais violentos.
Esta edição é o resultado de um processo de reflexão coletiva impulsionado por mulheres. Aqui, as autoras instam os movimentos alimentares e feministas, que são tão diversos quanto suas lutas e origens políticas, a construir alianças e participar da discussão para promover os direitos das mulheres, incluindo jovens, adolescentes e...
2019 - Brot fuer die Welt

Applying agroecology in IFAD operations

Webinar presentation
Mixed cropping, using ‘weed’ crops to attract predators and cultivating resilient local breeds - these are all examples of agroecology in action. Agroecology refers to the application of ecological science and principles to the study, design and management of sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Organic Ambitions Scotland’s Organic Action Plan 2016-2020

The Organic Action Plan is a welcome tool in exploring the fantastic trade opportunities that exist for organic food and drink in Scotland. As a wholesaler we can see the demand that exists for organic produce within Scotland. The Organic Action Plan will provide a platform to ensure that in...

The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Monitoring Framework

Today, approximately 55 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 68 percent by 2050. Most urban growth will be in Africa and Southeast Asia and with 70 percent all food produced already destined for consumption in cities2 processes of urbanization...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

The family farm barometer 2019

Confronted with major difficulties but also with solutions for the future, family farms, far from being actors at the end of the road whose death we would be foretold, are an inherent part of truly sustainable development. The ambition of this annual barometer is to take a step back and take...
2019 - SOS Faim, Iles de Paix, Autreterre, World rural forum

Agroecology is Life!

The video "Agroecologia é Vida" is an accomplishment of the Centro Sabiá organization and provides information about the importance of agroecology and the advantages of producing and consuming agroecological food. The video uses the technique of the graphical report, and brings results from the "Agroecology Study in the Semi-arid of...
2019 - Centro Sabia

Without Feminism, There is No Agroecology

Our planet is on the brink of environmental collapse, and hunger is on the rise. According to the 2018 State of Food Security and Nutrition (SOFI) report, the number of people affected by malnourishment and chronic deprivation is climbing for the third consecutive year: 821 million persons suffered from undernourishment...
2019 - CSM Women's Constituency and Working Group

The MedNet Show: A Short Movie about the Learning Journey in Turkey is Available

The members of the Mediterranean network of Local and Solidarity -based Partnerships for Agroecology (MedNet) came up with a Vision during its 2nd meeting, held in Thessaloniki in November 2018. This was the result of an intensive maturation process. Several “Common Training Framework Editing Workshops” were conducted, in different locations. The first workshop,...
2019 - Mediterranean network of Local and Solidarity -based Partnerships for Agroecology (MedNet)

Article de blog
Comparing Organic, Agroecological and Regenerative Farming part 2 – Agroecology

In this new three part series we present an analysis by Dr. Andrea Beste on the similarities, differences and synergies between the organic, agroecological and regenerative farming movements.  Part two here outlines the history and current status of agroecology. A German version of the entire series is also available below....
2019 - ARC2000

Farmers’ views on EU agri-environmental policies

Behavioural sciences are increasingly informing policy-making, including agricultural policies. Their unique contribution to policy lies in the first-hand evidence they provide regarding how people think and behave. For the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to be a success, it is necessary to understand farmers' decision-making and viewpoints beyond...
European Union
2019 - European Commission

Article de blog
MAPA e FAO vão assinar acordo de cooperação para estimular cadeia produtiva de chás, óleos e plantas medicinais e aromáticas

A informação foi dada pelo secretário Fernando Schwanke durante o 1º Encontro de Bioeconomia e Sociobiodiverisdade na Amazônia
O  Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento firmará acordo de cooperação com a Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura (FAO) para estimular a cadeia produtiva de chás, óleos e plantas medicinais e aromáticas. A informação foi dada nesta terça-feira (12) pelo secretário de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo do...
2019 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)

More farmers better food. Why and how to put small-scale sustainable producers at the core of the new CAP

Why and how to put small-scale sustainable producers at the core of the new CAP
Sustainable small farmers should be put at the core of EU agricultural policy, according to a new paper released today by the Nyeleni Europe and Central Asia Platform for Food Sovereignty. The strongly documented publication comes ahead of a key vote in the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee in early April,...
European Union
2019 - Nyeleni Europe and Central Asia Platform for Food Sovereignty

Document technique
Strengthening FAO’s commitment to agroecology

This publication is based on research carried out by a team working on agroecology transitions. This work is supported by the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience of Coventry University (CAWR) and the AgroEcology Fund. Between 2014 and 2018, FAO’s global dialogue on agroecology has brought together more than 1400 participants...
2019 - Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) at Coventry University

Intensification for redesigned and sustainable agricultural systems

In the mid-20th century, food production from agriculture sharply increased worldwide; however, this was achieved through heavy use of agrochemicals. Extensive collateral damage from excessive use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers has occurred to the wider environment. This has led to biodiversity loss, pesticide resistance and the emergence of new...
2019 - Science

Article de blog
Inde: l'agriculture bio à grande échelle

A la veille des résultats des élections législatives, nous verrons comment l'Inde est un laboratoire d'initiatives écologiques, notamment dans le domaine de l'agriculture. Même si le modèle dominant reste l'agro-chimie, de nombreux États misent sur la permaculture, l'agro-foresterie et l'agriculture biologique à grande échelle en réaction aux ravages sanitaires et...

Article de blog
Le Sahel a besoin d’une révolution agroécologique

Selon le paysan Ibrahima Coulibaly et le géographe Laurent Bossard, la région doit construire son avenir sur ses ressources naturelles, humaines et culturelles, et non dans la charité internationale.
2019 - Le Monde Afrique

AgriCoop boosts native paddy seedlings production

Battambang, Cambodia – The Sangha Phal Agricultural Cooperative was established and registered officially at Battambang Agricultural Department in February 2004. The agricultural cooperative, located in Prey Sangha Village, Khnach Romeas Commune, Bavel District, Battambang, was established initially with 48 members of whom 15 were female with a total capital of...
2019 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)
Total results:3988