Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Civil society seeks to influence future of agriculture in Europe and Central Asia

Civil society organizations want to influence the future work of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Europe and Central Asia. With this in mind, a two-day consultation opens in Budapest today, with some 50 participants from several countries of the region. The Consultation will aim to concentrate positions among...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Site web
Regional campaign for the full autonomy of rural and indigenous women in Latin America and the Caribbean – 2018

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Central American Agricultural Council of the Central American Integration System (CAC/SICA), UN Women, Mercosur's Specialized Meeting on Family Farming (REAF), Brazil's Special Secretariat for Family Farming and Agricultural Development (SEAD), as well as Uruguay's General Directorate of Rural Development in...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Catálogo Semillas de Identidad 2018

El catálogo “Semillas de Identidad 2018” es una muestra de las semillas nativas y criollas que están ofreciendo las Redes de Custodios y Guardianes de Semillas de varias regiones de Colombia. Luego de un esfuerzo de cinco años de iniciar el proyecto de apoyo a las redes de custodios y...
2018 - Swissaid

Article de blog
Malawian farmers fight climate change head on

Due to the challenging couple years for Malawian farmers, government and other stakeholders have started teaching local farmers on the climate change resilience farming methods that are making a difference in securing small farmers' livelihoods. 
2018 - Greentumble

Article de blog
Montenegro’s culinary riches enticing tourists

Montenegro is building on its rich cultural and food heritage and well-preserved natural beauty to become a destination for sustainable tourism. The country’s fast-growing tourism industry already accounts for nearly a quarter of Montenegro’s gross domestic product, with most of that tourism concentrated along the Adriatic coast. Keen to attract visitors...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

The 2018 family farms barometer

By supporting family farms there will be enough to feed the world, and fight poverty while respecting planetary boundaries
2018 - SOS Faiml Belgium

Site web
Agroecology Case Studies

This website from the Oakland Insitute collects thirty-three case studies on the success of agroecological agriculture in Africa.While agroecology promotes low use of external inputs, it is a very knowledge-intensive system. Transmission of this knowledge, adaptation to local contexts, and appropriation by farmers and government technicians, are essential steps for...
2018 - Oakland Institute

Étude de cas
Agroécologie : capitalisation d'expériences en Afrique de l'Ouest, facteurs favorables et limitants au développement de pratiques agroécologiques.

Evaluation des effets socio-économiques et agro-environnementaux
Le Projet CALAO - Capitalisation d’expériences d’acteurs pour le développement de techniques agroécologiques résilientes en Afrique de l’Ouest - a été mis en œuvre au cours de l’année 2017 dans le cadre du Projet d’Appui à la Sécurité Alimentaire en Afrique de l’Ouest (PASANAO), financé par l’AFD et dont la...

Étude de cas
Sistema integrado de producción agroecológica para mujeres rurales

La innovación consiste en la implementación de un sistema integrado que contempla la utilización de tecnologías y técnicas agroecológicas para la producción de hortalizas por parte de mujeres campesinas. Este sistema fue implementado a través del proyecto “Producción Hortícola Sostenible PY-212”, ejecutado por Tierra Nueva y financiado por la Fundación...
2018 - Tierra Nueva

How to do: Supporting smallholder seed systems

This How To Do Note (HTDN) in this toolkit on Supporting Smallholder Seed Systems tackles the complexities of seed systems, setting out a process to support national agricultural policy decision makers, national and international development agencies and IFAD Country Programme Managers (CPMs) in the design and supervision of seed-related projects....
2018 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Politics of Seed in South Africa

“Seeds are the basis of life. Human life, your life, is dependent on plants. The qualities of the seed go beyond beauty to sustaining us nutritionally and medicinally. Seed is the foundation of human diets across the world.” The National Seed Dialogue and Celebration honoured the role of smallholder farmers in...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Farmers Diversify Food Production in Malawi with New Crops

This brief 3-minute video reportage highlights the International Treaty’s first field visit with a high-level donor representative, the Norwegian Deputy Minister of Agriculture & Food, into rural Northern Malawi to visit a Benefit-sharing Fund project. It explains the problem and how the FAO International Treaty’s Benefit-sharing Fund is supporting farmers...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

FAO’s work on agroecology

A pathway to achieve the SDGs
Featuring cases in different sectors and countries around the world, this publication introduces the agroecology approach to linking food, livelihoods and natural resources, presents 10 Elements of Agroecology, and looks at ways of scaling up the people-centred approach to ensure its potential impact is fully realized, promising a brighter future...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Étude de cas
Agroecological symbiosis

Agroecological symbiosis (AES) is a new, transformative model for adaptive and resilient localized food production and consumption. An AES is formed by farms, small and medium-scale food processors, and bioenergy producers working as one system, in close proximity to each other. The physical proximity is dictated by the ecological necessity...
2018 - University of Helsinki

Spiritual and Cultural Value of Seed

The seed, like the big bang, or evolution, or the atom … bears the mystifying tale of a beginning. We fill our bellies on the seed, heal our wounds, build our homes. Upon sight, or smell, or taste, perhaps we let our minds drift to the smallscale farmer who prepares...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Inspiring a Community to Do Organic Farming and Mushroom Cultivation

Sagain, Myanmar – Chan Law is a Naga ethnic form Sagain Division, Lay Shi Township, Panset Village, Myanmar. Currently, he lives in Naw Phu village. Law comes from a family of farmers. Since he was a child, he had been helping farm his parents’ land. In 2010, He graduated with...
2018 - Agriculture and Farmer Federation of Myanmar

Floating vegetable gardens

As our land remains under water during the rainy season, our ancestors were already thinking of ways to produce crops in order to survive. They invented the floating garden by using crop residues. We do not need any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, because the floating bed is fertile by nature....
2018 - Access Agriculture

Article de blog
Towards stronger EU-Africa cooperation

With a population expected to double by 2050 from 1.2 billion to around 2.5 billion predominantly young people, the African continent will need to foster job creation and economic growth through sustainable development. The agricultural sector can play a key role in this, having the capacity to provide jobs and growth...
2018 - European Commission

Agro-ecology: evaluation methods for its effects and conditions for development

Agro-ecology: evaluation methods for its effects and conditions for developmentProceedings of the exchange and methodological construction workshop on the 14th and 15th of december 2017   This document presents the work of the exchange workshop organized on December 14 and 15 2017 by the Working Group on Agroecological Transitions (GTAE in french - created by...

Apprentissage en ligne
Participatory Plant Breeding and Smallholder Farmers

Participatory Plant Breeding and Smallholder Farmers video – the third in a series of six videos from ACB’s National Seed Dialogue and Celebration At the National Seed Dialogue and Celebration, hosted by the African Centre for Biodiversity at Constitution Hill in December 2017, this session on Participatory Plant Breeding and...
South Africa
2018 - African Centre for Biodiversity
Total results:3869