Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Conférence régionale de la FAO pour l’Afrique

51 ministres de l’Agriculture attendus à Abidjan
La 29ème session de la conférence régionale de l’Organisation des Nations-Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) se tiendra à Abidjan du 4 au 8 avril 2016. A quelques jours de l’ouverture de ces assises, le ministre de l’Agriculture et du Développement rural Mamadou Sangafowa a co-animé en compagnie du sous-directeur...
2016 -

Article de revue
Opinion: Women farm through knowledge sharing

In an attempt to solve problems, people collectively ask questions and discuss and implement solutions. Elizabeth Mpofu describes how knowledge co-creation is commonplace in the lives of people and in agroecology. From these processes, social, political, and practical innovations emerge.
  Learning is a lifetime activity. Nowhere is this clearer than in agriculture, and especially among women farmers. Being responsible for over 70% of agricultural production on our continent, we farm through knowledge sharing. In complex and closely knit social groups, starting in early childhood, knowledge is birthed, nurtured and passed...
2016 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Document technique
Agricultural and rural development reconsidered

A guide to issues and debates
The role of small-scale family farms in development is the subject of long-standing debate. Despite predictions on the likely evolution of small farms, as urban and industrial sectors account for larger shares of economic activity, the agricultural landscape in the developing world continues to be dominated by family-operated smallholdings. Consequently,...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Document technique
Household resilience to drought

The case of Salima District in Malawi
This study identifies factors that affect resilience to drought among smallholder farmers in Salima, one of the districts frequently affected by drought in Malawi. The study contributes to the existing literature by constructing a drought resilience index (DRI) and uses it to determine the effect of drought resilience on the...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Article de blog
Groups promote agroecology at international meeting in Uganda

Organizations that are advocating for agroecology farming practices among small holder farmers in Uganda and Africa at large have urged Uganda government and policy makers to support small farmers in terms of finances and knowledge to increase food production for their families and income earning, instead of opening Uganda to...
2016 - GRAIN

By purchasing maize from Somali farmers, WFP links them to markets and Boosts Sustainability

Somalia’s agricultural sector has been undermined by years of conflict and climatic shocks, but WFP and its partners are helping farmers rebuild the sector and reconnect with markets. In partnership with FAO and the Somali Ministry of Agriculture, and with long-term support from the European Union (EU), WFP is working...
2016 - World Food Programme (WFP)

Partie d’un ouvrage
Agriculture, WASH, and safety nets

Ethiopia’s multisector story
Over the past 25 years, Ethiopia has made remarkable headway in addressing the country’s nutrition situation. Despite ongoing challenges, significant progress has been made toward meeting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, including halving child mortality, doubling the number of people with access to clean water, and quadrupling primary school...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

International Conservation Agriculture Advisory Panel for Africa (ICAAP-Africa)

International Conservation Agriculture Advisory Panel (ICAAP - Africa) has been called for under the auspices of the Lusaka Declaration of the 1st Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture (IACCA) held in Lusaka in March 2014. It is a group of global conservation agriculture experts acting as a thinktank to advise ACT...
2016 - African Conservation Tillage Network (ACTN)

Escola na Machamba do Camponês FAO Moçambique- Maputo-Moamba, Gaza- Pfukwe

Entrevista com o Representante da FAO em Moçambique, Castro Camarada, sobre Escola na Machamba do Camponês. Cerca de 27.500 camponeses estão a ser beneficiados pela Metodologia das Escolas na Machamba do Camponês (EMCs) introduzida pela FAOMZ, num total de 1.095 escolas, que se estendem por todo o país.  Esta abordagem tem...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Bulletin d'information
Scaling Up Humanitarian Response to Tackle Worsening Drought

This edition of the UN in Zimbabwe newsletter is dedicated to shed light on the partnerships, progress and challenges in the collective humanitarian response in Zimbabwe.
2016 - United Nations in Zimbabwe

Article de revue
Institutionalising dialogue in Rwanda through innovation platforms

A platform of farmers, retailers and service providers,civil society organisations, NGOs, government officials, and researchers improves livelihoods in Rwanda. Through interaction and collaboration, these groups experiment with various technological and institutional innovations, thereby tackling local agricultural challenges. This experience illustrates the importance of institutionalising a space where knowledge can be...
2016 - ILEIA - Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Fiche d'information
Converging challenges, compounding risks - A region under high pressure

In the Sahel, extreme poverty, fastgrowing populations, climate change, recurrent food and nutrition crises, armed conflicts and insecurity are building up to a perfect storm threatening the lives of communities already living on the brink of crisis. The region is one of the world’s climate change hotspots. Increasingly unpredictable weather patterns,...
Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Chad - Mali - Mauritania - Niger - Nigeria
2016 - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

El Nino devastates Zimbabwe's harvest, WFP using satellites to mitigate effects of drought

Zimbabwe is one of a number of countries in southern Africa that has declared a drought disaster this year due to the impact of a strong El Nino weather event which meant reduced rainfall for much of southern Africa late last year and during the early months of this year - the same period...
2016 - World Food Programme (WFP)

Note/document d'orientation
Forty years of community-based forestry

A review of its extent and effectiveness
Since the 1970s and 1980s, community-based forestry has grown in popularity, based on the concept that local communities, when granted sufficient property rights over local forest commons, can organize autonomously and develop local institutions to regulate the use of natural resources and manage them sustainably. Over time, various forms of...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Strengthening Coherence between Agriculture and Social Protection to Combat Poverty and Hunger in Africa

Diagnostic Tool
Agriculture and social protection are fundamentally linked in the context of rural livelihoods in Africa. Poor and food-insecure families depend primarily on agriculture and partly on non-farm income and private transfers for their livelihoods, and are the main target of social protection interventions (FAO, 2015). When embedded within a broader...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Tecnologías para el ahorro de mano de obra: tracción animal e implementos

Este artículo tiene algunas nociones básicas para el uso correcto de tracción animal, incluyendo enganche e implementos. También se explican las ventajas y desventajas de esta práctica, que incluyen ahorro de mano de obra, diversificación de los medios de vida, fortalecimiento de la resiliencia de los medios de vida, equipos,...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Étude de cas
Designing and implementing conservation agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa

This “Lessons Learned” document of the conservation agriculture (CA) in sub-Saharan Africa toolkit reviews experiences over the last two decades. First, the context and challenges of CA in sub-Saharan Africa are addressed. Then the main issues follow – those previously raised in the Teaser as being crucial to the successful...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Article de blog
Transforming rural areas

Today more people live in cities than ever before, but we still depend on rural areas for our food. In the developing world, up to 80 per cent of food is produced on small farms that are usually family run. Yet it's also true that 70 per cent of the...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Bulletin d'information
FAO Rwanda Newsletter

Sustainability is the cornerstone of FAORwanda’s work, from building the resilience of Rwandan families to supporting the domestication of the Sustainable Development Goals. Explore these initiatives and more in this quarter’s newsletter
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Note/document d'orientation
Exploring the concept of water tenure

The purpose of this paper is examine the notion of tenure in connection with water resources and to explore whether the concept of water tenure has the potential to make a useful contribution towards resolving the world’s water resources challenges. It seeks to provide answers to the following questions: (a)...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:3531