Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Shashe Agroecology School: A true centre of Agroecology and practical food Sovereignty

The experience of the Shashe community in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe, is a microcosm of the broader vision of La Via Campesina (LVC). Shashe is a community of peasant farmers who gained their land first through a land occupation, and were then benefitted by the Fast Track Land Reform Program implemented...
2016 - La Via Campesina Africa

Animals, trees for a better crop

In semi-arid West Africa, farmers and herders explain why and how trees and livestock play a crucial role in obtaining a productive soil and crop. In Niger and Ghana this is one of the strategies of integrated striga and soil fertility management that has a positive effect across agroclimatic zones....
2016 - Access Agriculture

Article de blog
Climate Smart Agriculture in Madagascar

Focus on Vakinankaratra, Vatovavy Fitovinany and Androy regions
Madagascar is currently the 5th worldwide among countries most exposed to risks due to climate change and the first country in Africa exposed. For 30 years since 1980, natural hazards including droughts, earthquakes, epidemics, floods, cyclones and extreme temperatures, caused economic damage of more than $ 1 billion in Madagascar...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
No peace without freedom from want

At Kenya conference, FAO leader highlights role of agriculture in preventing conflict, enabling recovery
"Ending hunger and malnutrition, addressing humanitarian and protracted crises, preventing and resolving conflicts, and building peace are not separate tasks, but simply different facets of the same challenge," Graziano da Silva said at a side-event on ‘Peace and Food Security', hosted by FAO, at the sixth Tokyo International Conference on...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Composting to beat striga

Compost is more powerful than manure. What is less known is that the micro-organisms in compost attack striga seeds in the soil. Compost also decreases the amount of striga that will sprout, and reduces its negative effect on cereal crops. Let us look at how farmers in northeast Mali make...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Article de blog
Promotion of family farming

Inades-Formation believes that family farming is the basis for security and food sovereignty of people in Africa. Therefore, the indispensable solution to eradicate hunger and food insecurity in Africa is the support (political, economic, technical and institutional) and the promotion of family farming. By improving its productivity, family farming can...
2016 - Inades-Formation

Grow row by row

Farmers in northern Nigeria are changing the way they intercrop their sorghum and millet with cowpea. By planting both crops at higher densities and in separate rows, and by applying some organic fertilizer, they harvest more and reduce damage by the parasitic weed striga. It is one of the strategies...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Document de conférence
The impact of the use of new technologies on farmers' wheat yield in Ethiopia

This study examines the impact of the Wheat Initiative technology package promoted by the research and extension systems in Ethiopia on wheat growers in the highlands of the country. The package includes improved wheat seed, a lower seeding density, row planting, fertilizer recommendations, and marketing assistance. A sample of 490...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

How to amplify agroecology

“Agroecology is a process. You cannot expect a process to be perfect immediately. But once you make a step, you are moving.” With these words, Ugandan family farmer Jowelia Mukiibi captured both the essence of the agroecological transition and the attention of her audience: over 70 people representing 30 organisations doing...
2016 - Cultivate!

Integrated approach against striga

The parasitic weed striga causes more damage to cereal crops in poor soils, so both problems have to be tackled together. In this video we will learn why it is important to combine at least three control methods to reduce striga and obtain a good yield of sorghum, millet, maize...
United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Access Agriculture


20,000 families in 13 districts of Uganda are now imagining their lives differently. . By creating a shared vision, husbands and wives are not only finding ways to break out of their poverty, but they are discovering the value of equality in their homes.Explore the findings of the Rural Development...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Article de blog
Ethiopia has staved off worst of El Niño, but possible impacts of La Niña looming large

$45 million additional funding urgently needed to support Ethiopian agriculture
With this year's main planting season winding down in Ethiopia, there is still a small window of opportunity in September for farmers to plant the last set of crops this year and grow food for millions facing hunger, provided the necessary support arrives on time. The newly released Mid-Year Review...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Enfermedades de las abejas: Nosemosis

La nosemosis es una enfermedad de las abejas adultas causada por hongos unicelulares pertenecientes a la Clase: Microsporidia, Familia: Nosimatidi, Género: Nosema. Existen dos subespecies diferentes de Nosema que afectan a Apis mellifera con diferente prevalencia dependiendo de la zona: Nosema apis y Nosema ceranae, responsables de dos formas diferentes de la enfermedad. Ambos...

Storing cowpea seed

Intercropping or rotating cereal crops with legume crops are two of the strategies of integrated striga and soil fertility management. But keeping quality legume seed has two major challenges. First, the seed easily loses its ability to germinate. And second, we are not the only ones who love legumes. Let’s...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Article de blog
8,000 smallholder farmers benefit

 “Just the thought of a drought and its effects made me shudder as the one we experienced during the 2014-2015 season left a trail of destruction among farmers. How were we expected to cope with another drought, made worse by the El Niño, as we were still reeling from the...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
Réduire les pertes post-capture : un enjeu pour les pêches en RD Congo

La FAO renforce les capacités de l’administration centrale des pêches et de l’aquaculture, et des parties prenantes pour minimiser les pertes après capture
L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) appui le renforcement des capacités sur l’organisation et le fonctionnement de l’unité post-capture. Une formation a été organisée à Kinshasa à l’endroit de trente agents de l’administration nationale des pêches et aquaculture, des entités décentralisées des provinces de Kongo Central et de...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Striga biology

One of the major parasites is striga, a weed that sucks the juice and nutrients from cereal crops such as millet, sorghum and maize and causes great yield losses. A single striga plant can produce hundreds of thousands of seeds. The seeds are so tiny that most farmers do not...
United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Access Agriculture

Article de blog
AfDB President offers roadmap towards agriculture transformation at TICAD Summit

The President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Akinwumi Adesina, has outlined a roadmap towards the transformation of agriculture in Africa. The President laid emphasis on combating malnutrition in children, turning African farmlands into major suppliers of food for export and putting funds at the disposal of local banks to...
2016 - African Development Bank (AfDB)

Reviving soils with mucuna

In the coastal savanna of West Africa, farmers explain how a mucuna cover crop helped to revive their highly degraded soil, and suppress the noxious weeds Striga and Imperata. They show how to grow it to benefit your maize and cassava, and why discussing land tenure in your community really...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Note/document d'orientation
Changes in Ghanaian farming systems

Stagnation or a quiet transformation?
This research was designed to understand better the patterns of agricultural intensification and transformation occurring in Africa South of the Sahara using the Ghanaian case. The paper examines changes in farming systems and the role of various endogenous and exogenous factors in driving the conversion of arable lands to agricultural...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:3528