Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Vídeo oficial dos 20 anos de Marcha Das Margaridas

A Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares (CONTAG) produziu um vídeo que resgata as primeiras lutas das mulheres do campo, da floresta e das águas do Brasil pelo direito à Previdência, à sindicalização e por participação no movimento sindical. Também destaca a trajetória de 20 anos de...
2020 - Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares (CONTAG)

Struggle for recognition of traditional seed in Brazil

In August last year, the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) hosted a discussion on farmer seed systems, in Zanzibar, Tanzania. From Brazil, we were joined by two activist farmers, Severina da Silva Pereira from Paraiba and Sebastião Augusto Estevão from Minas Gerais, and researcher Gabriel Fernandes of the National Biodiversity...
2020 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Article de blog
Pueblos indígenas en el contexto del covid-19 en Guatemala

El Comité de Trabajo Defensa de los Territorios de Vida del Consorcio ICCA y colaboradores del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Pueblos Indígenas y Proyectos Extractivos de CLACSO en Guatemala, escribimos nuestras palabras sobre la pandemia del coronavirus y el impacto en la vida de los Pueblos Indígenas. En Guatemala coexistimos los...
2020 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Guía para fortalecer la gobernanza de la pesca en los territorios indígenas de Centroamérica

Hacia la revitalización de las diversas formas de pesca indígena para la afirmación de la gestión territorial
La presente guía ha sido desarrollada con los elementos brindados por lo líderes indígenas y pescadores indígenas por medio de la APICA y representantes de las instituciones estatales dedicadas a la desarrollo de la pesca en los países centroamericanos , siendo priorizados y consensuados por los representantes indígenas centroamericanos para...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Indigenous Youth and Women of the Americas Unite their Voices

The Indigenous Terra Madre Pueblos de América coming to Tlaola from February 21-24 will focus on the important role women and youth have in the future of indigenous communities, and the preservation of land and biodiversity for future generations.
“This gathering of indigenous delegates from communities around the Americas is a way to dignify our cultures and our identity. Our youth is being bombarded by the globalization of the world and the message from multinational companies telling us what to eat, how to think and act. However, our vision...
2020 - Slow Food

Étude de cas
Free, Prior and Informed Consent

Un exitoso proceso de diálogo y codecisión con y para los Pueblos Indígenas de Panamá
The Panama Country Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has promoted several initiatives with and for the country's indigenous peoples. These initiatives, thanks to their scaling-up and coordination, have given shape to FAO’s Indigenous Agenda in the country, helping to develop the economic basis...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
Coronavirus y monoculturalidad: las pandemias para los Pueblos Indígenas

A través de este documento, nos interesa proponer una reflexión crítica en torno a la situación actual de impacto mundial de la pandemia del Coronavirus o Covid-19 y su relación con la vida y territorios indígenas, frente a la cual ha quedado en evidencia una serie de situaciones que, a...
2020 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

El Censo Agropecuario Nacional 2020-2021 y su deber de aplicar la Consulta Libre, Previa e Informada con pueblos indígenas

El Consentimiento Libre, Previo e Informado (CLPI) es un derecho específico de los Pueblos Indígenas reconocido en la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas (UNDRIP, por sus siglas en inglés). A través del CLPI los Pueblos Indígenas pueden dar o negar su consentimiento a...
Panama - Papua New Guinea - Paraguay
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Article de revue spécialisée
Indigenous tenure security and local participation in climate mitigation programs: Exploring the institutional gaps of REDD+ implementation in the Peruvian Amazon

The Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) mechanism faces implementation challenges related to tenure security and governance institutions. In response, multiple regional climate mitigation initiatives have emerged. In Peru, indigenous networks have created their own Indigenous Amazonian REDD (RIA), an initiative aiming to strengthen property rights for...
2020 - Wiley

Towards sustainable crop pollination services. Measures at field, farm and landscape scales

As the discipline of pollination ecology moves from describing the extent of a pollinator crisis, to identifying what can be done about it, there is a need to share and highlight very practical measures that will support sustainable crop biotic pollination services. Identifying these practices will require a mix of...
2020 - FAO

Comidas escolares indígenas y comunidades tradicionales

Agricultura familiar: buenas prácticas replicables para la comercialización de productos de sociobiodiversidad y agroecología
La estrategia de alimentación escolar indígena y tradicional en Amazonas fue desarrollada por Catrapoa (Comisión de Alimentación Tradicional de los Pueblos de Amazonas) con el objetivo inicial de hacer posible cumplir con la compra de al menos el 30% de los productos alimenticios de la agricultura familiar y desde los...
2020 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)

Article de blog
Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world’s biodiversity

This article published in The Conversation describes the inextricable linkage between the crisis of biodiversity loss and the loss of indigenous cultures. From animals to insects and plants, biodiversity loss cannot be effectively addressed without tackling the rapid disappearance of indigenous cultures.  According to the author, indigenous peoples have conserved biodiversity for millennia. They have created much...
2020 - The Conversation

Article de blog
Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world’s biodiversity

Species are being lost at about a thousand times the natural rate of extinction. This is faster than at any other period in human history. Ecosystems – the vital systems on which all life depends – are being degraded across the globe. This crisis of biodiversity loss is finally getting some...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

A Film to Promote Sustainable Food System Practices

This is a film produced by ICENECDEV(International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development) to promote sustainable Food System in the Mount Cameroon Forest Region through Tradition/Indigenous Knowledge, Agroecology and Natural Farming Practices in providing healthy Food to Healthy People. This film is produced to promote cultural and traditional practices...
2020 - International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV )

Uncle Wiz Farm: organic indigenous produce

Uncle Wiz is a shining example of a thriving smallscale farming and food distribution business that not only farms without chemicals but also focuses on and promotes indigenous food crops. Owners Wisdom and Mpumi Edward live in south Johannesburg and farm on land in Vanderbijlpark. Not only do they grow...
South Africa
2020 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Étude de cas
Okavango Delta : recognizing cultural heritage in a natural site

The Okavango Delta, in northwest Botswana, is one of the very few major interior delta systems that do not flow into a sea or ocean, with a wetland system that is almost intact. Land rights issues came out strongly during the inscription process of the Okavango Delta as World Heritage...
2020 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

Aportaciones de los Pueblos Indígenas a la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios

Los talleres de consulta Aportaciones de los Pueblos Indígenas a la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios se llevaron a cabo en octubre de 2020 con motivo del Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas, evento realizado por el Fondo a cada dos años. La Cumbre tiene como objetivo lograr avances en la Agenda...
2020 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)

Article de revue spécialisée
The Native Farm Bill Coalition and the 2018 Farm Bill: building a strong, sustained voice on food and agriculture issues in Indian country

When the 2018 Farm Bill, the Agriculture Act of 2018 (Pub. L. No. 115-334), was signed into law on December 20, 2018, it cemented 63 new provisions across 11 of the 12 titles aimed specifically at supporting food, agriculture, infrastructure, research and education for Tribal governments and Tribal food producers....
United States of America
2020 - Cambridge University Press

Article de blog
Indigenous Peoples’ food systems hold the key to feeding humanity

A recent workshop hosted by IIED and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew explored how the way Indigenous Peoples grow and consume food holds answers to the world’s broken food system. Modern food and farming systems are fundamentally unsustainable. They contribute around a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and are responsible...
2020 - IIED and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

Article de blog
Indigenous Peoples’ food systems hold the key to feeding humanity

A recent workshop hosted by IIED and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew explored how the way Indigenous Peoples grow and consume food holds answers to the world’s broken food system. Modern food and farming systems are fundamentally unsustainable. They contribute around a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and are responsible...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED
Total results:974