Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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The potential feed value of grain tailings for poultry

With the support of the OK-Net EcoFeed project this field lab has been investigating ways of reducing pig and poultry farmer's reliance on imported protein for animal feed. It is common practice to clean grains prior to sale leaving a waste product known as tailings, however this product is often...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

Augmented participatory action research in the digital age

Guidelines for implementation in community-based peatland restoration and sustainable business development
Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a tool for fostering a new paradigm in natural resources management. Combined with an Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM) approach, in community-based fire prevention and peatland restoration, PAR facilitates transformative change through a simultaneous process of research and taking action, linked together by critical refl ection....

Agroforestry for All – Walnut Agroforestry in Warwickshire

“10% agroforestry land-use mandatory for every organic farm” is the call from the European Organic-PLUS and AGROMIX research projects led by Coventry University’s Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR). This impact is being discussed by certification bodies and may become UK/EU organic and agroecological standard at the next ‘organic-plus’ upgrade of...
2023 - Organic Grower 64 – Autumn 2023

Farmer Field Schools – Using peer -to -peer advisory to reduce antibiotic inputs and to improve animal health and welfare

Farmer Field Schools (FFS) facilitate exchange between practitioners. Recommendations shared between practitioners are often found more convincing and are thus implemented by farmers more rapidly.
2023 - RELACS

Article de revue spécialisée
The human being at the heart of agroecological transitions: insights from cognitive mapping of actors’ vision of change in Roquefort area

Agroecological transitions aim at developing sustainable farming and food systems, adapted to local contexts. Such transitions require the engagement of local actors and the consideration of their knowledge and reasoning as a whole, which encompasses different natures of knowledge (empirical, scientific, local, generic), related to different dimensions (economic, environmental, technical,...
2023 - Agriculture and Human Values

Essential oil trials on-farm: an alternative treatment for mastitis

Many essential oils have antibacterial or anti-inflammatory properties. With the help of an advisor, dairy farmers can test alternative mastitis treatments with essential oils following a common protocol established by RELACS.
2023 - RELACS

Diversity of bees and wild pollinators in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam

A survey on the diversity of bees and wild pollinators and the status of the bee industry was conducted in the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The data were made available to the respective National Coordinators (NC) for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources and the Food and Agriculture Organization...
Philippines - Thailand - Viet Nam
2023 - FAO

Converting land to organic horticulture: OGA webinar

OGA webinar with Roger Hitchings, Tim Deane, and Phil Sumption on converting land to organic horticulture. Phil Sumption introduced the webinar with an overview of relevant findings from the Defra-funded Conversion to Organic Field Vegetable Production project, and the latest in conversion payments. Roger's talk focused on the kind of...
2023 - Organic Growers Alliance

Article de revue spécialisée
Why and how do farmers’ organizations get involved in the promotion of agroecological techniques? Insights from Burkina Faso

Agroecological techniques (AET) have been recognized by many farmers, NGOs, and farmers’ organizations (FOs) as a promising solution for slowing down the persistent soil fertility degradation in West African drylands. In the context of Burkina, the promotion of AET is the result of the interactions between NGOs and farmers’ knowledge...
Burkina Faso

Building subnational capacities in animal health to deliver frontline cross-sectoral health services in Kenya

Operationalizing effective subnational veterinary services as major contributor to disease surveillance, reporting, diagnoses and One Health requires resources and mindset change. Here we describe workforce capacity building in animal health in Kenya and an approach that can be used to skill-up this workforce to respond beyond animal health challenges to...
2023 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science

Farm gate nutrient budgets for organic farming

Farm gate nutrient budgets are an easy and efficient tool to assess the main nutrient flows in and out of the farm. They can reveal whether there is a nutrient surplus or deficit.
2023 - RELACS

Article de blog
Digitalisation in the Sahel – Piloting interactive voice response

Digital tools hold the potential to open the untapped potential for agroecology across Africa. One such tool, aiming to reach rural farmers in their own language, interactive voice response, was put to the test in Mali, yielding good results.
2023 - FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Article de revue
Amazonie : entre conservation des forêts et bonnes pratiques agricoles, développer les territoires durablement

En Amazonie, les scientifiques du Cirad et leurs partenaires orientent et accompagnent les initiatives de territoires qui allient agriculture et élevage durables, inclusion sociale, conservation et restauration des écosystèmes forestiers.
2023 - CIRAD

Eggs and larvae of common marine fish species of northwest Africa

This guide presents the egg and larval descriptions of 150 species of fishes belonging to 57 families, which are most likely to be present in plankton samples collected in the continental shelf and oceanic waters off northwest Africa. The guide is structured in two parts. The first introductory part describes...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Webinar: Trees and veg - Designing your own system

Join Ben Raskin of the Soil Association and Andy Dibben of Abbey Home Farm as they discuss agroforestry systems in horticulture. They'll be taking us through step by step how to design and set up a system that you can apply to your own market gardens and farms. The discussion...
2023 - Organic Growers Alliance

Integrated land use management systems in Uzbekistan – Part 1

Case studies and governance recommendations. Literature review
This is a literature review on land use and integrated land use management systems in Uzbekistan. The review aims to synthesize and examine the state of knowledge and the scope for establishing various integrated resource and land use management strategies such as types of agroforestry systems and integrated pastoral management...
2023 - FAO

Predatory mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis (Heteroptera: Miridae) as biological control agent in greenhouse tomato production

Species of zoophytophagous genus Dicyphina, plant bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae) are among the most abundant and effective predators of tomato pests. Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter, 1895 (Hemiptera: Miridae) is the predominant species of Dicyphina sp. and it is considered to be a major natural enemy of insect pests in tomato crops...

Site web
Concurso Regional 2023: Soluciones Tecnológicas de Bajo Costo y/o Basadas en Recursos Locales

El Banco de soluciones tecnológicas de bajo costo y/o basadas en recursos locales es una iniciativa del Grupo de Trabajo Temático de Transferencia de Conocimiento y Buenas Prácticas de PLACA. La segunda edición de este concurso regional busca relevar soluciones tecnológicas de bajo costo y/o basada en recursos locales que contribuyan a mejorar...
2023 - Plataforma de Acción Climática en Agricultura de Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Fiche d'information
Contexto de cadena ovino-caprina

En esta ficha de contexto se mencionan los aspectos importantes de la cadena ovino-caprina enfocados a su marco productivo, regional, económico, comercio internacional, así como sus perspectivas y tendencias frente al mercado, dando a conocer su entorno de Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación.
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Article de blog
Accompagner les pratiques agricoles pour mieux préserver la ressource en eau potable et la biodiversité

Agriculteurs, acteurs institutionnels et membres du Cirad se sont réunis pour un atelier d’échange sur les pratiques agricoles pour faire face aux enjeux de préservation des ressources en eau et de la biodiversité. Le but ? Restituer des résultats sur la qualité de l’eau et sur le suivi des populations...
2023 - CIRAD
Total results:1914