Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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EUFarmRecipes book

Copa and Cogeca launch new #EUFarmRecipes book, each recipe with a story to tell, to show consumers that farmers and their cooperatives are the first producers of food
European Union
2017 - Copa&Cogeca

Kenya says no to genetically modified maize trials

Kenya is withholding approval for field trials of genetically modified (GM) maize because some officials argue that a ban on GM imports applies to controlled growing tests as well, according to a person familiar with the deliberations. Talks involving representatives from the health and environment ministries and the Kenya’s...
2017 - People's Coalition for Food Sovereignty

Charter for CSAs in the USA and Canada

Collectively written by CSA farmers and promotors in the United States and in Canada during 2016, to prepare the 2017 CSA Day, on February 24th.
The North American CSA community, taking a clue from the rapid growth of CSAs in new areas of the world (France, UK, all of Europe, China), is proposing the adoption of a CSA Charter that provides a definition of what CSA is all about. Together, regional networks and independent CSAs will launch...
Canada - United States of America
2017 - Urgenci

Étude de cas
Improving food security, nutrition and income of tribal smallholder farmers in Sundagarh District, Odisha, India

More than a thousand smallholder farmers from predominantly tribal Sundargarh district have been supported to adopt or extend locally appropriate, low-cost, sustainable farming practices to improve food and nutritional security and increase income.  The Centre for Integrated Rural and Tribal Development (CIRTD), a long term partner of ActionAid India in Sundargarh...
2017 - Action Aid India

Article de blog
Oportunidade para novas redes de agroecologia

Está aberto o edital de seleção pública nº 2017/030 Ecoforte Redes, que tem como objetivo a seleção e o apoio a projetos territoriais de redes de agroecologia, extrativismo e produção orgânica, voltados à intensificação das práticas de manejo sustentável de produtos da sociobiodiversidade e de sistemas produtivos orgânicos e de...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Article de blog
Turismo rural: convite a conhecer a vida do campo

A Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) declarou 2017 como o Ano Internacional do Turismo Sustentável para o Desenvolvimento. Segundo a instituição, será uma ótima oportunidade para promover o papel do turismo no crescimento econômico, inclusivo e sustentável e na defesa dos valores culturais. Da parte que nos cabe, é fácil...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Étude de cas
Early warning weather information, Senegal

Agriculture in Senegal is predominantly rain-fed and so erratic weather patterns present an everincreasing risk to smallholder farmers across the country. Late onset of rain can lead to a reduced growing season; unexpected torrential rain and flash-flooding can lead to farmers losing scarce resources of seed, other farm inputs and...
2017 - Action Aid

Étude de cas
Climate resilient sustainable agriculture for adaptation to climate change in The Gambia

Smallholder farmers in Gambia are increasingly facing climate related induced disasters and vulnerabilities affecting their lives and livelihoods. During 2010-2012, farmers faced flash floods, periods of drought, disease infestation, saline intrusion, deforestation and massive erosion of their farmlands resulting in crop failure and reduced food security. ActionAid has introduced agroecological...
2017 - Action Aid

Note/document d'orientation
What Every Extension Advisor Should Know About Organic Farming

Over the last few years, Dr. K.M. Sreekumar has been trying to expose the myth and realities in organic farming. Dr. Rasheed Sulaiman V. recently interviewed Dr. K.M. Sreekumar to know his perspectives on this topic and to get his advice on what position extension workers should take while interacting...
2017 - AESA

Trainers’ Training Manual on Policy Advocacy

This training manual was developed as a guide in facilitating the training course on Constructive Engagement and Policy Advocacy under the project entitled: “Building capacity of VNFU leaders and staff on policy advocacy” funded by AsiaDHRRA, a member of Agricord. The training manual is intended to guide and assist trainers...
2017 - International Cooperation Division (ICD) Vietnam National Farmers Union (VNFU)

Article de blog
Consultation on modernising and simplifying the common agricultural policy (CAP)

The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was developed in the early sixties to translate in policy terms the objectives defined in the Treaty of Rome (1957), and subsequently taken over in the Treaty on the European Union. Like all other EU policies or programmes, the CAP is also subject to...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Farming Matters: Food and the climate crisis

This issue of Farming Matters addresses the intersection of agroecology, food sovereignty and the climate crisis. Climate change is a political problem that highlights the need for systemic change to the way food is produced, processed and distributed. From agroecological practices that build resilience, to social movements that resist land grabbing,...
2017 - ILEIA

Delivering Smart Rural Development.

The 8th NRNs’ meeting discussed new networking tools and methods to support the implementation of the Cork 2.0 Declaration in Rural Development Programme (RDP) delivery. The meeting used a methodology called ‘Innovation Camp’ to develop new ideas for the rural networks to achieve their goals in practice. Participants worked in six...
2017 - European Network for Rural Development ENRD

Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network - 2016 Annual Report

PIFON recently released its Annual Report 2016 documenting its activities implemented in 7 of its member countries of Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, PNG, Samoa and newly joined TimorLeste, it also reports on the finances for 2016. The report covers the progress of all the activities associated with its two...
2017 - Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network

Article de revue
Le baromètre 2017 des agricultures familiales

Les modèles agricoles sont plus que jamais mis en débat, au Sud et dans les pays du Nord. Défis Sud poursuit son ambition d’éclairer les enjeux sous-jacents aux divers modèles agricoles en publiant un baromètre annuel des agricultures familiales. Approchées et interrogées tant dans leurs dimensions quantitatives que qualitatives, les...
2017 - SOS Faim Belgium

Article de blog
El encuentro regional de agroecología arranca con decisiones estratégicas para los productores de Bolivia

El Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia contará con una instancia certificadora pública para la producción orgánica, anunció Hugo Bosque, asesor del Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras (MDRyT), en la apertura del VII Encuentro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Agricultura Ecológica y Orgánica (ELAO) que se realiza del 22 al 25...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2017 - Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras (MDRyT)

Article de blog
A switch to ecological farming will benefit health and environment

A new approach to farming is needed to safeguard human health and avoid rising air and water pollution, high greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss, a group of 20 leading agronomists, health, nutrition and social scientists has concluded. Rather than the giant feedlots used to rear animals or the uniform crop...

Farming Nature: Bulgaria

In this video we travel to West Stara Planina, Bulgaria, in the south-eastern corner of Europe. We will learn how High Nature Value grasslands are preserved in this country by enthusiastic farmers like Pavlin Antonov, who apply rotational mob grazing to ensure the best production and environmental value in his...
2016 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

Haller Farmers App

Affordable, Scalable, and Sustainable techniques for smallholders
Haller Farmers App puts 60 years of farming expertise into the hands of thousands of smallholder farmers. Haller Farmers App shares farming knowledge based on what has been tried and tested at the Haller Training & Demonstration Farm and then implemented successfully on the ground by our communities. Our vision...
2016 - Haller Foundation

Farming Nature: Ireland - Community and Conservation on Achill Island

Filmed on Achill Island in September 2015 this video highlights the Natura 2000 habitats Machair Grassland and Upland Heath, both present on the Island. Supporting the type of traditional extensive farming that is practiced here is essential for maintaining these habitats. Taking a more targeted approach to agri-environment schemes can...
2016 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
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