Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Malas prácticas en la porcicultura: lo que no debemos hacer ni permitir

Malas prácticas que en ocasiones se tornan rutinarias en la producción porcina constituyen elementos propiciadores para innumerables procesos patológicos y trastornos que dificultan la obtención de una eficiente productividad. En este artículo, se abordan de manera objetiva las acciones asociadas a malas prácticas que en ocasiones se tornan rutinarias en la...
Dominican Republic

Article de blog

Исследовательский холдинг Ромир  и Центр ОНФ по мониторингу технологической модернизации провели исследование продуктовых предпочтений россиян о том, какие продукты они предпочитают, на какие характеристики обращают внимание. Опрос показал, что все больше людей заботится об экологичности продуктов. На вопрос: «За что вы готовы платить больше?» 56% ответили, что переплатят за продукты экологические чистые,...
Russian Federation
2016 - Союз органического земледелия

New entrants into farming

Lessons to foster innovation and entrepreneurship
This report presents the findings of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group (FG) on New Entrants to Farming: lessons to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, which was established under the European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI). New entrants are widely recognised as important to the ongoing vitality and competitiveness of the...
European Union
2016 - EIP Agri Agriculture and Innovation

Article de blog
La Ruche qui dit oui ubérise-t-elle le système Amap ?

La Ruche qui dit oui, qui permet la vente directe de produits alimentaires, connaît un fort engouement en France, avec plus de 5.000 agriculteurs et artisans membres du réseau. Pourtant ce système, organisé par une entreprise privée, essuie des critiques, en particulier de la part des Amap et de certains producteurs....

Revue spécialisée
Agricultura familiar na América Latina

A difusão do conceito e a construção de sujeitos políticos
O presente artigo analisa a “agricultura familiar” na América Latina, como manifestação dos modos de vida e complexidades da região. Debatese a categoria como “conceito-síntese” das rupturas e continuidades do Agro latino-americano.
2016 - Revista Brasileira de Sociologia do Direito,

Business start-up support for young farmers

Justina grew up on her family’s farm in the Ukmergė region of central Lithuania and she wanted to continue in her family’s footsteps by becoming a young farmer. Initially, she had access to land and some older equipment. However, being an ambitious young person with a lot of ideas and...

Regional Symposium on Agroecology for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Europe and Central Asia

In order to continue to develop this regional approach, from 23–25 November 2016 the regional symposium on title ‘agroecology for sustainable agriculture and food systems in Europe and Central Asia’ will be held. It will start with a field visit on 23 November afternoon and the internal CSO meeting, followed...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Article de blog
"Agropreneurship" needs "Partnership"

What is agropreneurship? Google won’t provide you with a definition, which today you might consider unusual. Then there is the fact that auto-correct keeps trying to tell me to correct the spelling of the word.  Which makes me think…the NEXT HOT THING! So let’s make it a word and a reality...
2016 - YPard

Article de blog
Plano Setorial de Mitigação e de Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas para a Consolidação de uma Economia de Baixa Emissão de Carbono na Agricultura

O Plano Setorial de Mitigação e de Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas para a Consolidação de uma Economia de Baixa Emissão de Carbono na Agricultura - Plano ABC é um dos planos setoriais elaborados de acordo com o artigo 3° do Decreto n° 7.390/2010 e tem por finalidade a organização e o planejamento...
2016 - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)

Article de revue
Rescuing our maize: Building a network

A network of communities in West-Central Mexico has rescued its traditional landraces of maize. This experience shows that the benefits of defending an ancestral good is not only limited to regaining cultural identity and agrobiodiversity. The defence of native maize has become a space where old and new knowledge redefined agriculture and where people achieved food sovereignty, technical autonomy, and a new sense of community.
 Throughout history, the ‘milpa’ has been the basis of Mesoamerican agriculture. The milpa is an agroecological practice where maize (Zea mays), edible gourds (Cucurbita spp), and beans (Phaseolus spp) are intercropped in association with woody, medicinal, and fodder plants, as well as fruit trees. Maize is more than a crop...
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

Article de blog
FAO putting down roots in Kazakhstan

Ending hunger and other goals where FAO plays an active role are part of a globally agreed agenda for the next 15 years. It was only natural, then, for FAO’s representative in Kazakhstan to take part in a recent tree-planting ceremony designed to draw public attention to those goals. To raise...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Report on the multi-stakeholder consultation on agroecology in Asia and the Pacific

Seeking to gain a better understanding of the role that agroecology can play in eradicating hunger and malnutrition, FAO organized the Multistakeholder Consultation on agroecology for Asia and the Pacific, held in Bangkok, Thailand on 24-26 November 2015. FAO acted as a facilitator to enable debates and foster collaboration among...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

European countries aim for ‘Green Economy,’ reducing deforestation

Greening the economy and improving air quality for a better environment and human health were two main themes of the Eighth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference, held 8-10 June in Batumi, Georgia. Participating countries also emphasized agriculture, forest management, water and food as key focus issues contributing to a “Green...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Research Report on Farmer Cooperatives in Georgia

The present paper is the product of research on cooperatives in Georgia carried out by Elkana from August to October 2016 in the framework of the AGROinform-led IFAD-funded project “Promoting inclusive horticultural value chains in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova” The goal of the research is to provide valuable information...
2016 - ELKANA

Article de blog

Биологизация земледелия в России имеет давнюю историю. Первые идеи научной биологизации можно найти в трудах А. Т. Болотова (1738-1833 гг.) — основоположника отечественной агро­номической науки. Развивая свое хозяйство в имении Дворяниново Тульской губернии, он придавал решающее значение новым куль­турам и севооборотам. В 1771 г. вышла в свет одна из основных...
Russian Federation
2016 - Союз органического земледелия

Con las botas bien puestas: jóvenes haciendo agroecología

The video covers the stories of five young, agroecological producers in Costa Rica. Covering issues from traditional knowledge, efficiency, recycling, local economies and others, the video tells the stories of how agroecology is a viable and sustainable way to produce food and how young people can engage and lead small-holder...
Costa Rica
2016 - Eraverdeucr


Agricultura y Mundo Rural. Experiencias Locales en un Mundo Global
La publicación del Anuario de 2016 de UPA, con el lema, “Agricultura y mundo rural: experiencias locales en un mundo global”, es una gran ocasión para reflexionar sobre las relaciones entre la globalización de los mercados y el mantenimiento de las producciones locales. La globalización es cada vez más constatable...
2016 - Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos.

Article de revue
Locally rooted: Ideas and initiatives from the field

Two (or more) heads are better than one, goes the old saying, and the same is true in agroecology. As we see here, when people from diverse backgrounds come together, their different perspectives and experiences are fertile ground for creativity and innovation to blossom.
  Farmers in Koutiala, a district in Southern Mali grow cereals to feed their families and keep cows for milk and as a form of savings. There, all the arable land is currently under cultivation. During the four months of the rainy season, farmers prioritise the cultivation of cereals over fodder...
Belgium - France - Indonesia - Mali
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

Partie d’un ouvrage
Family Farming in Romania

Small Family Farm households are essential for the future of Romania
Although family farms are found in great numbers all over Romania, they are found in their highest numbers, and in the most typical traditional small-scale farmed landscapes, in the northern and Central parts of Romania. This smallholding-based production has persisted, especially in Romanian mountain and upland regions. However, livestock numbers...
2016 - AgriSpin

Bulletin d'information
News from the International Network Urgenci

The International Network of Community Supported Agriculture Newsletter
2016 - URGENCI
Total results:3987