Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Étude de cas
Cassava as animal feed in Ghana

Past, present and future
The study on the use of cassava as animal feed in Ghana was commissioned as part of FAO’s initiative supporting poverty reduction in northern part of the country. Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is one of the main staple food crops grown by almost all farming families in Ghana, contributing to large...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Étude de cas
Youth and agriculture: New think-tanks for family farming

Family farming matters. In Africa, 60 to 70% of producers live in rural areas and they produce most of what Africa’s people consume. However, despite this contribution, family farming is often sidelined in academic discussions and in agricultural policies.
2013 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Partie d’un ouvrage
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Tanzania

The Government of Tanzania has formulated a number of policies, strategies, and programs guided by its Tanzania Development Vision 2025 (URT, Planning Commission 2005), which sets long-term development goals to turn Tanzania into a middle-income country by 2025 and make it competitive in the globalized world economy.. Because the Tanzanian...
United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Article de blog
Exploitations familiales au Sénégal: La grande mamelle nourricière

La Fédération des Organisations Non Gouvernementales du Sénégal (FONGS-Action paysanne) a présenté son bilan stratégique 2013, les 29 et 30 octobre 2013. C’est un point sur la réalisation à mi-parcours de son Plan stratégique 2011-2015, qui vise à améliorer durablement la capacité des exploitations familiales à nourrir le Sénégal et...
2013 - La

Article de revue spécialisée
An investigation of challenges facing home gardening farmers in South Africa

A case study of three villages in Nkokonbe municipality Eastern Cape Province
This paper addresses the challenges facing the home garden farmers in Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Sixty households farmer were selected through systematic sampling from Nkokonbe municipality which were purposively selected. The small scale farmers were interviewed with the help of an interview schedule containing open and closed ended...
South Africa

Article de revue spécialisée
Poverty analysis of rice farming households

A multidimensional approach
The official measurement and analysis of poverty in Nigeria has historically relied upon the single dimension, consumption based monetary approach with little attention on multidimensional poverty assessment. This study was therefore carried out to assess the multidimensional poverty index of rice farming households in Nasarawa/Benue Rice Hub, Nigeria. The study...

Partie d’un ouvrage
Changing agrarian relations after redistributive Land Reform in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) initiated from 2000 extensively redistributed land, mainly to peasants and working peoples (see Moyo 2011c) and, in doing so, unravelled the labour reserve economy created over a century of settler-colonial agrarian capitalism. This change has created a broader range of prospects for progressive...
2013 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)

Document de travail
Smallholder demand for maize hybrids and selective seed subsidies in Zambia

Zambian farmers have extensive experience with maize hybrids and input subsidies. Like other countries in Eastern and Southern Africa, the successful development and diffusion of improved maize seed in Zambia during the 1970s and 1980s was supported by strong government commitment to parastatal grain and seed marketing and subsidized provision...
2013 - HarvestPlus

Article de revue spécialisée
Integration of crops and livestock in the smallholder farming system of the former homelands of South Africa

Available evidence suggests that sub-saharan Africa as a group has suffered serious setbacks in recent years, culminating in the stagnation of farm production and productivity amidst sustained and sometime escalating poverty rates. At the same time, increases in human population levels have resulted in rising demand for food as well...
South Africa

Article de blog
Innovation systems for family farming

Smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable to risks.  They are vulnerable to risks from disease, pests, drought, floods and unpredictable rainfall – and they are also vulnerable to the fact that we are increasingly reducing the variety of products that we are producing and consuming. “Out of the 7000 food crops...
2013 - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Partie d’un ouvrage
Southern african agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Zimbabwe

The objective of this chapter is to help policymakers, researchers, and country negotiators better understand and anticipate the likely impacts of climate change on agriculture and on vulnerable households in Zimbabwe, given that about 70 percent of the Zimbabwean population is dependent on rainfed agriculture and the sector contributes between...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Partie de rapport
Market-led aflatoxin interventions

Smallholder groundnut value chains in Malawi
Aflatoxins are more than a barrier to trade for smallholders— they are a serious risk to public health. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 4.5 billion people are chronically exposed to the toxin through the consumption of staple foods, leading to cancer and childhood stunting as...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Note/document d'orientation
Politique Nationale de développement durable au Burkina Faso

Depuis la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le développement humain, tenue en 1972 à Stockholm, le Burkina Faso à l’instar des autres Etats membres des Nations Unies, est entré dans la dynamique de gestion durable de l’environnement au niveau national, prenant en compte la dimension globale. Cette volonté s’est poursuivie...
Burkina Faso

Partie d’un ouvrage
Southern African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis - Botswana

In this chapter we assess the vulnerability of Botswana’s agriculture to climate change, with special emphasis on impacts on the poor. The agriculture sector is inherently vulnerable to climate change, and Botswana’s semiarid climate already severely limits agricultural production. Following a broad overview of current economic and demographic indicators, land...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Partie d’un ouvrage
Southern African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis - South Africa

In examining agricultural vulnerability to climate change in South Africa, we see that an important factor is the enormous existing socioeconomic disparity in access to resources, poverty levels, and capacities to adapt. Recent research results suggest that the South African farming sector is characterized by medium-level exposure risk, coupled with...
South Africa
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Comptes rendus de conférence
The Bangladesh model and other experiences in family poultry development

Stimulated by work pioneered in Bangladesh, the paper outlines a conceptual framework for using poultry as a tool in poverty alleviation. There is now evidence from several coun- tries that small poultry enterprises with adequate institutional support targeting the poorest rural women and their families can help them take the...
Bangladesh - Benin - Burkina Faso - Kenya - Morocco - Mozambique - Uganda - Viet Nam
2013 - International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD)

Article de revue spécialisée
Prevalence of mastitis in dairy cows from smallholder farms in Zimbabwe

A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of sub-clinical and clinical mastitis and the associated factors in cows from selected smallholder dairy farms in Zimbabwe. Physical examinations were conducted on all lactating cows for evidence of signs of clinical mastitis. Composite milk samples were collected from all lactating...

Note/document d'orientation
Large-scale Land Deals, Food Security and Local Livelihoods

Large-scale foreign land acquisitions - land grabs - are major and real concerns for African populations.   The consequences of land deals are highly significant for local populations and the environment. Some see economic opportunities for local communities through employment and income generated from leasing or selling land. Others see land...
Ethiopia - Malawi
2013 - Future Agricultures Consortium

Working together in Mozambique

Staff of the three UN food agencies -- the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) - received an Award of Excellence which recognized their outstanding collaboration in Mozambique. The country teams have been working together effectively to bring...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Partie d’un ouvrage
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Madagascar

Although Madagascar’s economy is agrarian, much of the land is unsuitable for cultivation because of mountainous terrain, extensive lateralization, and inadequate or irregular rainfall. Only about 5 percent of the land area is cultivated at any one time, of which 16 percent is irrigated. In addition to providing livelihoods for...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:3528