Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Note/document d'orientation
The Green Belt Initiative and land grabs in Malawi

There is often a mismatch between the apparent benevolent intents and the practical manifestations of the large scale land deals. The empirical realities of the large-scale land deals call for critical scrutiny and interrogation of the underlying interests of the stakeholders involved to assess the extent to which they genuinely...
2012 - Future Agricultures Consortium

Togo et Bénin Entreprises d’accès aux marchés urbains pour l’agriculture familiale

Description du programme dont le but est d'augmenter et sécuriser les revenus des petites exploitations familiales agricoles dans différentes zones du Togo et du Bénin par la promotion d’Entreprises de Services et Organisations de Producteurs (ESOP) jouant un rôle de services à la production et d’interface pérenne entre des producteurs...
2012 - Entreprises, Territoires et Développement (ETD)

Partie de rapport
Poverty assessment in Sudan: mapping natural resource potential

This is Part 3 of a study, presented in three reports that detail the results of a poverty assessment and mapping project in North and Southern Sudan. The study’s objective was to produce a rural poverty analysis and poverty maps for North and Southern Sudan, and based on these findings,...
South Sudan - Sudan
2012 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Comptes rendus de conférence
Quality and processing potential of goats produced by smallholder farmers in Malawi

This research will evaluate carcass quality and processing potential of goat meat produced by smallholder farmers in Malawi. The farmers will keep local Malawi goat and Norwegian goats under three management systems (intensive, extensive and semi-intensive). The carcasses from these goats will be analyzed for gross and chemical composition. They...
2012 - Bunda College of Agriculture

Views on Smallholder Farming in Malawi with Alice Kachere

Alice Kachere, a smallholder farmer from Malawi, talks about the challenges she faces as well as the training she has benefited from.
2012 - FarmingFirst

Article de revue spécialisée
L'agriculture familiale, indispensable au développement de l'Afrique

Alors que l'agriculture a occupé une place de choix dans les débats de Rio+20,  et que les forces de la société civile y ont défendu l'agriculture familiale,  l'étude "RuralStruc" permet d'éclairer sous un jour nouveau son rôle  dans la lutte pour le développement. A l'initiative de la Banque mondiale, du ...
2012 - Banque mondiale

Document de conférence
Smallholder market access in Kyoga Plains agricultural zone in Uganda

The study aimed at determining factors affecting smallholders’ market access so as to advise on crucial strategic interventions.
2012 - Bunda College of Agriculture

Étude de cas
Family Farm Management System in Burkina and Mali support 51000 farmers

Cotton has been for the past thirty years, the only credible alternative for the economic development of several Sahel countries in West and Central Africa, including Burkina Faso, Benin, Mali, Chad, etc. The cotton sector has not only structured rural areas through human capital investment, but also contributed significantly to...
Burkina Faso - Mali
2012 - SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Étude de cas
Potentiel de développement de l'agriculture de conservation des petites exploitations agricoles familiales : étude de cas à Gori et Kompienbiga (Burkina Faso)

L’agriculture de conservation (AC) est de plus en plus envisagée comme une alternative pour assurer la gestion durable des ressources naturelles et améliorer les conditions de vie et la sécurité alimentaire des exploitants agricoles de l’Afrique subsaharienne mais des doutes subsistent sur son applicabilité dans cet environnement agro-écologique, notamment dans...
Burkina Faso
2012 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM-IAMM)

Étude de cas
Evaluation of draught animal power systems for maize and cotton production at smallholder-farmer level in Masvingo province

An evaluation of smallholder draught animal power systems was conducted in six study areas in Masvingo and Chivi districts of Masvingo province over two seasons 1999-2000 and 2000-2002. The objective was to investigate the effect of renovating animal-drawn ploughs and cultivators on field performance and on maize and cotton yields...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Étude de cas
The sustainability of conservation farming in the smallholder farming sector

A case of Guruve communal area in Zimbabwe
This study is based on fieldwork conducted in Ward 5 Guruve District of Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe. Conservation farming (CF) has been widely embraced as an antidote to the perennial food insecurity situation, bedeviling drought prone regions in Zimbabwe, such as Guruve district and in Africa at large. Despite widespread promotion...
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Document technique
Rural population density access to arable land and small farm development exploring linkages in Malawi and Zambia

This study quantifies how population density affects input use and output per hectare of staple crops. In doing so, we empirically test Ester Boserup’s (1965) hypothesis that increasing population density leads to agricultural intensification, measured through increased demand for modern inputs, such as commercial fertilizer and increased production per hectare....
Malawi - Zambia
2012 - African Development Bank

Note/document d'orientation
The Role of South-South Cooperation in Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural Development

Focus on Africa
As the Government of Brazil hosts Rio+20, attention also falls on the country’s role as a broker for such forms of South-South exchange, particularly on models which can deliver triple wins for the economy, society and the environment. A number of successes in reducing inequality, enhancing both social and productive...
2012 - International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)

Étude de cas
Including Smallholders in Agricultural Research for Development (INSARD)

Case Study on the Partnership between Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA)
The aim of this case study is to identify the lessons learnt from the various partnerships with CSOs that could be used by farmer organizations (FOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in influencing resource allocation and therefore the research agenda of ASARECA and indeed that of other African subregional agricultural research...
2012 - Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Étude de cas
Technical challenges and agribusiness prospects for developing pro-poor small scale dairy processing schemes in Omaheke region of Namibia

Lessons from Zimbabwe’s dairy development program
A study was conducted to assess the potential of establishing small-scale dairy processing schemes that would bring development and economic growth, alleviate poverty and enhance the standards of life of the Namibian livestock rearing population. Lessons were deducted from the Zimbabwe Smallholder Dairy Development Program (DDP). Secondary data was collected...
Namibia - Zimbabwe
2012 - University of Zimbabwe

Document de conférence
Impact of improved agricultural technology adoption on sustainable rice productivity and rural farmers’ welfare in Nigeria: A Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE) technique

This study examined the impact of improved rice varieties adoption on rice productivity and farming households’ welfare in Nigeria using a cross sectional data of 481 rice farmers drawn from three states to represent the major rice producing ecologies (Irrigated, upland and lowland) in Nigeria. Access to seed was found...
2012 - African Development Bank

Marine Science country profiles - Mozambique

The Mozambique Marine Science Country Profile is produced within the framework of Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) - Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) co-operation and as a contribution to the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) programme. The MSCP has also been prepared for the following other countries...
2012 - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

Document de travail
Smallholder farmers participation in livestock markets

The case of Zambian farmers
Using a three-year panel survey data of 5,907 livestock owners in rural Zambia, this study provides empirical evidence on why there are low levels of livestock market participation in Zambia. In addition, the study examines the factors influencing cattle market dynamics in the survey period. In particular, it looks at...
2012 - Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI)

Document de conférence
Determinants of adoption and utilisation of Integrated Soil Fertility Management by small holders in Central Kenya

Per capita food production in Africa has been declining over the last two decades, contrary to global trends due to soil fertility decline. The study sought to determine factors that influence adoption and utilization of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) technologies by smallholder farmers in central Kenya. Two hundred and...
2012 - Kenyatta University

Document technique
Enjeux fonciers et développement "durable" au Mali

Selon l'auteur, faire du Foncier un fait économique total, et du capital le moteur du développement, c’est donner un blanc-seing à la marchandisation de la terre .D'où les questions qu'elle se pose: Faut-il vraiment que le Mali cède ses terres agricoles et ses ressources foncières pour accéder au développement? Pour...
2012 - Unité de formation et de recherche UFR - Droit-Science politique
Total results:3527