Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Document de travail
Technology adoption and risk exposure among smallholder farmers

Panel data evidence from Tanzania and Uganda
This paper investigates the empirical linkages between production risk and technology adoption decisions among agricultural farmers in Tanzania and Uganda using a balanced household panel dataset from the World Bank’s LSMS-ISA project. Applying a moment based approach and a MundlakChamberlain IV fixed effects model to control for endogeneity and unobserved...
Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - African Development Bank Group

Article de blog
Groups promote agroecology at international meeting in Uganda

Organizations that are advocating for agroecology farming practices among small holder farmers in Uganda and Africa at large have urged Uganda government and policy makers to support small farmers in terms of finances and knowledge to increase food production for their families and income earning, instead of opening Uganda to...
2016 - GRAIN

Article de blog
FAO assesses value-chain approach to food security in Great Lakes Region

Food security improved for over 25,000 farmers through commercialization and cross-border trade
Success stories and lessons learnt are discussed at an event in the Rwandese capital, concluding a project on the improvement of food security in cross-border districts of Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda, in support of the modernization of agriculture under the NEPAD-CAADP framework. With the objective of...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Rwanda - Uganda
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


20,000 families in 13 districts of Uganda are now imagining their lives differently. . By creating a shared vision, husbands and wives are not only finding ways to break out of their poverty, but they are discovering the value of equality in their homes.Explore the findings of the Rural Development...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture

How innovations in market institutions encourage sustainable agriculture in developing countries
The key issues that this volume addresses are innovations in organizational and institutional arrangements that have enabled the creation of local markets for sustainably farmed agricultural products or, rather, “institutional innovations”. Institutional innovations can be described as new rules and forms of interactions. They help redefine sustainable practices locally and...
Benin - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Namibia - Nigeria - Philippines - Thailand - Trinidad and Tobago - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bulletin d'information
Climate Solutions that Work for Farmers

Climate Solutions that Work for Farmers: Success Stories from the Field. This CTA publication written by Charlie Pye-Smith presents 'a review of proven practices, tools or policies that promote resilience and help farmers to address the challenges posed by climate change.
Benin - Cameroon - Ethiopia - Mauritius - Uganda - Zambia
2016 - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Climate Action in Uganda

In a country like Uganda where 80% of the population relies upon agriculture for its livelihood, putting agriculture at the heart of plans for climate change adaptation is essential, for which there is full political support. 
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Uganda: Imagine your life differently

20,000 families in 13 districts of Uganda are now imagining their lives differently. . By creating a shared vision, husbands and wives are not only finding ways to break out of their poverty, but they are discovering the value of equality in their homes.
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Document de travail
Are women less productive farmers?

How markets and risk affect fertilizer use, productivity, and measured gender effects in Uganda
African governments and international development groups see boosting productivity on smallholder farms as key to reducing rural poverty and safeguarding the food security of farming and non-farming households. Prompting smallholder farmers to use more fertilizer has been a key tactic. Closing the productivity gap between male and female farmers has...
2015 - World Bank

Note/document d'orientation
Africa’s smallholders adapting to climate change

The need for national governments and international climate finance to support women producers
Climate change is undermining the ability of African nations to feed themselves. Women smallholder producers are on the front line of dealing with the impacts, but are not first in line for international climate finance. Wealthy countries have committed to helping countries in Africa to adapt to climate change, but...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Malawi - Mozambique - Nigeria - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2015 - Oxfam International

Note/document d'orientation
Gender and rural development brief

East and Southern Africa
The countries of East and Southern Africa have made major commitments to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment, and they are starting to pay off. A number of countries have achieved substantial progress towards gender parity in primary school enrolment. Nearly all countries have adopted quota systems requiring women’s participation...
Angola - Botswana - Burundi - Comoros - Eritrea - Ethiopia - Kenya - Lesotho - Madagascar - Malawi - Mauritius - Mozambique - Namibia - Rwanda - Seychelles - South Africa - South Sudan - Eswatini - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Article de blog
FAO and China announce second phase of programme to boost agribusiness in Uganda

South-South sharing of knowledge and best-practices in food production and agribusiness to expand
FAO, China and Uganda signed a two year agreement worth almost $2.5 million to support small-scale farmers in Uganda in boosting their production, including through sustainable technologies. The agreement marks the second phase of a partnership initially established in 2012 to make training and technical advice available to the Ugandan...
China - Uganda
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Document de travail
Smallholders’ Land Ownership and Access in Sub-Saharan Africa

A new landscape?
While scholars agree on the importance of land rental markets for structural transformation in rural areas, evidence on the extent and nature of their operation, including potential obstacles to their improved functioning, remains limited. This study uses household-level data from six countries to start filling this gap and derive substantive...
Ethiopia - Malawi - Niger - Nigeria - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - World Bank Group

Document de travail
Investigating the gender gap in agricultural productivity

Evidence from Uganda
Women comprise 50 percent of the agricultural labor force in Sub-Saharan Africa, but manage plots that are reportedly on average 20 to 30 percent less productive. As a source of income inequality and aggregate productivity loss, the country-specific magnitude and drivers of this gender gap are of great interest. Using...
2015 - World Bank

Article de blog
Helping Uganda’s agriculture grow in a changing world

Faced with a rising population and changing climate, farmers learn new approaches to agribusiness.
Since 2012, 31 Chinese experts and technicians have been sent to Uganda to provide technical assistance in crop production, aquaculture, horticulture, livestock and agribusiness. The team has successfully transferred 25 new technologies, and introduced 17 new varieties such as hybrid rice, foxtail millet and maize, as well as four pieces...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de revue
The faces at the frontline

Working with principles of agroecology, women around the world are pioneering new practices in food and farming. Farming Matters proudly presents Esther, Ann, Allu, Lilian, Elizabeth, Mariama and Esther.
The biggest challenge we face now is the limited awareness of ecological practices and lack of land for smallholders. We are very much against the current push for hybrids and GMOs and the dependence that comes with them. Thus we call upon our government to declare Tanzania free of such...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - India - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Senegal - Uganda
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Programme for the Restoration of Livelihoods in Northern Uganda (PRELNOR)

Northern Uganda is home to 20 per cent of Uganda's entire population, but it accounts for 38 per cent of Uganda's poorest. The Acholi sub-region and Adjumani district have suffered more from recent internal conflicts than other areas in the north. Living in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps has...
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Farming as a Business in Eastern Africa

Success stories from the FAO Food Security through Commercialization of Agriculture (FSCA) Programme funded by the Italian Development Cooperation in Eastern Africa. Supporting market oriented production and value addition. Facilitating business linkages and access to fair markets. Promoting efficiency and professionalization of value chain actors.
Burundi - Rwanda - Uganda
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Community Seed Production

Due to this underlying need, FAO, in collaboration with ICRISAT, ICARDA, and CIAT, organized an expert consultation workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in December 2013 on Community Seed Production. The workshop’s objective was to create a roadmap and develop strategies for enhancing effective uptake and implementation of CSP in developing...
Afghanistan - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - Ethiopia - India - Malawi - Nepal - Peru - Uganda
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
Equal rights begin in the home

Household mentoring in Uganda
Household mentoring is an innovative tool that provides the skills and knowledge that enable poor families to improve their well-being and incomes. And, as an IFAD-supported programme in Uganda has shown, it also promotes greater equality and shared decision-making among household members.
2015 - United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
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