Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Moldova signs four-year cooperation agreement with FAO

Helping Moldova’s agrifood sector become more internationally competitive, more sustainable, more resilient to climate change, and a major contributor to rural development are the objectives of an agreement signed today between Moldova and FAO. Results will include strengthened the food safety system and phytosanitary control services, promotion of Moldovan agrifood products...
Republic of Moldova
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Article de blog
EU farmers dream of the digital age

For tomorrow’s farmers, the choice is to get connected or face the consequences. And the transition is already under way. In 2015, almost all French farmers (98%) used the internet at least once a week for professional reasons, according to the 2015 Agrinautes-Agrisurfeurs study.
European Union
2016 - EurActiv

Agroecology for sustainable agriculture in Trinidad: ROCROPS AGROTEC

Rocrops is a smallholder farm established in 1990 in Trinidad. It is owned and managed by the husband and wife Ramgopaul and Beena Roop. The Rocrops farm is comprised of 1.29 ha. (3ac) of former degraded and acidic (3.5pH) sugar cane lands. The development of the farm has emphasized a...
Trinidad and Tobago
2016 - Rocrops farm

Sustainability and Competitiveness of Romanian Farms through Organic Agriculture

Currently, the development of any sector involves respecting the principles of sustainability, which means economic, social and environmental development. Moreover, organic farming is a very important field for ensuring sustainable development. Romania has great potential for the development of organic agriculture, especially due to the large number of available farmland...

Shashe Agroecology School: A true centre of Agroecology and practical food Sovereignty

The experience of the Shashe community in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe, is a microcosm of the broader vision of La Via Campesina (LVC). Shashe is a community of peasant farmers who gained their land first through a land occupation, and were then benefitted by the Fast Track Land Reform Program implemented...
2016 - La Via Campesina Africa

Étude de cas
Seed Mothers

The Adivasi communities of Odisha, India, have experienced substantial losses of many natural resources from their area, which are key elements ensuring their food and livelihood security. Many farmers from the Adivasi communities have lost diverse varieties of traditional local crops like millet based mix crops while trying out market...
2016 - Organisation for Rural Reconstruction & Integrated Social Service Activities (ORRISSA)

How to amplify agroecology

“Agroecology is a process. You cannot expect a process to be perfect immediately. But once you make a step, you are moving.” With these words, Ugandan family farmer Jowelia Mukiibi captured both the essence of the agroecological transition and the attention of her audience: over 70 people representing 30 organisations doing...
2016 - Cultivate!

Article de blog
FAO and Armenia sign five-year cooperation agreement

Minister of Agriculture of Armenia Ignati Araqelyan and Raimund Jehle, FAO Representative for Armenia, signed the new Armenia-FAO Country Programmming Framework at a signing ceremony here today. Healthy livestock and crops, safe food, improved levels of nutrition, reduced poverty, and better management of disaster risk are priorities in the new agreement....
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Étude de cas
Agroecology in Extensive Rangeland Pastoralism in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia: Below the Eternal Blue Sky

Mongolia is located in Central Asia in between Russia and China. Only 1% of the arable land in Mongolia is cultivated with crops. The agriculture sector therefore remains heavily focused on nomadic animal husbandry with 75% of the land allocated to pasture, and cropping only employing 3% of the population. Dundgobi...
2016 - MANIP

Referente Agrícola: Uso y manejo responsable de productos agroquímicos

Podcast trimestral del Programa Intensificación Sustentable en América Latina del CIMMYT, donde se abordan temáticas relevantes a la implementación de prácticas y tecnologías sustentables en el campo.
2016 - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)

The World of Organic Agriculture 2016

Statistics & Emerging Trends 2016
Organic agriculture is practiced in 172 countries, and 43.7 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically by approximately 2.3 million farmers. The global sales of organic food and drink reached 80 billion US dollars in 2014. The 17th edition of The World of Organic Agriculture, published by the Research Institute...
2016 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Article de blog
La France, championne d’Europe de l’agriculture bio en circuit court, mais plus pour longtemps ?

Une fois n’est pas coutume, la France est en pointe en Europe dans le développement de circuits courts, qui associent agriculteurs et consommateurs pour des produits de qualité vendus au prix le plus juste pour chacun. L’agriculture biologique poursuit également son essor : 21 nouvelles fermes en bio se créent ou...

Article de revue spécialisée
Beyond ‘voting with your chopsticks’: Community organising for safe food in China

This paper describes the recent emergence of alternative food networks in China in the context of widespread food quality concerns. Drawing on interviews and public blog posts, we illustrate how participants in these networks are moving beyond instrumental market relations and developing the collective agency necessary to participate in shaping...
2016 - Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)

Article de revue
Participatory Guarantee Systems - A platform for knowledge exchange

The significance and value of local and traditional farmers’ knowledge on improving agricultural practices is gaining more and more recognition. Participatory Guarantee Systems have been shown to hold great potential, to encourage knowledge sharing between farmers, and thus contribute to nurturing farmers’ knowledge.
2016 - Leisa India

Article de blog
Pesticide manufacturers’ own tests reveal serious harm to honeybees

Unpublished field trials by pesticide manufacturers show their products cause serious harm to honeybees at high levels, leading to calls from senior scientists for the companies to end the secrecy which cloaks much of their research.
European Union
2016 - EurActiv

Avances en producción porcina ecológica

La producción porcina ecológica permite la obtención de productos de alta calidad mediante la utilización de técnicas que respetan ampliamente el medio ambiente y el bienestar animal, y puede ser una alternativa viable para ganaderos que ven comprometido su futuro en el mercado convencional. Además, estas técnicas pueden ser interesantes...

WORKSHOP Participatory research design - SUSTURBANFOODS

ustUrbanFoods “Integrated sustainability assessment of social and technological innovations towards urban food systems” is a Marie Skolodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) individual fellowship. The project has a duration of 24 months and is funded by the European Commission. SustUrbanFoods aims to develop an interdisciplinary methodological framework to assess the sustainability of urban...

Civil society groups to seek consensus on FAO regional issues

To make sure civil society has a voice at the upcoming FAO Regional Conference for Europe, a special civil society consultation will take place on 2-3 May in Antalya, Turkey, immediately before the Conference. Participating civil society organizations will discuss cooperation with FAO’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, results...
2016 - Food and Agriculture of United Nations

Farming - At the heart of our life : teacher’s resource pack

A learning pack for teachers and young Europeans aged 11-15, about food and the importance of farming in our life. The teacher's pack contains a DVD, a usb key, worksheets and a map. This set can be a great help for geography, ecology and healthy nutrition lessons.
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Article de blog
Agro-écologie: les actions réalisées en 2015

A l’occasion du Comité national d’orientation et de suivi (CNOS) du projet agro-écologique qui s’est tenu mardi 12 avril au ministère de l’Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll a fait un point sur l’état d’avancement du projet et les réalisations 2015. L’occasion également de présenter les résultats d’une enquête BVA sur la...
2016 - Site du Ministère de l'Agricolture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt
Total results:4008