Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Producción agroecológica en Ecuador

Este video muestra un informe sobre cómo se desarrolla la agroecología familiar orgánica en diferentes partes del Ecuador.
2015 - Comunidad Andina (CAN)

Article de blog
Hardy cattle boost Zimbabwe farmers’ incomes

FAO assists Zimbabwe’s smallholder farmers boost livestock production
The European Union (EU), FAO and the Government of Zimbabwe launched a major programme to assist smallholder farmers boost productivity and engage in commercial agriculture through integrated farming approaches. The 4-year US$19 million programme is managed by FAO and focuses on smallholder irrigation and livestock production support activities. As part...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Le Réseau AMAP Ile-de-France

Depuis 2004, le Réseau AMAP Ile-de-France accompagne le développement du mouvement des AMAP dans la région. Il soutient aussi depuis 2009 l'installation de nouveaux paysans en agriculture biologique de proximité, avec ses partenaires du Pôle Abiosol.
2015 - AMAP

Article de revue
Association for direct marketing of local agricultural products

Can Perol Baix Llobregat SL was formed in 2008 through the association of six Spanish families from the Catalonia region, with the aim of developing a direct marketing business that consisted of high-quality agricultural products sold to consumers in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The idea of establishing the company...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Article de revue
The success of a new bakery: qualitative raw materials and traditional recipes

Using traditional recipes and qualitative raw materials proved to be a successful choice for a new bakery in the Přílepy village, Czech Republic. The business led to the creation of jobs and became a place of meeting and leisure for locals.
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Article de revue
Vegetable growing, a profitable business in Suceava

As professional car mechanic, Vasile Mătrășoaie worked in the former Suceava car repair enterprise, and after work, he took pleasure in growing vegetables. He was even selling to his colleagues the seeds he was planting in order to make some money. This was his beginning in a field in which...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Article de revue
My Farm - The young investors are optimistic about the future

Berindu is an ordinary village located at 31 kilometres from Cluj-Napoca, on the road to Zalău. People from here, householders like in the whole Ardeal, liver their lives working the land and rearing animals. In the small locality affiliated to Sânpaul Municipality from Cluj we found a young investor in...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Article de revue
The future of the Romanian village depends on the young people

At only 23 km from Braşov, on the National Road 13, there is Rotbav, a village from Feldioara Municipality, Braşov County. The establishment is proud of its magnificent historical past along which it borne numerous names. The legend says that in the first half of the 13th century, about 20...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Article de revue spécialisée
Inclusion of Women Self – Help Groups Into Value Chains

Agriculture plays an important role in social stability of the Kyrgyz Republic. More than a half of the population lives in rural area and their income is strongly linked to agricultural activities. The level of poverty among the rural population (41.4 percent) is much higher than urban areas (28. 5...
2015 - Food and agriculture organization of united nations

Article de revue spécialisée
Agricultura urbana con enfoques del buen vivir y agroecología en la ciudad de Puebla, México

La ciudad de Puebla es una de las más contaminadas y con menos áreas verdes de México. Además de carente de mecanismos e infraestructura para atender esta problemática, está inserta en una situación alimentaria grave, caracterizada por 3.72 millones de personas (64.5% del total del estado) que padecen algún grado...
2015 - Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT)

Article de blog
Supporting small holder farmers in Zimbabwe

In Bubi District, Hauke irrigation scheme was completed in 2012. The community engaged WV to build on the work originally initiated by the European Commission and the Government of Zimbabwe, to complete the irrigation of the land and the building of canals. In the most recent cycle (July-December, 2012),150 workers...
2015 - World Vision International

Fiche d'information
Transforming smallholder-private sector relationships to take agro-ecological community-based adaptation to scale: agroforestry coffee systems in Peru

More than half a million marginalised coffee growers affected by climate change now have a concrete opportunity to adapt to the effects of global change, thanks to the agro-ecological approach that has been developed over 10 years by Practical Action in the Peruvian Amazon.
2015 - Soluciones Prácticas

Comptes rendus de conférence
The Regional Seminar on Agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean

Conscious of the need to link the agroecological outlook to local and regional socio-ecological realities, the FAO decided to continue and expand on discussions previously started in Rome via a number of regional seminars across different continents. The Regional Seminar on Agroecology in Latin America and the Caribbean (the Seminar)...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Las mujeres en la agricultura familiar

"En este número, presentamos experiencias de mujeres agricultoras que han optado por practicar la agroecología como alternativa para lograr la sostenibilidad de la producción de alimentos para su familia y comunidad, y la mejora de sus agroecosistemas. Pero en lo social y económico la práctica de la agroecología que presentan...
2015 - leisa revista de agroecología

Étude de cas
The Untold Success Story: Agroecology in Africa Addresses Climate Change, Hunger, and Poverty

The Oakland Institute today released 33 case studies that shed light on the tremendous success of agroecological agriculture across the African continent in the face of climate change, hunger, and poverty.
2015 - Oakland Institute

Article de blog
Changing fortunes of farmers

Waarabe Dareeray village has been known for the good crop production due to its good soil type and availability of water. However, the farmers’ fortunes changed when the area was hit by prolonged drought which led to poor crop yields. Many farmers migrated to other villages in search of other...
2015 - World Vision International

Article de revue spécialisée
Has the Association of Romanian Vegetable Farmers Contributed to the Supply Chain Integration?

This paper approached the complex issue of the association of semi-subsistence vegetable producers and their access to the large retail chains, in the context of the financial support received through the National Rural Development Program in order to connect these farms to the market.    
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

IPES-Food: 10 Principles to guide the transition to Sustainable Food Systems

The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, IPES-Food, is a new initiative aimed at informing the debate on how to reform food systems. IPES-Food has identified 10 key principles to guide the urgently-needed transition to sustainable food systems. They include principles to shape the sustainable food systems of...
2015 - International Panel of Experts on sustainable food systems (iPES FOOD)

Article de blog
Equal rights begin in the home

Household mentoring in Uganda
Household mentoring is an innovative tool that provides the skills and knowledge that enable poor families to improve their well-being and incomes. And, as an IFAD-supported programme in Uganda has shown, it also promotes greater equality and shared decision-making among household members.
2015 - United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Agua: vida y agricultura

El agua es indispensable para todas las actividades humanas y sobre todo para la agricultura. Pero también es un recurso cada vez más escaso en el mundo y su desperdicio y contaminación son enormes. En esta edición de LEISA presentamos artículos basados en experiencias innovadoras de uso del agua realizadas...
2015 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes
Total results:3994