Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Comparing the levels of deprivation among family farmers at the semiarid of Northern Minas Gerais in the context of the coexistence programs and the rural productive microcredit

The  study  attempts  to  investigate  what  are  the  sources  of  deprivations  that  prevent  the expansion  of  the freedoms of family farmers in  the  semiaridof  northern Minas  Gerais and whether the presence of the Rural Productive Microcredit (Agroamigo) and of the Training and Mobilization  Programs  for  Coexistence  with  Semiarid  Conditions:  One ...
2013 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Article de revue spécialisée

发展循环农业是实现农业清洁生产、农业资源可持续利用的有效手段, 也是解决现代农业发展困境 的必然选择。文章系统地阐述了循环农业的内涵、特征、理论基础与遵循原则, 指出其本质特征是资源节约 和产业链条延伸,是遵循循环经济理念的生产方式、资源节约和高效利用的农业经济增长方式、产业链延伸 的农业空间拓展路径和环境友好的新农村理念。分析了循环农业的发展动力与物质流程框架, 指出循环农业 的产业链循环包括农业生产过程中农产品的顺时针外循环路径和可再生资源的逆时针内循环路径,其发展动 力主要是产业链内固有的价格机制和竞争机制产生的拉动作用和产业链外资金、技术、政策等对产业发展产 生的推动作用。文章总结了国内发展循环农业的实践和相关的模式, 提出了循环农业今后的研究重点包括循 环农业的机理研究, 循环农业发展的制度创新和补偿机制研究以及循环经济闭合循环链条体系的构建。
2013 - 中国生态农业学报

Étude de cas
Typology of smallholder farming in South Africa’s former homelands

Towards an appropriate classification system
The agriculture sector continues to be viewed as a vehicle through which economic growth and development can be achieved; particularly for developing economies. This view is incorporated in South Africa’s rural development framework in the National Development Plan, which indicated that this sector will be the main driver in developing...
South Africa
2013 - Stellenbosch University

Étude de cas
Effets du Conseil à l'Exploitation Familiale (CEF) sur les performances économiques des exploitations bénéficiaires à Banikoara au Nord-Bénin

Les effets du Conseil à l’Exploitation Familiale sur le revenu et la productivité agricoles des bénéficiaires ont été évalués dans cet article. Les données collectées auprès de cent soixante (160) producteurs choisis aléatoirement à raison de quatre-vingt (80) auditeurs CEF (AC) et quatre-vingt (80) non auditeurs ont été analysées à...
2013 - Association africaine des agroéconomistes

La agroecología como respuesta a las potencialidades y retos de la agricultura indígena y campesina en el distrito de riego El Triángulo del sur del Tolima

El Distrito de Riego del Triángulo del Tolima (DRTT) se constituye en el nuevo marco de potencialidades y retos para la agricultura en el Sur del Tolima. Este proyecto de irrigación en gran escala del Ministerio de Agricultura está siendo construido entre los municipios de Natagaima, Coyaima y Purificación, zona...
2013 - Grupo Semillas

Revue spécialisée
LEISA Revista de Agroecología: Educación para el cambio

"Cambios de modelo educativo no se circunscriben a la educación superior universitaria sino que, vinculadas a las perspectivas de realización social y económica de los actuales jóvenes y niños de las familias campesinas agricultoras, existen iniciativas de educación rural con larga experiencia de éxito en varios países de la región,...
2013 - Leisa revista de agroecología

Organic Agriculture's Contribution to Sustainability

Sustainability is about ecosystem integrity, social well-being, economic resilience, and good governance. According to the current state of knowledge and development, how does organic agriculture contribute to each of these sustainability dimensions?

The Art of Dar HD -The most exclusive gourmet products from Transylvania

The Art of Dar combines the highest quality Transylvanian foods and crafts. It has successfully used a news story, provoking media interest, to raise the profile of Transylvanian products in general and it was created as an innovative way of found raising.  The product line was launched at the SIAL global...
2013 - ADEPT Fundation

Agroécologie, une transition vers des modes de vie et de développement viables

Paroles d’acteurs
Parler d’agroécologie est équivoque et oppose souvent deux camps. Tantôt présentée comme remède à tous les problèmes, tantôt accusée de mystification ou d’archaïsme, l’agroécologie réellement pratiquée dans le monde ne mérite certainement pas cet excès d’honneur ou cette indignité. Tout simplement, elle existe, et ceci depuis longtemps et de manière...
2013 - Groupe de Travail Désertification

Development perspectives of rural areas in the City of Zagreb - Brezovica settlement

The area of the City of Zagreb is the only Croatian region (NUTS 3), which is defined as an urban area. Fourteen of the twenty counties are classified as exceptionally rural, and six of them are classified as rural areas. Because of this division, the inhabitants of the rural areas...
2013 - Croatian Rural Development Network (HMRR)

Article de revue

Beyond food
Some may view indigenous communities as being conservative and backwards. However, the Kabekwa in Costa Rica show that such communities can be adaptable and innovative. In response to changing circumstances, this community has been adapting its farming practices constantly, benefiting from it in multiple ways.
Costa Rica
2013 - AgriCultures Network

Food Plants of Haiti

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Étude de cas
La territorialidad tz’utujil frente a la expansión de la caña de azúcar

El presente trabajo tematiza la expansión del monocultivo de la caña de azúcar en las tierras bajas del litoral pacífico de Suchitepéquez en territorios ancestralmente tz’utujiles, que incluyen el altiplano de Sololá. Para poder enfatizar en la territorialidad maya tz’utujil frente a las actividades agro-extractivas cañeras, la investigación da cuenta...
2013 - Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR)

Étude de cas
Xuanhua Traditional Vineyards System

Garden cultivation of Xuanhua milk grapes, with a long history of 1,300 years of cultivation in the local area, and which mainly includes the traditional technology of funnel frames and polyclonal hole-planting methods, has extremely important historical value and cultural connotations. The plantations are mainly distributed in Guanhou village, Penyao...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Kilimo Hai. Going Organic in East Africa

The documentary shows how three smallholder farmers in Tanzania and Kenya escaped poverty, hunger and diminishing yields through learning organic farming practises. This documentary was made for IFOAM by Maweni Farm in collaboration with the national organic agriculture movements in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda.
Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)

Étude de cas
La expansión de la caña de azúcar en Suchitepéquez y su impacto en la subsistencia de la población del altiplano guatemalteco

Un caso local del fenómeno de acaparamiento de tierras
El documento es parte de una serie de cuadernos populares de divulgación de resultados preliminares de tres investigaciones más amplias que actualmente se están realizando sobre la problemática que actualmente vive el pequeño y mediano campesinado en Guatemala, concretamente la agricultura familiar campesina. La misma problemática se extiende desde la falta...
2013 - Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR)

Partie d’un ouvrage
Organic agriculture in the Czech Republic

The aim of this part of the book is to present basic statistical data on the current situation state of organic farming in the Czech Republic (i.e. the number of organic farms and the pattern of the land resources in OF as at 31. 12. 2011 and also the pattern...

Uganda's Young Agro-pastoralists - Developing future leaders today

Children in Karamoja, northern Uganda, are learning about farming, healthy eating and how to protect themselves from diseases, thanks to the Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools, set up by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and partners across 6 countries in the region. For young people like former...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de revue spécialisée
Combining agroecology and management science to design field tools under high agrosystem structural or process uncertainty: Lessons from two case studies of grassland management

One way to improve sustainable agriculture is to use existing resources and technologies better by finding synergies between plants, soil, climate and management practices. However, for many agricultural situations there is a lack of understanding about the structure of biological and ecological relationships that drive resource dynamics. Therefore, it remains...
2013 - Elsevier Ltd

Étude de cas
Traditional Gudeuljang Irrigated rice terraces in Cheongsando

Traditionally, Cheongsando Island had an agricultural environment that was somewhat disadvantageous for paddy agriculture due to steep slopes, sandy soil with rocks and rapid drainage, and a scarcity of water for paddy farming. “Gudeuljangnon,” a product of efforts of Cheongsando Island residents, are rice paddies created by re-engineering the natural...
Republic of Korea
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:3987