Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Commission hopes new CAP grants will boost number of young farmers

The new Common Agricultural Policy for the period 2014-2020 is expected to provide nearly 180,000 young farmers with an installation grant, an EU spokesman has told EurActiv.
European Union
2015 - EuroActiv

Pilot project: Exchange programmes for young farmers

The analysis of survey responses shows that young farmers have different expectations and needs, depending on the region in which they live, the agricultural sector in which they work (intensive, extensive), their level of education, their relation to the farm (owner of the farm or not) etc. This study revealed...
Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czechia - Estonia - European Union - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia - Sri Lanka - Sweden - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2015 - European Commission

"Free", Paolo Maria Mosca Farm

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - reterurale

"The farm of a thousand stories" The Old Homestead

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - reterurale

We Feed The Planet – Indigenous and pastoralist youth key actors in the achievement of food security

In this video FAO participated in a global gathering of over 2 500 youth change-makers from 120 countries, representing farmers, fishers, indigenous peoples, pastoralists, chefs and food experts. Among them, indigenous and pastoralist representatives shared their vision, ideas and concerns on food security and sustainable food production. 
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Improving rural livelihoods in the Mediterranean region. FAO/CIHEAM partnership focuses on food security, nutrition, and resilience

FAO/CIHEAM partnership focuses on food security, nutrition, and resilience
The International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today signed a new strategic partnership aimed at strengthening the livelihoods of rural communities in the Mediterranean region.   The two organizations will work together to advance solutions on issues in the region related...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

2024 prospects for EU agricultural markets

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development presented its latest projections for crop, milk and meat markets in the EU for the next ten years. Leading experts from international organisations also presented their views. The conference concluded with a panel discussion involving representatives from OECD, FAO, USDA and the European...
2015 - The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Article de blog
Close up on young rural people's economic empowerment

As part of the NEN Close Up series, the Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia Division hosted a knowledge sharing event on rural youth and economic empowerment in the Near East and North Africa. Through a regional grant, IFAD is partnering with Making Cents International, a social enterprise...
Egypt - Yemen

Article de blog
Supporting vulnerable groups in the Central African Republic

FAO promotes decent employment opportunities for the rural youth.
The events in the Central African Republic (CAR) over the last two years have left more than 2.5 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Thanks to funding received in 2014, FAO and partners managed to contain a major food crisis but overall agricultural production is still nearly 60 percent...
Central African Republic
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Nuovi fattori di successo 2015: "Liberi"- Azienda Agricola Paolo Maria Mosca

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2015 - Rete Rurale Nazionale

Article de blog
Países de CELAC ponen a la agricultura familiar en el centro de sus políticas públicas para erradicar el hambre

Este artículo destaca que fortalecer y dar sostenibilidad a la agricultura familiar como motor de desarrollo de los territorios rurales en América Latina y el Caribe fue el principal acuerdo de la II Reunión Ministerial de Agricultura Familiar de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CELAC. Durante la reunión, desarrollada...
2015 - Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Étude de cas
Adiós a la tierra: trayectoria y proyectos de vida de jóvenes en comunidades rurales de Guatemala

Con el objetivo de profundizar el análisis y comprender el impacto de las condiciones y mecanismos de acceso a la tierra en la configuración de las trayectorias y proyectos de vida juveniles, se propuso el estudio cuyos hallazgos aquí se presentan. Para la realización del mismo, se contó con el...
2015 - Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales en Guatemala (AVANCSO)

Article de blog
Young African entrepreneurs discuss how to succeed in agriculture

This blog article presents hows young African entrepreneurs are engaging and succeeding in agriculture. this is all happening during a panel discussion that was part of the warm-up to the formal launch of the 2015 Agriculture Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)
2015 - African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)

Article de blog
FAO realizó taller Regional de Experiencias de Apoyo a la Inserción Laboral de Jóvenes Rurales

El encuentro tuvo como objetivo el intercambio de experiencias del sector público en materia de promoción del empleo y empleabilidad de la juventud rural de la región. El Grupo Temático sobre Juventud Rural de la REAF MERCOSUR, fue invitado para compartir su experiencia en la temática desde la mirada de...
2015 - Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), Reunión Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar de MERCOSUR (REAF)

Article de revue
Youth and agriculture: Young Bedouin women can become key actors in their communities

Born in a rural Bedouin community in North Sinai Governorate, Egypt, Yasmina Atta grew up in a culture that heavily restricts the roles of women. Undeterred by this oppression, she started to support young women in claiming their rights and becoming relevant economic and political actors.
Born in a rural Bedouin community in North Sinai Governorate, Egypt, Yasmina Atta grew up in a culture that heavily restricts the roles of women. Undeterred by this oppression, she started to support young women in claiming their rights and becoming relevant economic and political actors.
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Article de revue
Stakeholder involvement in rural development policy – an overview

This article provides an introduction to the topic of stakeholder involvement in rural development policy and sets the scene for the rest of this EU Rural Review. It clarifies the importance of stakeholder involvement and how and why the EU is prepared to invest so much to support it. It...
2015 - European Union

Bulletin d'information
Boletín n° 1 del proyecto “Emprendimientos juveniles exitosos con el uso de tecnologías de información y comunicación”

En esta ocasión presentamos el primer BIP del proyecto “Emprendimientos juveniles exitosos con el uso de tecnologías de información y comunicación” que se desarrolla en los municipios de Rurrenabaque y San Buenaventura de los departamentos de Beni y La Paz, en Bolivia. El propósito del proyecto es fortalecer las capacidades...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Soluciones Prácticas

Article de revue
A young man from Harghita sets his mind to win the Europe markets with the lambs he raises

As a child, he would spend his holidays with his grandparents in Tomești, Harghita county, and with the ones in Stânceni, Mureș county, whose yards he would fill with animals he would “collect” from the village. He went to high school far away from his parents, in Gheorghieni, because that’s where...

Revue spécialisée
Boletín de agricultura familiar para América Latina y el Caribe, Julio - Septiembre 2015

Esta edición del boletín incluye: Entrevista: Entrevista a Michely Vega León Investigadora del Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical “Alejandro de Humboldt” (INIFAT). Observatorio de Agricultura Familiar: Sistemas Participativos de Garantía: Facilitando el acceso a mercados a partir de iniciativas locales de certificación orgánica. Buenas prácticas: Inocuidad de los alimentos y su...
2015 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe

Mali: Comment enrayer l'exode des jeunes

Au Mali, la plupart des jeunes ruraux quittent leurs villages pour essayer de trouver du travail en ville. Les seuls qui restent sont les personnes âgées et les enfants, qui ont bien du mal à produire suffisamment pour se nourrir. Aujourd'hui, des jeunes comme Diallo Haroun reviennent pour un nouveau...
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Total results:473