Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Mesas técnicas agroclimáticas

Las Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas (MTA) son una innovadora iniciativa que busca integrar actores del sector agropecuario a nivel local para informar, especialmente a los pequeños productores, sobre los cambios esperados en el clima de su región; cómo estos pueden afectar sus cultivos y qué pueden hacer para reducir los impactos...
2015 - Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

Food Security and Indigenous Peoples

The independent, sustainable lives in the mountains of Thailand’s indigenous peoples’ way of life is now under threat. Commercial farming, national boundaries and ‘modern life’ is compromising and taking away their last remaining link to the earth—the very source of their distinct indigenous identities, culture and dignity. Food security is...
2015 - Aisa Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)

Article de revue
Bringing consumers together to keep local food in business

Ethical purchasing groups, known as GAS (Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale) first appeared in Italy in the 1990s. GAS are groups of consumers who purchase collectively and directly from producers who are chosen on the basis of sustainable production principles. GAS groups were born from the desire to build a healthy...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe

Families – The Entrepreneurs of the Countryside

This brochure presents eight case studies showcasing the role of European farming families as resilient, rural entrepreneurs in the context of the UN International year of Family Farming (IYFF) (2014). It is clear within the IYFF that family farming as a global political objective refers to a sub-set of family-owned...
France - Germany - Hungary - Ireland - Poland - Spain - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2015 - European Land Owners

Article de revue
Using the internet to put local food first

La Ruche Qui Dit Oui was set up in 2010 in France to provide a web platform for farmers, producers and consumers who want to buy and sell agricultural produce. La Ruche Qui Dit Oui means “The beehive that says yes” which is what the system (or beehive) aims to...
2015 - Friends of the Earth Europe

Note/document d'orientation
Smallholders and land tenure in Ghana

Aligning context, empirics, and policy
For decades, policymakers and development practitioners have debated benefits and threats of property rights formalization and private versus customary tenure systems. This paper provides insights into the challenges in understanding and empirically analyzing the relationship between tenure systems and agricultural investment, and formulates policy advice that can support land tenure...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Global Nutrition Report 2015

Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development
Malnutrition should not be one of them. Countries that are determined to make rapid advances in malnutrition reduction can do so. If governments want to achieve the SDG target of ending all forms of malnutrition by 2030, they have clear pathways to follow. There are many levers to pull, and...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Site web
Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile (MUCECH)

MUCECH o Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile, es la unión estratégica de las organizaciones nacionales campesinas, de carácter social, político, económico y cultural.Organizaciones que Conforman la Corporación  Confederación Nacional Campesina (CNC) Confederación Nacional Sindical Campesina e Indígena "Nehuén" Confederación Nacional "El Triunfo Campesino" Federación Nacional de Sindicatos Agrícolas "Sargento Candelaria Pérez" Federación Nacional...
2015 - Movimiento Unitario Campesino y Etnias de Chile (MUCECH)

Sustainable Food Consumption in Arab Countries

The need for sustainable food consumption in Arab countries has emerged from the regional concern for food and nutrition security that requires special consideration on multiple levels and disciplines. In response to population growth and demand, the current Arab food system – characterized by intensive agricultural production as well as...
Algeria - Bahrain - Egypt - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya - Mauritania - Morocco - Oman - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - United Arab Emirates - Yemen
2015 - Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)

Manual de capacitación para una nutrición sustentable

Este trabajo de Heifer Ecuador, profundizó el reconocimiento de los saberes y costumbres locales. La experiencia permitió incorporar conocimientos sobre nutrición, utilizando producción recuperada de la zona y abriendo espacios al involucramiento de jóvenes y mujeres, para cambiar hábitos alimentarios impuestos y nocivos. Así, se recobró el placer de comer...
2015 - Fundación Heifer Ecuador

NGOs - Association of Private Agriculture of Czech Republic (APA)

The most important interest NGO representing the family farms in Czech Republic is the Association of Private Agriculture of Czech Republic (APA), professional organisation of private farmers. It prepared in connection of International year of family farming a series „Way of the cross of Czech farmer” dealing with the biggest 12...

Article de blog
Agricultores peruanos de papa y científicos se unen para adaptar prácticas tradicionales a El Niño y cambio climático

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), la Asociación ANDES y las comunidades que viven alrededor del Parque de la Papa en el Cusco, se reunieron el 18 de noviembre para discutir el impacto del fenómeno de El Niño en la región. Desde 2004, el Parque de la Papa y...
2015 - Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)

Article de revue
The connection between product and its place of origin, in the European economic context

The European Union is a social and political approach meant to create a space of common values, shared by several states (the member states), aiming to equalise policies of various fields. At the same time, though, there is a constant concern to keep traditions and the different elements between communities,...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Global challenges, local solutions

Joint learning partnerships for widespread catalyzing practices in food systems and land-use at service of our planet
The conference will bring foundations together with diverse stakeholders (civil society organizations, public, multilateral institutions and others) to look at good practices supported by foundations in the fields of land use and sustainable food systems and to discuss elements of success, replicability and the potential to scale-up. This will be...
2015 - European Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture and Food

Article de blog
Diplomado busca fortalecer capacidades para el desarrollo territorial con identidad cultural de actores latinoamericanos

El Diplomado Internacional en Agroecología y Desarrollo Territorial con Identidad Cultural que impulsa el programa Desarrollo Territorial con Identidad Cultural DT-IC de Rimisp en Colombia, se apronta a desarrollar su segunda versión en el primer semestre del 2016, para fortalecer las capacidades de actores latinoamericanos en el reconocimiento de las riquezas bioculturales...
2015 - RIMISP - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural

How Lao farmers can benefit from agro-biodiversity in the rice field

In this video FAO presents the Lao agricultural sector, which is largely based on subsistence farming. Upland rice farmers in Laos depend on agro-biodiversity resources, including native species of plants, animals and insects for food, income and medicine. However some species are now declining due to agriculture intensification and overharvesting,...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

7th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (Ec-Plf)

University of Milan is pleased to Welcome you to the 7thEuropean Conference on Precision Livestock Farming that will be held from the 15th to the 18th of September, 2015, in Milan, Italy. The European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming takes place every two years, and during the last edition was confirmed...

Article de revue
Livia Gîrboiu - Winemaking as a family legacy

The Gîrboiu wine cellar is a family business created in 2005. The vineyards are set in the Cotești village, located in an area with a climate extremely favorable for growing grapevine and a soil rich in mineral, unique in the south-east of Romania. This area has a vast tradition in winemaking,...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Site web
Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias de Bolivia “Bartolina Sisa” (CNMCIOB-BS)

La Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias de Bolivia “Bartolina Sisa” CNMCIOB “BS”, se fundó el 10 de enero de 1980. A raíz del papel decisivo que muchas mujeres habían tenido en diversos bloqueos, en la época de dictadura, en 1977 empezaron los primeros sindicatos de mujeres indígenas. En...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias de Bolivia “Bartolina Sisa” (CNMCIOB-BS)

Caracterización y tipificación de la agricultura familiar en la comunidad indígena de Ceima Cachivera en Mitú-Vaupés

Con el fin de visibilizar la agricultura familiar en el país se realiza esta investigación en la que se caracteriza y tipifica las formas de agricultura indígena en la comunidad de Ceima Cachivera en las dimensiones social, cultural, económica, productiva y ambiental, La comunidad está ubicada dentro de la periferia...
2015 - Facultad de Ingeniería Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Total results:974