Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Biocontrôle : du curatif au préventif

Le biocontrôle représente une alternative au modèle de l’agrochimie. Il est fondé sur la prévention et les régulations naturelles. INRAE s'est engagé dans le Grand défi « Biocontrôle et biostimulants » pour développer des filières innovantes ainsi que dans le programme prioritaire de recherche « Cultiver et protéger autrement »....
2023 - INRAE

Conferencia Internacional Autosuficiencia Alimentaria y Agroecología en un mundo multipolar

Inscripciones A partir del 21 de agosto 2023 Ejes temáticos de la conferencia EJES DEL DÍA 30 DE NOVIEMBRE (MATUTINO) Eje 1. Transición agroecológica y otros enfoques afines para la transformación de sistemas alimentarios que sean más justos, saludables, sustentables y logren la autosuficiencia alimentaria. Políticas públicas nacionales exitosas. Eje 2. Experiencias relevantes de transición agroecológica y...
2023 - Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

Bulletin d'information
Innovation and knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI Thematic issue on biodiversity May 2023

'Innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’'s role is to facilitate communication and cooperation between those with a keen interest in sharing knowledge and innovative ideas for sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural areas. In the current issue, May 2023 - biodiversity
European Union
2023 - European CAP Network

'Hoofprints on the Land' and why we need livestock in the landscape!

'Hoofprints on the Land' and why we need livestock in the landscape! The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR).
2023 - CAWR Coventry University

Article de blog
Des expérimentations prometteuses

 INRAE conduit des expérimentations de culture sans pesticides depuis plus de 10 ans. Les systèmes étudiés sont conçus dès le départ dans cet objectif, en appliquant les principes de l’agroécologie, ce qui facilite leur réussite. Enjeux.
2023 - INRAE

Bulletin d'information
Agroecology Coalition Newsletter

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter! With this, we will be providing you with quarterly updates on various activities of the Agroecology Coalition, complementing our website and various social media channels. As you will read, this first edition highlights our involvement in some international events (e.g., One Planet Network Conference on Sustainable Food Systems; Bonn Climate Week, etc.) We are gearing up for a busy rest of the year as we embark on...
2023 - Agroecology Coalition

Article de blog
Regenerative, organic and agroecology: What’s the difference?

Find out what three main routes to sustainable farming actually mean and how to support them.
Regenerative, organic, agroecological. You might encounter all of these terms in the search for ‘sustainably’ grown food (there’s another!). This word soup is a great sign that lots of farming communities are experimenting to find a better way, but as a consumer, it can be pretty confusing. Here’s a quick...

Slow Food Uganda Coffee Festival returns

The event takes place in Mukono Town on May 12 Unlocking community barriers for a profitable and open source agroforestry coffee value chain: this is the leading theme at the 4th Slow Food Uganda Coffee Festival. Slow Food Uganda believes that agroforestry in coffee production is the key to achieving sustainability...

Family Farming in Spain 2023 Yearbook

Agriculture and livestock facing the challenge of climate change. Innovation and entrepreneurship for sustainable progress
In 1994, UPA began the adventure of publishing a Yearbook of Family Farming. The objective was simple, although ambitious: to collect in an annual work the main data, ideas and proposals of this production model, which in the Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers we have defended since our origin. Now,...
2023 - Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers of Spain - Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos (UPA)

Document technique
Assessing impact of agroecological interventions in Niger through remotely sensed changes in vegetation

Water scarcity is a major challenge in the Sahel region of West Africa. Water scarcity in combination with prevalent soil degradation has severely reduced the land productivity in the region. The decrease in resiliency of food security systems of marginalized population has huge societal implications which often leads to mass...

Article de blog
Filling the Gap Between Seeds Research and Small-Scale Farmers

CARE’s Farmer Field and Business School (FFBS) model focuses on improving small-scale farmers’ productivity, resilience and access to markets. FFBS is a hands-on, learning-by-doing approach through which groups of farmers meet regularly during the course of their value chain production cycle to learn about new agricultural techniques and to experiment...
2023 - AgriLynks

Note/document d'orientation
We Can Be Friends: Harvesting the Benefits of Coexistence Farming

Transforming Philippine agriculture remains an urgent need, not just because it is intrinsically connected to food security but also for poverty reduction. The technologies brought by the Green Revolution in the 1960s sparked growth in the sector, but it has remained slow compared to some of its neighboring countries. Although...

Article de revue spécialisée
Building Medicinal Agroecology: Conceptual grounding for healing of rifts

In this chapter we argue that industrial food production, distribution and consumption play a central role in perpetuating the present intersecting crises of poor health, biodiversity loss, climate change and inequality. At the centre of our argument lies a contention that multiple rifts (e.g. between humans and nature, urban and...
2023 - Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University, UK

Comptes rendus de conférence
Proceedings of the First International Conference on School-Plus-Home Garden cum Biodiversity Enhancement Enterprise (SHGBEE1)

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) together with the Regalo ng Kilit Foundation, Inc. convened the First International Conference on School-Plus-Home Garden cum Biodiversity Enhancement Enterprise (SHGBEE1) with the theme, “Restoring Biodiversity, Regenerating Agriculture, and Building Businesses.” Held on 8-12 November 2022 at...
2023 - SEARCA

Article de revue spécialisée
Participatory action research in a time of COVID and beyond

The outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 was a challenge for any practitioner intent on engaging in authentic dialogue for people-centered, place-based transformative praxis with the most marginalized in society–be they in Europe or the Majority World. The pandemic called on us to explore new and creative methodological approaches, to...
2023 - Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems

Bulletin d'information
Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest June 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases thelatest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and upto date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscalefisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more.For more documents, feel free to search in the FFKP’s database( your...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN

Article de blog
Community-Based Rice Seed Entrepreneurship Model in Northern Bangladesh

Food security is paramount in Bangladesh, which has a high population density (1329 people per km2) and poverty rate (18.7%). Seed is a critical input in agriculture. The timely use of quality seeds of potential varieties can increase yields by up to 25%. Currently, about 46% of the farmers in...
2023 - AESA

Document technique
Burkina Faso – Stratégie Nationale de développement de l’agroécologie (SND-AE)

La Stratégie nationale de développement de l’agroécologie au Burkina Faso (SND-AE) a été élaborée pour aider le pays à s’investir dans l’intensification agroécologique en vue de réaliser une sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle durable dans un contexte environnemental caractérisé par la baisse des précipitations, la dégradation des sols et des ressources...
Burkina Faso
2023 - Ministère de l'agriculture des ressources animales et halieutiques (Bukina Faso)

Article de blog
Regenerative agriculture in Spain

Along with Greece, Italy and Portugal, Spain is the country in continental Europe that is faced with the largest percentage of desertification and the greatest water shortages.Next to climate change, intensive and conventional farming are the main causes of this catastrophic form of land degradation. According to the European Commission,...
2023 - Resilience Food Stories

Article de revue spécialisée
Agroecology-oriented farmers’ groups. A missing level in the construction of agroecology-based local agri-food systems?

The efforts of agroecology-oriented farmers and peasants’ orga-nizations have been studied in depth in relation to their political expression, but less so with regard to the forms they adopt to strengthen the socio-economic viability of small- and medium- sized farms within sustainable food systems. Whilst farmers’ self- organization represents a...
2023 - Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
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