Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Organic in Public Danish Kitchens and Private Eateries

On May 23, a broad alliance of Danish trade unions, educational- and advisory institutions, and business organizations representing thousands of farmers, restaurants, and food companies launched a joint proposal for the upcoming Danish Climate Plan. The national climate goal in Denmark is one of the world’s most ambitious: a reduction in climate...
2021 - Organic without Boundaries

Article de blog
From a “gravel pit” to resilient farm

When Ana María Castro decided to use up her savings to buy a desolate piece of land, her husband had his doubts. What could she possibly grow in that soilless gravel pit? Her reply: “Let me be. I want my plot of land.” As a woman in rural El Plantel, Honduras, Ana María...
2021 - SeedChange

Article de blog
Integrated Farming System

Krishi Vigyan Kendras have been instrumental in helping farmers adopt integrated systems on the farm, thereby helping them produce more and earn more. Lyngrah’s farm, now a model farm, serves as an example of such support provided by KVK. Shri Wallam Kupar Lyngrah, a dedicated progressive and innovative farmer, hails from...
2021 - Leisa India

Site web

The “SSF University” is designed to build capacity of small-scale fishers and fish workers on select topics, to share knowledge and to promote the exchange of best practices throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea region.  This initiative responds to the recommendations within the Regional Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

El Poder del Agave: Reverdeciendo el Desierto

Agave proviene de la palabra griega αγαυή que significa “noble” o “admirable,” es una sucuenta desértica perenne común, de gruesas hojas carnosas y espinas puntiagudas. Las plantas de agave evolucionaron originalmente en México, el suroeste de los Estados Unidos y en Centroamérica, pero también pueden ser encontrados actualmente en las...
2021 - Vía Orgánica

Article de blog
Bonding on the job in Bamyan, Afghanistan

The area of Bamyan in central Afghanistan is located right in the middle of what was known as the Silk Road and used to be a strategic resting point for travellers and merchants. It was meeting point of cultures and once a hub of Buddhism, but today it is more...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Tanzanian farmers boost diets with sustainable methods

An agroecology project from Tanzania found significant improvements in the diversity of children’s diets and food security for households after farmers learned about sustainable crop-growing methods, gender equity, nutrition and climate change from peer mentors. The investigator of the project said, “We found that this intervention approach of combining agroecology...
United Republic of Tanzania
2021 - Cornell

Document technique
Développer des approches participatives pour promouvoir la diversification alimentaire à l'échelle familiale

Cette note valorise les présentations et les discussions d'un wébinaire organisé par le GRET en Janvier 2021 sur le sujet de l'amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionelle en Afrique de l'ouest dans le cadre de la convention Programme ASANAO.    
2021 - ASANAO

Étude de cas
Mapeo de iniciativa de agricultura familiar en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia

Resumen de iniciativa vinculadas a la agricultura familiar
El mapeo de las iniciativas de agricultura familiar es una herramienta que busca entregar una visión completa sobre el panorama de cada país de América Latina y el Caribe. Este resumen presenta una categorización de las distintas leyes que se implementaron e implementarán.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Preparación de colmenas para entrar en invernada

La etapa posterior a la cosecha y de paso el cambio de estación son generalmente el momento en que apicultores ven un aumento en las labores productivas y de comercialización, pero también es importante no descuidar la preparación de las colmenas para entrar a la etapa de invernada, preparando de...
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Article de blog
LEADER - 30 years and preparing for the future: Delivering LEADER’s unique added value

The ENRD Contact Point organised a workshop to explore LEADER's positive, long-term impacts in rural areas and discuss how its added-value can be maximised in the future through better partnerships, local development strategies, and local projects and initiatives under the CAP Strategic Plans.  The event took place online as a webinar.  The event...
European Union
2021 - European Network for Rural development

Bulletin d'information
Boletín Territorio y Libertad. Número #2 Soberanía y autonomía alimentaria. PARTE 1

Número #2. Soberanía y autonomía alimentaria. PARTE 1
Boletín Territorio y Libertad. Número #2. Soberanía y autonomía alimentaria. PARTE 1. Editado por el Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Estudios críticos del desarrollo rural
2021 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Note/document d'orientation
SALSA Project Summary Booklet 2016-2020 - Placing small farms under the microscope

The SALSA project has closed a long-standing gap in research by looking into the status of small farms in different regions of both Europe and Africa. Its findings should help these farms live up to their true potential. Thirty reference regions, 25 of them in Europe and five in Africa. That’s...
2021 - SALSA Project

Incendios forestales

En San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, es probable que se ignore que uno de los motivos de los incendios forestales es precisamente la deforestación o tala, para la construcción desmedida de casas o fraccionamientos sobre tierras fértiles, esto no solo provoca sequías, también es factor para que los incendios vayan...
2021 - Vía Orgánica

Article de revue spécialisée
The Potential of Locally-Sourced European Protein Sources for Organic Monogastric Production - a review paper

Organic monogastric agriculture is challenged because of a limited availability of regional and organic protein-rich ingredients to fulfill the amino acid requirements. The development of novel feed ingredients is therefore essential. The use of starfish (Asterias rubens), mussel (Mytilus edilus), insect, green and brown seaweed, and forage crop extracts exhibits...

Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species diversity in secondary forest and three agricultural land uses of the Colombian Pacific Coast

The study area pertains to the Chocó Biogeography, one of the most biodiverse areas in the world, where around 40,000 ha of rainforest has been cleared for oil palm plantations. We surveyed the ant species' richness and diversity in four differently disturbed areas in Tumaco, Colombia, using pitfall traps and...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Mountain farming systems – seeds for the future

Sustainable agricultural practices for resilient mountain livelihoods
This publication presents a collection of case studies by Mountain Partnership (MP) members from around the world, highlighting experiences of agroecological mountain farming systems. It aims to increase attention toward agroecological principles and approaches and showcase their potential. The MP, the only United Nations global voluntary alliance dedicated to sustainable...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Étude de cas
Mapeo de iniciativa de agricultura familiar en Chile

Resumen de iniciativa vinculadas a la agricultura familiar
El mapeo de las iniciativas de agricultura familiar es una herramienta que busca entregar una visión completa sobre panorama de cada país de América Latina y el Caribe. Este resumen presenta una categorización de las distintas leyes que se implementaron e implementaran.
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Article de blog
Millets prove tasty solution to climate and food security challenges

A renewed focus on boosting the production of millets and highlighting their benefits is critical to reducing over-reliance on more commonly grown crops, boosting diverse diets, and food security. That’s especially true in times of climate change and during periods of natural disaster when food becomes scarce. This is an...
2021 - United Nations

Article de blog
Kenyan farmers adopt agro-ecological methods as food safety awareness grows

The following is an inspiring story from Kenya. "I don't use pesticides and inorganic fertilizers at all because my goal is to ensure that I farm sustainably," Kuria, who is among a rising number of farmers in the east African nation adopting the methods, told Xinhua in a recent interview.This...
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