Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Día Internacional de los Bosques: Hablemos de innovación en el sector forestal

El tema del Día Internacional de los Bosques de este año: “Bosques e innovación: Nuevas soluciones para un mundo mejor”, es quizá deliberadamente provocador: el sector forestal no está considerado como uno de los más innovadores del mundo. De hecho, muchos lo consideran más bien conservador y opaco.  Pero ya es hora...

Perspectives agricoles de l’OCDE et de la FAO 2024-2033

Les Perspectives agricoles de l’OCDE et de la FAO 2024-2033 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être l’évolution, sur les dix ans à venir, des marchés des produits agricoles, halieutiques et aquacoles. L’édition de cette année met au jour des tendances majeures. Les économies émergentes exerceront une influence déterminante...
2024 - OCDE

Article de blog
Un nouveau dispositif de surveillance pour défendre les droits des paysans

Au printemps 2024, le Conseil des droits de l'homme de l'Onu créera un nouveau groupe d'experts chargé de promouvoir et de surveiller les droits des paysannes et des paysans dans le but de faciliter la sensibilisation mondiale des autorités et de la société civile aux défis de la production alimentaire...

Article du bulletin d’information
India: Freshwater Blues

The scarcity of freshwater fish resources in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal highlights alarming trends in inland capture fisheries
On a rainy day in August, when the availability of fisheries resources is high in the Teesta river here, Bimal Das returned from a four-hour fishing trip with only three kg of fish. While sorting the fish from the ice slabs, a dejected Das contemplated quitting fishing to looking for...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Document de travail
Investment and Cultivation Strategies for Women and Youth Inclusion: Cases from On-farm, Off-farm and Non-farm Activities in Ethiopia and Mali

This study explores how livelihood assets, strategies for accessing the assets, and enabling and discouraging factors in the value chain shapes the inclusion of women and youth in on-farm, off-farm and non-farm activities. It is based on the Safeguarding Sahelian Wetlands for Food Security (SaWeL) program that aims to make...
Ethiopia - Mali
2024 - International Water Management Institute

Étude de cas
Multifunctional Land Use Framework: Case Study Collection

A practitioner case study collection from our action research on Multifunctional Land Use Frameworks
This practitioner case study collection is collated from FFCC’s action research into the Multifunctional Land Use Framework (MLUF) during our pilot testing process in Devon and the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority. These case studies show everyday examples of existing activities that demonstrate components of a Multifunctional Land Use Framework (MLUF)...
2024 - Food, Farming & Countryside Commission

Article de blog
Le sol est à la base du bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes : leçons de Côte d’Ivoire

Le sol n’est pas qu’un simple support : il doit être en bonne santé pour que les activités agricoles puissent s’installer et perdurer. En Côte d’Ivoire, le ministère de l’agriculture a rassemblé agriculteurs, décideurs politiques et scientifiques autour d’actions pratiques pour assurer la durabilité des sols des paysages forestiers en...
Côte d'Ivoire
2024 - CIRAD

Fiche d'information
The potential of agroecology and organic: Insights from scientific evidence in the tropics

Agroecology and organic agriculture have the potential to facilitate the transition towards inclusive, healthy and sustainable food systems. An increasing number of high-level experts find the evidence for agroecology and organic agriculture compelling, and farmers worldwide have shown it is possible: 30 percent of farms have transitioned to agroecology, and...
2024 - Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL)

Note/document d'orientation
Seven reasons to invest in agroforestry for post-war reconstruction and reform efforts in Ukraine

Policy brief by Agroforestry Network
Agroforestry is a multifunctional land-use system that integrates woody vegetation with crops and animal production, which can improve the resilience of yields and livelihoods and contribute significantly to environmental sustainability. This policy brief has been compiled by Agroforestry Network and its partner organizations in solidarity with Ukraine. The policy brief highlights seven reasons...
2024 - Siani

Article de blog
How farming can be a force for change

Dr Charlie Taverner on how a new government can help farming work for climate, nature and people
It’s easy to paint farming as a fringe issue. A tiny proportion of the voting public have a direct tie to agriculture. Most voters won’t make up their minds based on parties’ plans for the future of the farm support budget (for England a little over 1% of what the government spends...
2024 - Food, Farming & Countryside Commission

Article de blog
L'état des forêts d'Afrique centrale - une action urgente s'impose

Les forêts d’Afrique centrale sont au cœur d’une crise environnementale mondiale dont l’urgence ne cesse d’augmenter. Cet écosystème est gravement menacé par la déforestation, la dégradation et le changement climatique. Le Forum hybride de l’OFAC a réuni plus de 700 experts, praticiens et décideurs publics à Bonn et en ligne....
2024 - Rural 21

Article de blog
New African Society: Cultivating Seeds of Change in Sierra Leone’s Eastern Province

New African Society (NAS), a youth-led Sierra Leone-based organization, is working for the development of self-sufficient communities to alleviate generations of poverty within the country. The organization offers services that promote the advancement of agricultural projects within the region, seeking to remedy a lack of opportunity for socioeconomic mobility and...
Sierra Leone
2024 - Food Tank

Article de blog
What do we know about the future of the environment and biodiversity in relation to food system transformation?

Key messages The environment’s proper functioning is essential for a better life on Earth, including maintaining, enhancing, and restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services. On the one hand, the environment is driven by external factors and shocks as well as interventions within the global food system. On the other hand, simultaneously, it...
2024 - CGIAR

Apprentissage en ligne
Acciones de mitigación para una ganadería climáticamente inteligente (NAMA)

El Curso “Acciones de mitigación para una ganadería climáticamente inteligente (NAMA)” se realiza dentro del Paquete de Fomento de la Acción Climática (CAEP) del NDC Partnership impulsado por la Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe y con apoyo de la iniciativa de la utilización de...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Article du bulletin d’information
Asia/IYAFA: Stewardship, Resurgence

A decade after the adoption of the SSF Guidelines, a renewal of commitment and initiatives is needed to promote the sustainability, prosperity and well-being of small-scale fisheries in Asia
The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 (IYAFA) was celebrated worldwide. It provided a global platform to highlight the importance of small-scale fisheries and artisanal aquaculture, their role in sustainable development and the myriad of ways they ensure food security and poverty alleviation in dependent coastal and rural...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Article de revue spécialisée
Forest restoration in practice across Latin America

Forest restoration is a promising solution to counteract climate change, biodiversity loss, and meet a host of socioeconomic objectives. While international initiatives highlight potential contributions of forest restoration as a win-win for people and nature, we lack detailed information on how frontline restoration practitioners are addressing this challenge on the...
2024 - Elsevier

Atelier International sur la Préservation et la Restauration des Sols Forestiers en Afrique de l'Ouest

Du 16 au 17 mai 2023, s’est tenu à l’Ivotel Hôtel Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), le séminaire international sur la préservation et la restauration des sols forestiers en Afrique de l’Ouest. L’organisation de ce séminaire est une initiative du Ministère d’État, Ministère de l’Agriculture et de Développement Rural (MEMINADER) de Côte...
Côte d'Ivoire
2024 - CIRAD

Article de revue spécialisée
The Evolution of the Romanian Organic Agriculture in a Global Context

Organic agriculture is widely considered an agricultural method that aims to produce food products by turning to natural processes and substances, limiting, in the same time, the impact on the environment. In the last period, there has been an evident growing trend in consumers’ preference for organic food products, that...
2024 - Rural Development Research Platform

Gouvernance des mécanismes fonctionnels d’une innovation agroécologique : cas de la production de biopesticides au Cameroun

La production de biopesticides pour l’agriculture est une innovation agroécologique qui répond à la nécessité de réduire, d’une part, les externalités négatives de l’utilisation des pesticides chimiques sur la santé et l’environnement, et d’autre part, la dépendance aux aléas du commerce international, surtout dans les pays en développement. Dans ce...
2024 - CIRAD

Fourth Global Conference of the World Banana Forum

The Secretariat of the World Banana Forum (WBF), a multi-stakeholder network coordinated by the Markets and Trade Division (EST) of FAO, is delighted to extend an invitation to Members to the Fourth Global Conference of the World Banana Forum, to be held at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy on Tuesday, 12...
2024 - FAO
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