Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Friendly Germs

At a recent event in Cochabamba, just before Bolivia went into lockdown over coronavirus, I had a rare opportunity to see how to make products or inputs used in agroecological farming. The organizers (the NGO Agroecología y Fe) were well prepared. They had written recipes for the organic fertilizers and natural...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2020 - Agro-Insight

Traditional floating garden practices for seedling production

The floating garden practice is a local indigenous production system most successful in the wetland/submerged areas of selected south and south-western districts (Pirojpur, Barisal and Gopalganj) in Bangladesh. Floating garden agricultural practices have been adopted by local farmers for nearly two centuries. This technology describes how to construct and use...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Labour-saving technologies and practices: conservation agriculture

This technology includes features of conservation agriculture, conservation tillage, conservation tillage equipment including the -hand-operated jab planter- and features of cover crops. All those practices are labour-saving technologies.  Description 1. Features of conservation agriculture Conservation agriculture is the simultaneous practice of permanent soil cover, minimal soil disturbance and crop rotations. This is achieved...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Treating straw for animal feeding: the Beckmann method

The objective of straw treatment is to increase the digestibility of straw and/or the amount of it voluntarily consumed so that digestible energy intake by animals from straw is increased. Methods of treating straw may be classified broadly into physical, chemical and biological categories. Among physical methods of significance are...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems

The SDG’s lay out an ambitious path for building a sustainable world and transforming the way we produce, distribute, transport and consume our food, safeguard the environment and promote social protection. Agroecology plays a key role to achieve these goals. Agroecology applies ecological principles and concepts to the study, design...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Italy – Digitalisation, Diverse Farms and Rural Resilience

Digital tools that suit the complexity of diversified farms and meet their specific needs can bring new challenges. Once these are overcome, however, they can contribute to farm resilience and viability. Meet two Italian farm enterprises and see how their stories and narratives show that digitalisation means not only access...
2020 - ARC2020

Étude de cas
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources for community well-being

The example of Ecuador’s Napo Province
During the 2015-2020 period, the Ecuador country office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) implemented the "GEF Conservation and Well-being in Napo project". This initiative was part of an agreement between the provincial government of Napo and Ecuador's Ministry of Environment, and was funded by...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Cultivo de cebolla

Capacitaciones Virtuales de la Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires, en el marco de las actividades del Programa Prohuerta (MDSN/INTA).   
2020 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)

Article de blog
FAO continues its Rapid Water Accounting activities in Minya governorate in Egypt

 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) implemented its second Rapid Water Accounting (RWA) workshop for the second site in Minya (1st workshop/site in Kafr El Sheikh), with the objective of presenting the progress made by the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) so far in water...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Techniques culturales du manioc

Le manioc est une plante vivrière, arbustive pérenne pouvant atteindre un à quatre mètre de haut et ayant une ou plusieurs tiges principales avec ou sans ramification. Le mode de propagation par bouture est utilisé couramment, mais pas par germination (réservé à la recherche). Le rendement en station de recherche...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Duckweed production

Duckweed is the common name given to the simplest and smallest flowering plant that grows ubiquitously on fresh or polluted water throughout the world. If water is not a limiting resource the most appropriate way of using the effluent from the biodigester is for the construction of duckweed ponds. FAO's...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Article de revue spécialisée
Humedales: importancia y herramientas para su protección

Quienes integramos la CEPA (Comisión de Estudios de Problemáticas Ambientales) hemos desarrollado un análisis sobre la importancia de los humedales y los proyectos de ley de presupuestos mínimos para su protección que se presentaron en las Cámaras de Diputados y Senadores de nuestro país. Para llevar a cabo este proceso,...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Tips for smallholder silage-making

This short publication describes in a simple language the steps for appropriate silage preparation and storage. It also provides practical tips to farmers on how to increase the quality of their silage and its nutritional value. This publication is suitable for farmers all over the world.
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Leveraging climate finance for gender equality and poverty reduction: A comparative study

Climate finance, gender and poverty are not stand-alone, independent topics. Climate change affects all people in different ways. Climate finance can catalyze actions that can either alleviate or exacerbate gender equity and poverty. Mechanisms that fund climate action should be designed to enable, rather than hinder marginalized populations, notably women...
2020 - Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Beekeeping: the Kamara basket hive: an improved traditional hive

The re-designing of the original basket hive used by traditional beekeepers of Koinadugu District of Sierra Leone has enabled beekeepers to harvest honey combs in a sustainable way without destroying the entire nest of the bees. Honey and beeswax yields have improved substantially. The new Kamara basket hive has a...
Sierra Leone
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Apprentissage en ligne
Pastoralism and Uncertainty - online course

Introduces key debates and concepts about pastoralism, and explores the varying ways that pastoralists respond to uncertainty around the world. Based on the work of the PASTRES programme, the course is aimed at students, practitioners and policy-makers. It is divided into 13 parts with a lecture, suggested readings and questions in...
2020 - Institute of Development Studies

La emergencia del cambio climático en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿seguimos esperando la catástrofe o pasamos a la acción?

En este libro se presentan los resultados de más de un decenio de trabajo realizado en la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) con relación a la economía del cambio climático. Se analizan los datos concluyentes a nivel mundial y el impacto del cambio climático en la...
2020 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Article de revue spécialisée
Territorios, actores sociales y programas orientados al desarrollo rural

Presentamos en esta nota un breve resumen de un artículo realizado a partir de un proyecto ligado al estudio de los actores sociales y el desarrollo rural desde los Programas estatales Cambio Rural y Pro Huerta. Un estudio abordado interdisciplinariamente, en los elementos que, desde la producción del conocimiento, se dan...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Smart irrigation – Smart wash

Solutions in response to the pandemic crisis in Africa
This discussion paper has been prepared by the Land and Water division (NSL) of FAO with the aim to motivate a discussion on the rapidly evolving situation of COVID-19 pandemic to define the most vulnerable hotspots in the African continent, and to identify the possibilities of relief measures to slow...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Preservation of fruits: intermediate moisture peaches

Fruits and vegetables are nutritious, valuable foods full of flavour. Therefore, fruits and vegetables represent an important and in many cases an under-appreciated resource that could benefit from better utilisation and exploitation in rural communities. However, in low-income countries, poor care and handling of these crops frequently result in loss...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:19770