Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Vegetative tree propagation in agroforestry

This technology describes the various stages in the vegetative propagation of trees (from tree nursery management to cuttings, grafting, and layering). It is targeted at helping field technicians and nursery managers active in tree propagation research or development. The concept of vegetative propagation is that an exact copy of the...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Soil property and fertility improvement through composting using Trichoderma

Composting improves the physical condition of soil and can thereby reduces the risk and impacts of climate variability and extreme weather events such as droughts, dry spells and heavy rains. Healthy soil systems can better respond to temperature increases, changing rainfall patterns, increase evapotranspiration rates, and alter pest and disease...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Article de revue
Aproximación a un indicador para estimar la magnitud del esfuerzo físico en las labores de cultivo

A escala finca los indicadores sociales de sostenibilidad agrícola más comunes son las horas-labor y la estacionalidad de la mano de obra.  La magnitud del esfuerzo físico que los trabajadores invierten en las actividades agrícolas normalmente no se utiliza como un indicador de eficiencia y sostenibilidad; por esta razón, en...
2020 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria

The role of digital agriculture in agroecology and food sovereignty

This presentation claims that innovations for family farmers must deliver improved livelihoods in rural areas. It argues that all innovation has to comply with the SDGs: more people working with more value and higher quality of life. Agroecology is an innovation based on peasant knowledge centered farming systems and innovation...
2020 - Schola Campesina

Interdrought 2020

Droughts affect crop production across the world. A central challenge for researchers and policymakers is to devise technologies that lend greater resilience to agricultural production under this particular environmental stress. Interdrought 2020 aims to facilitate the development of concepts, methods and technologies associated with plant production in water-limited environments. The congress will...
2020 - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

Bulletin d'information
Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions - December 2020 Newsletter

It has been a year since APAARI started implementing the project on Asia Pesticide Residue Mitigation through the Promotion of Biopesticides and Enhancement of Trade Opportunities funded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF). It is implemented in collaboration with the IR4 project, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),...
2020 - Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAAri)

Article de blog
Open-air markets ban: Another blow to struggling small farmers

Local farmers’ markets have become the latest coronavirus casualty after France decided to close open-air markets as a further measure curb the spread of coronavirus. However, the move has proved controversial given that it stands to disproportionately affect small producers.
2020 - Euractiv

Amaryllidaceae: Fuente Potencial de Alcaloides. Actividades Morfológicas y farmacológicas.

Ciencia y Agricultura Vol. 17(3): 78-94. 2020Las plantas de la familia Amaryllidaceaehan adquiridoimportancia por ser utilizadas como ornamentales, por tener flores y apariencia vistosa, además de sus amplias propiedades farmacológicas. Los géneros principalmente estudiados son Amaryllis, Crinum, Galanthus, Narcisus, Bruganvigia yLycoris. Ellos producen alcaloides teniendo como precursores primarios la L-fenilalanina...
2020 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Amibiase: une maladie parasitaire des abeilles adultes

L'amibiase est une maladie qui affecte les abeilles domestiques adultes. Les symptômes de l'amibiase sont similaires à ceux de la nosémose: abeilles avec un abdomen enflé et diarrhée. L'apiculteur peut localiser les au trou de vol et à l'avant de la ruche et observer des abeilles incapables de voler, avec...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

African Leafy Vegetables (ALV) for urban supply and sustainable diets

Local leafy vegetables have long been an important part of people's diets in Africa. They are nutritious, affordable and adapted to local growing conditions and cultural traditions. They are cheap, readily affordable and rich in different micro-nutrients and are therefore crucial for the food and nutrition security of poor families...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Participatory varietal selection: rice in eastern India

Using participatory plant breeding, poor and marginal farmers in Eastern India, who previously grew old and low yielding land races, produced several new varieties of upland rice. Self-help groups produced truthful seed of these rice varieties, with production rising from 39 in 2002-2003 to 81 t in 2003-2004. It was...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Impact of COVID-19 on smallholder farmers in Laos

Currently, vegetable farmers in Laos are not able to sell their produce because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While markets remail open, many vendors chose to close their shops and many people are also afraid to go out. Laos farmers appeal to their Laos government to help them by purchasing their vegetables...
Lao People's Democratic Republic

Article de blog
Support Family Farmers as frontliners in the fight to eradicate Covid-19

In countries with lockdown and quarantine, the most affected sectors are the landless farmers, daily wage earners and the informal sector in the cities and rural areas as they are most worried about how to earn to buy their food and pay for their bills and utilities and as their...
2020 - Asian Farmers’ Association

Article de revue
Caracterización y análisis de tambos asociados a cooperativas de la zona de Rosario

En el sur de la provincia de Santa Fe prevalece la agricultura como actividad agropecuaria. Sin embargo, la ganadería se mantiene en muchos establecimientos, ocupando en la mayoría de los casos áreas con suelos de menor aptitud productiva. En la región, también persisten sistemas de producción de leche, muchos de...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Herbal de-worming for lower goat mortality

The Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF), is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that works across 60 000 villages in 16 states of India, reaching out to over 4.5 million farmers. In BAIF’s programme area in the Dharwad district of India, high mortality among goat kids in the rainy season was reported...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Participatory varietal selection: improved maize

The centralised plant breeding techniques of the green revolution have yielded good results in more favourable agricultural environments. However, most low-resource farmers in marginal areas have not benefited from these varieties. As an alternative to centralised breeding, farmer participatory approaches using Paticipatory Varietal Selection (PVS) and Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB)...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Les bonnes pratiques oasiennes en vidéo 1/5 - système d'irrigation "californien" - Mauritanie

Dans l'oasis de Teyert à l'oued d'Adrar en Mauritanie, les agriculteurs ont mis en place une technique d'irrigation innovante : le système "californien". Explications. Pour diminuer l'utilisation de la nappe phréatique et mieux gérer les ressources en eau venant des pluies rares et concentrées en période hivernale, les agriculteurs pratiquent...
2020 - CARI Association

Article de blog
Questionnaire: Food Systems and COVID-19 - Municipal Response to the Emergency

Local and sub-national governments worldwide are taking various actions to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, but these actions go often unnoticed and are not sufficiently supported.In line with the Urban Food Agenda objectives, FAO wants to raise the profile of actions by city administrations and local governments to provide support to them, aiming to...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de revue
Extensionistas redes de historias actuales

Hoy les acercamos la reseña de un grupo de mujeres que aportan al proyecto Mujeres y ruralidad (desde sus historias, desde sus ideas y visualización de diferentes tiempos sociales), que se propone consolidar un espacio institucional en la facultad en común con las comisiones creadas. Ya hemos publicado en el...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Fiche d'information
Agenda para la prevención y el manejo de brotes de la raza 4 tropical de Fusarium (R4T) en el cultivo de musáceas en AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE (ALC).

Con la confirmación de la presencia de Foc R4T en Colombia, las ONPFs, las instituciones de investigación agropecuaria y el sector privado de la región han priorizado una serie de acciones para el manejo integral a la problemática, prevaleciendo la implementación de protocolos de prevención y bioseguridad con el acompañamiento...
2020 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Total results:19969