Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Article de blog
Advantages and disadvantages of agroforestry systems and practices

Agroforestry belongs to sustainable farming practices. The practice is based on ecological principles that are observed in natural ecosystems. Trees greatly help to mitigate negative effects of modern agriculture on the environment. They offset pollution from farms and make food production systems more resilient. But learning about the disadvantages of this...
2019 - Greentumble

Article de revue spécialisée
SSF Guidelines / Environmental NGOs: Amplyfying Fishers’ Voices

Environmental non-governmental organizations can work in partnership with fishing communities to secure vibrant fishing communities and thriving marine ecosystems
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Note/document d'orientation
Célébrer 40 ans en Mauritanie

Tout au long des 40 dernières années, la FAO s'est engagée dans le développement durable à long terme dans la région, en coopération avec les gouvernements des pays hôtes. Cela se reflète dans le travail de l'Organisation où, par exemple, le bureau du Liban est resté pleinement actif tout au...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
Chagfood Community Market Garden

Chagfood is a community-supported market garden supplying a seasonal ‘share of the harvest’ to 90 households across the north-east edge of Dartmoor. As a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm, Chagfood’s customers become ‘members’ and commit to support the farm with an annual subscription. This subscription supports the farm with a guaranteed...

Article de blog
After worst harvest in ten years, 10 million people in DPR Korea face imminent food shortages

A United Nations food security assessment in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (also known as North Korea) has found that following the worst harvest in 10 years, due to dry spells, heatwaves and flooding, about 10.1 million people suffer from severe food shortages, meaning they do not have enough...
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
2019 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Bulletin d'information
TBTI Digest, January 2019

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.
2019 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research

Article de revue spécialisée
3WSFC: A Time for Transformation

The voices of small-scale fishers and civil society organizations were loud and clear at the 3rd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Article de revue spécialisée
Farmers’ risk perceptions of pesticides used for greenhouses vegetables production in Tunisian center-east

The excessive use of pesticides has multiple adverse effects on the environment and human health. For a long time this problem was focused on the technical, agronomic, medicinal and pest management’s aspects, while the problem is a behavioral problem and the socio-economic aspect plays an important role. In order to...
2019 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Bulletin d'information
TBTI Digest, February 2019

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.
2019 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research

Article de blog
Inspirational ideas: Efficient and sustainable water use on the farm

PRO-PRODUCTION is a Slovenian Operational Group (OG) developing and promoting an irrigation decision support system to increase water use productivity at farm level. “Key factors must be considered to achieve the best results with irrigation: soil properties, plant growing phase, soil water content, weather forecast, timing and quantity of water...
2019 - Eipagri

Article de revue spécialisée
Gender: Expanding the Horizons

Nalini Nayak and Cornelie Quist reflect on the 7th Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries (GAF7), held in Bangkok during 18-21 October 2018
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Construimos conocimiento nuevo conociendo lo distinto

Valorando los saberes tradicionales de las comunidades indígenas que habitan en la región del Gran Chaco Americano, el movimiento El Futuro está en el Monte busca incoporar tecnología. Con los grupos de artesanas, por ejemplo, se trabaja en la construcción de nuevos conocimientos para reducir los tiempos de trabajo y así...
2019 - El Futuro está en el Monte

1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa

Worldwide, an estimated 3.5 billion kilograms of pesticides is applied to crops each year, and that number is steadily increasing as developing nations are steadily transitioning over to chemical-based agriculture in a misguided and misinformed effort to increase yield and lower cost. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has...
2019 - Biovision Africa Trust

Bulletin d'information
TBTI Digest, March 2019

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.
2019 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research

Quel avenir pour les coopératives agricoles?

En Tunisie, comme dans beaucoup de pays émergents, les coopératives et autres formes d’associations de producteurs ont été principalement créées à l’initiative de l’État comme véhicules pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des stratégies de développement. Malgré la multiplicité des soutiens publics qu’elles reçoivent et même si on peut citer...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bulletin d'information
TBTI Digest, April 2019

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.
2019 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research

Article de revue spécialisée
Knowledge and perception of small holding farmers on supplementation and feeding sweet potato vines to goats

Goats in rural communities are often raised in conditions which do not allow them to achieve their maximum performance nor express their genetic potentials. For goats to perform to their full potential, they require high nutritious feed especially in the winter season when there is food shortage or during high...

Article de blog
Mobile Pastoralists: The Challenge of Livestock Markets in Karamoja Uganda

This article explores livestock markets and the use of pastoralist mobility to gradually enhance the growing cattle economy in Karamoja, Uganda; cases are provided in this article of the best practices in the livestock trade and communities, involved both inside and outside of Karamoja. The challenges and recommendations that can lead to the...
2019 - The Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation GFAR

Article de revue spécialisée
Blue Economy: Catch this Moment

Reflections on the ‘Towards an Inclusive Blue Economy’ conference organized by the International Institute for Environment and Development in London in February 2019
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Bulletin d'information
ENRD Newsletter October 2019

The ENRD newsletter provides all the latest rural development news from Europe straight to your inbox once a month. From policy updates to ENRD meetings and from project outcomes to online videos, this new and updated tool aims to provide something for everybody interested in rural development policy in Europe....
European Union
2019 - ENRD
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