Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Balkan countries take aim at African swine fever in wild boar

A pig disease originating from Southeast Africa, never before seen in Europe and Central Asia, hit the news in 2007 when it was first detected in Georgia. Since then, African swine fever has spread throughout Eastern Europe, entering the European Union in 2014. Everywhere it has emerged, African swine fever has caused the...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Grape Mundo

“Grape Mundo” is a technology ecosystem that guides grape farmers to do precision and sustainable grape farming to produce high-quality grapes using minimum chemicals, thus lowering the cost. This ecosystem also helps grape farmers sell export quality and residue-free grapes across a huge PAN India market, without any involvement of...
2019 - Rta Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Document de conférence
Seminario: Repensar las políticas agrícolas y los sistemas de innovación en América Latina

La Red PP-Al organiza un seminario tematico al año o una escuela de verano en los cuales los miembros de la Red y los estudiantes involucrados en los proyectos colaborativas participan y refuerzan sus capacidades de analisis de las políticas públicas. Durante el año 2019, el seminario se llamó: Repensar las políticas...
2019 - Red PP-Al

Bulletin d'information
Agroecology: real innovation from and for the people

The crisis in the industrial food system is impossible to ignore. For over a decade, study after study has validated the assertion of the Food Sovereignty movement in 2007 - that the corporate food system destroys life. Now Governments are anxious to find ‘innovations’ in agriculture that can overcome this....
2019 - Nyeleni

Wageningen University & Research Campaign for ISSD Africa

ISSD Africa, a successful Community of Practice (CoP) on seed sector development hosted by Wageningen University & Research is looking for new investment partners before April 15. Partners are asked to invest in the CoP and/or nine well-defined action topics, ranging from seed, agrobiodiversity & climate change to gender &...
2019 - ISSD Africa

Article de blog
Asia-Pacific region must move to strengthen governance of aquaculture for sustainable development

The Asia-Pacific region is taking important preparatory steps to strengthen the governance of aquaculture for sustainable development and future food security, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced today. Following four decades of advancements, aquaculture has surpassed capture fisheries to become the major source of fish for human consumption...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

AgriCoop boosts native paddy seedlings production

Battambang, Cambodia – The Sangha Phal Agricultural Cooperative was established and registered officially at Battambang Agricultural Department in February 2004. The agricultural cooperative, located in Prey Sangha Village, Khnach Romeas Commune, Bavel District, Battambang, was established initially with 48 members of whom 15 were female with a total capital of...
2019 - Farmer and Nature Net (FNN)

Mulheres na Atividade Pesqueira no Brasil

E as mulheres sempre estiveram presentes na pesca. É o que Siri Gerrard (2018) destaca sobre o livro de Margaret Wilson “Seawomen of Iceland: Survival on the Edge”, baseado em narrativas islandesas sobre mulheres pescadoras e trabalhadoras no mar desde os anos 1700. É o caso de Thurídur Einarsdóttir, capitã...
2019 - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UDENF)

Document technique
La extensión en el ámbito de la universidad nacional de la pampa con perspectiva y soberanía del pequeño y mediano productor porcino

En razón de la naturaleza de los sistemas pecuarios en manos de pequeños y medianos prodEn razón de la naturaleza de los sistemas pecuarios en manos de pequeños y medianos productores, es prioritario que las actividades de extensión universitaria para el desarrollo de pymes porcinas posean una absoluta seriedad y...
2019 - Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Agronomía

Document de travail
Plataformas co-gestionadas y red de redes

Nuevas formas de prestación de servicios para implementar la Agenda 2030
El documento presenta una descripción de la estructura del ámbito rural, la demografía, la oferta de bienes y servicios, las principales desigualdades, niveles de pobreza, importancia y rol de la agricultura familiar y de otras actividades económicas (diversificación), principales características de la sociedad rural y la presencia del sector privado....
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Femmes et réseaux marchands en Afrique de l’Ouest

Le rapport confirme l’effet attracteur du Nigéria porté par sa démographie et son urbanisation croissante. Il propose le développement de politiques publiques innovantes fondées sur le renforcement du capital social féminin et des options politiques pour une meilleure intégration des diverses initiatives entreprises par les États, les organisations internationales et...
2019 - Éditions OCDE

Article de blog
Astana Economic Forum sheds light on food security and nutrition

In response to the growing challenges of rising hunger and malnutrition due to continuous conflicts and the effects of climate change, considerable efforts are required to strengthen partnerships in food security and nutrition among developed, transition and developing countries. Kazakhstan, having committed to ensuring food security in Central Asia and having...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Étude de cas
Accès des femmes à la terre au Sénégal

Quelques leçons tirées de l’étude de base
Au Sénégal, de nombreuses initiatives ont permis l’amélioration des droits fonciers des femmes. Toutefois, ces interventions présentent des effets pervers. S’appuyant sur l’analyse de trois études de cas, cette note présente quelques uns de ces effets et souligne la nécessité d’aborder la question de l’accès au foncier des femmes en...
2019 - Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR)

United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 global action plan

The Decade of Family Farming provides an extraordinary opportunity for the United Nations to achieve its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an inclusive, collaborative and coherent way. Putting family farming and all family-based production models1 at the focus of interventions for a period of ten years, will contribute to a...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Document de travail
Production alimentaire, expansion agricole et déforestation au Mai-Ndombe, RDC

Les forêts de la RDC jouent un rôle crucial dans l’atténuation du changement climatique et dans l’alimentation et la culture des populations. Des études dans trois pays africains ont constaté une « dissonance » entre la conservation des forêts et la production alimentaire, et une « déconnexion » entre les...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2019 - International Institute for Environment and Development

From a savings community to multiple enterprises

Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia – What started as a savings of a group of farmers in Kauk Banteay Village, Kauk Banteay Commune, Rolea Pa’ear District, Kampong Chhnang in 1998, the Chey Chum Neah Agricultural Cooperative was established in 2008 with 40 members and total capital of KHR 80,000 (Cambodian riels) or...
2019 - Farmer and Nature Net (FNN)

Galerie de photos
From the farm to the school table

In Kyrgyzstan, a FAO pilot programme is enabling local farmers to supply food for schoolchildren’s meals
2019 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Grupo de cafeicultoras busca igualdade de participação em cooperativa com mobilização e solidariedade

Mulheres produzem café orgânico e convencional no sul de Minas Gerais e têm conquistado benefícios pelo trabalho doméstico e rural que desenvolvem na região
Na busca de aumentar sua participação nas decisões da cooperativa de agricultores familiares da região onde vivem, um coletivo de mulheres decidiu somar forças formando o grupo Mulheres Organizadas em Busca de Igualdade (MOBI), em 2006. Apesar de estarem presentes na Cooperativa de Agricultores Familiares de Poço Fundo e Região (Coopfam)...
2019 - Cooperativa de Agricultores Familiares de Poço Fundo e Região (Coopfam)

Article de blog
Project aims to reduce contamination, promote sound use of pesticides

It is estimated that about half of the world’s obsolete pesticides can be found in the former Soviet Union, with many of them stored throughout Central Asia. As an important centre for agriculture, particularly cotton production, the subregion was a heavy user of pesticides. What remain are inappropriate burial sites,...
2019 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Cambio climático y derechos humanos: contribuciones desde y para América Latina y el Caribe

El cambio climático constituye la principal amenaza al pleno ejercicio de los derechos humanos. Conforme a los estándares internacionales de derechos humanos, la acción climática debe tener en cuenta y asegurar el respeto, la protección y la realización de los derechos de todas las personas, en particular las más vulnerables. En...
2019 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
Total results:19706