Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article du bulletin d’information
PRONAF tem primeiro contrato para manejo florestal comunitário familiar

Pela primeira vez, o Programa Nacional de Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) concedeu crédito para custeio de manejo florestal comunitário familiar. Os recursos irão contemplar mais de 30 famílias da Reserva Extrativista Verde para Sempre, do Pará.  A concessão foi possível após a elaboração de uma planilha de risco técnico agrícola para o custeio...
2019 - Programa Nacional de Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF)

Article de blog
Campanha em defesa da visibilidade da mulher rural é lançada em Tocantins

Estado foi o primeiro a lançar a campanha em nível local e mobilizou o apoio de várias entidades
Com a participação de produtoras rurais de todo o Estado, o Governo do Tocantins, por meio da Secretaria de Agricultura, Pecuária e Aquicultura (Seagro) lançou a campanha #MulheresRurais, Mulheres com Direitos, nesta quinta-feira, 9, no auditório Jaburu, na 19ª Feira de Tecnologia Agropecuária do Tocantins (Agrotins 2019), com a presença...
2019 - Secretaria de Agricultura, Pecuária e Aquicultura (SEAGRO)

Article de blog
FAO and EU enhance smallholder farmers’ capabilities to transform the agriculture sector in the Syrian Arab Republic

3 May 2019, Damascus - The food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Union (EU) have announced a three-year project to improve agriculture in the Syrian Arab Republic through the enhancement of smallholder capabilities. 
Syrian Arab Republic
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Food and agriculture Key to Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe and Central Asia

This publication presents FAO's work in support of the achievement of the SDGs in Europe and Central Asia. Featuring selected country case studies across the region, it describes how FAO and partners are already supporting countries to achieve multiple SDGs targets through current project and programmes.     This publication is in line...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article du bulletin d’information
WIF: Queens of the sea

Women involved in sustainable fishing take the stage at Slow Fish 2019
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Mapping topsoil organic carbon concentrations and stocks for Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the countries that has embarked on a national programme under the United Nations collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD). Tanzania is currently developing the capacity to enter into a carbon monitoring REDD + regime. In this context spatially representative soil carbon...
United Republic of Tanzania
2019 - Elsevier

New generation takes on fish farming

Kampong Thom, Cambodia – Born from a farming family in Panha Chy Village, Tbaung Krampeu Commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom, But Sovann graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Prek Leap School in Phnom Penh. Wearing a smile as he looks at the dug fish ponds, he says, “We...
2019 - Farmer and Nature Net (FNN)

Revue spécialisée
SAMUDRA Report No. 81, June 2019

Samudra Report No. 81, dated June 2019, features articles on fisheries from around the world, with a special focus on implementation of the the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines). The editorial Comment that opens the issue focuses on subsistence fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific region...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Fiche d'information
Agriculture, rural and coastal development and migration in the Mediterranean – CIHEAM’s contribution

Although migration has always been a phenomenon at the core of the dynamics characterizing the Mediterranean, the factors triggering displacements have changed. At present, the situation has become more complex, and today it is necessary to identify and understand the drivers of migration in order to integrate them in a...
2019 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Article du bulletin d’information
Yemaya Recommends: Fished! The Fisher Women of Mumbai

Directed by Daya Gupta; Duration 19 min 28 sec; Language: English. This short video gives a bird’s-eye view of the lives of Koliwomen. The Kolis are a traditional fishing community from Mumbai, India – one of the original inhabitants of this island city of mostly migrants. The women form a formidable...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Exploring the Advantages of Blockchain Technology for Smallholder Farming

Distributed ledger technology (DLT)/blockchain is an exciting new technology that may prove to be a radical innovation. Similar to the steam engine and the Internet, which triggered previous industrial revolutions, blockchain has the power to revolutionize existing economic and business models. It has the potential to deliver productivity gains to...
2019 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Report of the twenty-seventh session of the Asia and Pacific commission on agricultural statistics

The Asia and Pacific Commission on Agricultural Statistics (APCAS) is a statutory body of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). APCAS brings together senior statistics officials from FAO member countries of Asia and the Pacific region, who are responsible for the development of agricultural statistics in...
2019 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Site web
Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days

The Near East and North Africa Land and Water Days are being convened on 31 March-4 April 2019 in Cairo, to review the progress made in addressing water scarcity in the region, foster exchange of knowledge and experience among countries and partners and chart the way forward taking into account the lessons learned,...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agricultural policy developments and EU approximation process in the Western Balkan countries

This report provides an analysis of agricultural policy developments and the EU approximation process in the Western Balkan area. Quantitative analysis of agricultural policy developments was performed using data on budgetary support for agriculture, systematised according to the Agricultural Policy Measures (APM) classification scheme, a uniform classification of agricultural budgetary...
2019 - European Union

Cooperation for Responsible Fisheries in Eastern Mediterranean

The EastMed project was designed to support the development of regionally consistent fisheries management among Eastern Mediterranean countries through the monitoring of commercial fisheries and the development of fishery research and management capacity. EastMed became operational in September 2009 with funds from the European Union (DG-MARE), the Government of Italy...
Egypt - Lebanon - Palestine - Türkiye
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Revue spécialisée
Opportunities in Agriculture: Stemming youth migration

Africa’s growing youth workforce presents enormous potential for agricultural transformation, but to capitalise on this promising resource the sector must become a more attractive employment option for the continent’s young people. As waves of young people leave their rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa in search of better work, can the agricultural...
2019 - CTA

Uso de materias primas locales y no locales para alimentación de tilapias en sistemas de acuicultura de recursos limitados (AREL)

El presente documento es una guía técnica que facilita la producción de alimentos balanceados a mínimo costo para la producción acuícola. Contiene un manual aplicativo para la producción de alimentos de manera artesanal para tilapia, las características climatológicas y bromatológicas de diferentes alimentos que se producen en la región de...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Causal pathways of the productive impacts of cash transfers: Experimental evidence from Lesotho

This paper has the double aim to study whether unconditional cash transfers have an impact on farm production and to look into the causal mechanisms through which government transfers produce productive impacts. We use mediation analysis to identify the total effect of transfers on farm production and to isolate the...
2019 - Elsevier

Article de blog
Artisanal Fisheries Techniques

 The line between what is artisanal and what is industrial can be quite blurry at times so it is best to look at it as a sliding scale and not just black and white. By comparing the size of the boats used with the amount of capital invested per man-on...
2019 - The Fish Project

Improving Capacity for Fisheries Planning and Management in the South-Central Mediterranean

The project successfully reinforced the basis for the cooperative management of shared multispecies fisheries in the four MedSudMed participating countries: Italy, Libya, Malta and Tunisia. This was achieved through the implementation of subregional research programmes, the establishment of scientific networks, and improved national capacity building. Fisheries scientists and staff in...
Italy - Libya - Malta - Tunisia
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:19771