Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Article de blog
Artisanal Fisheries Techniques

 The line between what is artisanal and what is industrial can be quite blurry at times so it is best to look at it as a sliding scale and not just black and white. By comparing the size of the boats used with the amount of capital invested per man-on...
2019 - The Fish Project

Improving Capacity for Fisheries Planning and Management in the South-Central Mediterranean

The project successfully reinforced the basis for the cooperative management of shared multispecies fisheries in the four MedSudMed participating countries: Italy, Libya, Malta and Tunisia. This was achieved through the implementation of subregional research programmes, the establishment of scientific networks, and improved national capacity building. Fisheries scientists and staff in...
Italy - Libya - Malta - Tunisia
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

El apoyo de la FAO para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en América del Sur

Los Estados Miembros de la FAO aprobaron la Agenda 2030 por entero y sus Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en 2015, lo que trajo consigo una gran responsabilidad tanto de lograr alcanzar las metas propuestas como de realizar su respectivo monitoreo. Los países de América del Sur, comprometidos con lograr...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Fiche d'information
“Empowering young farmers and rural youth”: Ceja, rural youth Europe and Mijarc Europe launch EU elections manifesto

CEJA, Rural Youth Europe and MIJARC Europe, the three main European organisations representing rural youth and young farmers, launched their 2019 EU elections manifesto today. The document, titled “Empowering Young Farmers and Rural Youth”, was released on the occasion of the “EU Young Farmer Speed Dating” event hosted by CEJA in...
2019 - CEJA, Rural Youth Europe and MIJARC Europe

Gender, agriculture and rural development in Uzbekistan

Gender equality is a key to eliminating poverty and hunger, as it has been demonstrated by the FAO throughout its research worldwide. As part of the FAO efforts on generating evidence and knowledge, and in compliance with the FAO Policy on Gender Equality, the purpose of the Country Gender Assessment...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Estrategia regional de género de la FAO para América Latina y El Caribe 2019-2023

La Estrategia Regional de Género de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe es un instrumento de ordenamiento interno, orientado a generar impactos y resultados conducentes al cierre de las brechas de género en conjunto con los gobiernos de los países y aliados de la FAO en la región....
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Article de blog
Working towards food sovereignty in Palestine

The Om Sleiman farm in the village of Bil'in is part of a burgeoning movement of agroecology and community supported agriculture (CSA) in the occupied West Bank. Depending on the season, the farm grows broccoli, ginger, turmeric, kale and watermelon, as well as other fruits and vegetables. It claims to be the...

Bulletin d'information
ENRD Newsletter December 2019

The ENRD newsletter provides all the latest rural development news from Europe straight to your inbox once a month. From policy updates to ENRD meetings and from project outcomes to online videos, this new and updated tool aims to provide something for everybody interested in rural development policy in Europe....
European Union
2019 - ENRD

Coop boosts organic rice production

Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia – Kraing Leav Commune, Rolea Pa’ear District, Kampong Chhnang has an unfortunate farmer history under the French Colonial in 1925 during the uprising against Resident Badez due to the oppression of farmers for their inability to pay tax on paddy fields. To this day, residents of Kraing...
2019 - Farmer and Nature Net (FNN)

The EU farming employment: current challenges and future prospects

The report examines the current structure of and latest trends in EU farming employment, exploring in particular the drivers of agricultural labour markets and how they differ across Europe. Starting from an analysis of the historic and spatial patterns of changes within agricultural holdings and the labour force in Europe,...
European Union
2019 - European Parliament

Ending Hunger in Asia and the Pacific by 2030

This report was prepared under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) knowledge and support technical assistance project for Investment Assessment and Application of High-Level Technology for Food Security in Asia and the Pacific, implemented by the Rural Development and Food Security (RDFS) Thematic Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC)....
2019 - IFPRI

Article de blog
Rural communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina take command of development path

Rich in karst fields and scenic views, rural life in Canton 10 of Bosnia and Herzegovina has its opportunities and challenges. Although the canton’s geography does not allow for intensive farming, it provides a good basis for livestock production and rural tourism. Its rural communities are well-positioned to shape their...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Site web
ISSD Africa Community of Practice

Lack of access to quality seed is one of the most pressing issues hindering productivity increase in Africa. ISSD Africa (established in 2012) is an international community of practice, guiding seed sector innovation and development on the African continent to alleviate the problem of limited access to quality seed. Addressing...
2019 - ISSD Africa

"RURAL EUROPE ON THE MOVE – A travel guide to transitions".

In this collective work, twelve authors share their personal stories of bringing together local communities, farmers, foresters, environmentalists, and political decision makers so as to facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive rural Europe. Together the authors explore twenty-five years of experiences of Forum Synergies throughout Europe. From Portugal...
European Union
2019 - Rural Synergies

Site web
Agtube social media platform

Agtube is a new social media platform for rural people in developing countries, and all those with an interest in sustainable agriculture around the world. It is a place where you can upload and share your video clips in any language. Agtube is an initiative of Access Agriculture, an international NGO...
2019 - Agtube, Access agticulture

Note/document d'orientation
How forest and farm producer organisations deliver social and cultural services

To meet the Sustainable Development Goals' (SDGs') aim of leaving no one behind, governments must ensure vulnerable groups have access to social and cultural services. Many of these services are central to people's wellbeing, empowerment and sustainable development — particularly for women. In remote forest landscapes, state service provision can...
2019 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Priorities related to food value chains and the agri-food sector in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

This paper presents a global assessment on how food value chains and the agri-food sector havebeen considered in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Building on FAO’s globalstudy of the agriculture sectors in the NDCs, the analysis provides an overview of where valuechain interventions and references have been included and outlines...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Informe del Diálogo Regional de alto nivel sobre integración de la biodiversidad en los sectores agropecuario, forestal y pesquero (DRANIBA)

Este informe presenta las recomendaciones, conclusiones y plan de acción resultantes del Diálogo Regional de Alto Nivel sobre la Integración de la Biodiversidad en la Agricultura, Silvicultura y Pesca (DRANIBA) en América Latina y el Caribe, organizado por la FAO y el Gobierno de México en octubre de 2018, en...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Étude de cas
Juventud rural en el Perú

Lo que nos dice el Censo 2017
El presente trabajo se concentra en los resultados del Censo 2017 para los hogares rurales integrados por algún joven y para la población joven rural. Es un trabajo descriptivo que aspira a mostrar, a grandes rasgos, la situación actual de la juventud rural, tanto las dificultades que enfrentan como las...
2019 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Bulletin d'information
Urgenci - Teikei Newsletter, November 2019

In this Teikei Newsletter #51: The CSA Movement Part of the Struggle for an alternative #CAP, #CSAct, Back from the #CSM in Rome, and an interview with a #CSAFarmer from the Basque Country
2019 - Urgenci
Total results:19773