Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Thème principal

Farmer Field Schools: building capacities to achieve a successful agroecological transition

The agroecological transition implies rethinking the way farmers are supported in their changes in practices. Farmer Field Schools are an effective mechanism in this respect, since they build farmers’ capacity to experiment, to produce knowledge and to innovate independently. However, it is essential that these advisory services are correctly implemented,...
2022 - CIRAD

Hybrid conference - IX International Congress of Agroecology: ''Raising local agroecology-based food systems'', On 19 to 21 January 2023, Sevilla, Spain

The Agro-Ecosystems History Laboratory of the University Pablo de Olavide and the think tank Alimentta  are pleased to announce the IX International Congress of Agroecology, which will take place in the capital of Seville, in the facilities of the University Pablo de Olavide, on the dates indicated. The theme of the Congress will focus on the...
European Union
2022 - University Pablo de Olavide

#KnowWhatYouEat Campaign

PELUM Uganda, members & partners through the Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa Project (KHEA) under the Lead Coordinating agency Bio vision Africa Trust Kenya have launched a Know What You eat campaign for 1 month. The objective of the campaign is to encourage good nutrition practices to...
2022 - KCOA KHEA

Bulletin d'information
Arc 2020 Agricultural & Rural Convention October 2022 Newsletter

We had an ARC team adventure recently, travelling to the Loire-Atlantique region in north-west France. Our team came from Czech, Belgium, Ireland and France, accompanied by many more changemakers, drawn from a dozen countries.We met amazing communities of farmers and cooks, while encountering some fascinating French organisations and processes. We learned so much  - about how...
European Union
2022 - Arc 2020

Support beekeepers to restore honey production in Yemen

The livelihoods of Yemeni beekeepers have been severely disrupted by ongoing conflict and economic shocks. To improve smallholder beekeepers' productivity and resilience, a FAO project supported by the World Bank and funded by the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, supported 700 small-scale beekeepers (4 percent of them women) to...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Bulletin d'information
FAO Agroecology Newsletter #65

Agroecology Newsletter of November 2022
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Revue spécialisée
The Organic Farmer

"The Organic Farmer" (TOF) is the English version of the magazine for small-scale Kenyan farmers who previously had only very limited access to information on ecological farming. It is the only magazine for ecological farming in East Africa. Similarly unique is "Mkulima Mbunifu" (The Smart Farmer), the edition of TOF in Swahili....
2022 - Biovision

Étude de cas
EcoSol-agroecology for an alternative development: Insights from Latin American experiences

To expand agroecology depends on raising and stabilising incomes for small-scale producers through alternative markets that avoid profit-driven middlemen. Producers thereby retain more of the value that they add, build closer relationships with consumers, and offer nutritious food at relatively low prices. An agroecology agenda should ''Ensure proximity and confidence...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil
2022 - UNESP, São Paulo

National Seed Policy Reports – Niger, Chad, Tanzania

These three study reports help establish a roadmap for changing seed policies and laws toward instruments supporting farmer-based seed systems in Africa. Throughout the world, farmers play a significant role in producing, selecting, managing, and conserving plant resources. In Africa, where smallholder farmers are still the overwhelming majority, women on smallholder...
Chad - Niger - United Republic of Tanzania
2022 - afsa

Bulletin d'information
Agroecology Europe Spring Newsletter

Agroecology Europe since its foundation has achieved many great successes and continues to do so with its growing number of members. This is why the Association in the next couple of years would like to strengthen the involvement of our members and the collaborations with partner organisations - to scale...
European Union
2022 - Agroecology Europe

Catálogo Audiovisual de Tecnologías Agroecológicas

Iniciativa de la región LAC que es el Catalogo Audiovisual de tecnologías Agroecológicas (CATA). Es un proyecto donde confluyen Agroecología y Arte, conocimiento y práctica.Está pensando a manera de enciclopedia audiovisual de saberes y experinecias con enfoques difrentes en la producción agropecuaria y el relacionamiento con el medio ambiente. Dividido por...
Argentina - Cuba - Uruguay
2022 - OXFAM

Comptes rendus de conférence
New Agroecology Initiative to Catalyse Resilient Agrifood Systems in Zimbabwe

Partners of a new resilience building initiative in Zimbabwe held a launch meeting in Harare on 7 October 2022, gathering 80 participants, including national agricultural extension programmes, government representatives, academic institutions, government representatives, private sector actors, the media, EU representatives and national agricultural research and development organisations. Entitled "Resilience Building through...
2022 - Cirad

IFOAM Organics Europe position paper on carbon farming and the revision of the LULUCF Regulation

Finding synergies between climate action and biodiversity protection
The organic movement welcomes the ‘Sustainable Carbon Cycles’ initiative of the European Commission on “carbon farming” which brings focus on soil carbon sequestration on agricultural land. While climate mitigation should clearly prioritize absolute emissions reductions, carbon sequestration in the land use sector will also be needed to meet long-term climate...
European Union
2022 - IFoam Europe

Article de blog
Rebuilding soil to cultivate on unculturable land in Slovenia

This article details the experience shared during World Soil Day 2022 event on how to make uncultivable soil fertile and suitable for food production in Slovenia while increasing interest in this subject for younger generations through practice-driven education.
2022 - DevelopmentAid

Bulletin d'information
Romanian National Rural Development Newsletter - March 2022

Retrospective of March from Romanian Rural Network: collecting local refugee aid initiatives, agrifish council of 21 march 2022, network to innovate webinars: social innovation, informal video conference of agriculture ministers , 3rd informal meeting of national rural network support units - mediterranean cluster and many many more  
2022 - Reteaua Nationala de Dezvoltare Rurala RNDR

Apprentissage en ligne
Hybrid course: ''Agroecology, Food Sovereignty and social movements'', on January 2023

This program of the University of Vermont is designed to examine potential pathways towards the sustainable transformation of our current agrifood system by integrating economic, social, and ecological perspectives. Rooted in ''Participatory Action Research'' (PAR), the program will guide the students to identify key questions and practice new methods for integrating data from...
United States of America
2022 - University of Vermont

Article de blog
The Agricultural University of Athens has undertaken the initiative for the inscription of the element “Local and indigenous agricultural varieties: knowledge and practices” on the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece

The Agricultural University of Athens has undertaken the initiative for the inscription of the element “Local and indigenous agricultural varieties: knowledge and practices” on the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece, in collaboration with Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources – Greek Gene Bank of the Hellenic Agricultural Organisation...
2022 - The Agricultural University of Athens

FAO at the UN Climate Conference – COP27

The 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the UNFCCC hosted by Egypt in Sharm el-Sheikh from 6-18 November 2022. Global food security and priority areas relevant to FAO’s mandate are high on this year's agenda. FAO is actively engaged in the climate conference, leading and co-leading events and...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Article de blog
Kick-off meeting of the Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET) in Lao PDR

The official kick-off meeting of the project for the development of Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET) in Lao PDR took place on September 28-29, 2022, at the Provincial of Agriculture and Forestry of Xieng Khouang province, Lao PDR, co-chaired by Dr. Thatheva SAPHANTHONG, Director of the Department of Agriculture Land Management...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2022 - Agroecology and Safe food System Transitions (ASSET)

Africa: Farmer agroecology is the answer to climate crises

In this video, collects and shares the testimonies of farmers from the South and East African region, who rely on peasant agroecological methods to revive their soils and fight the climate crisis. They also discuss the central importance of farmers and small-scale food producers in implementing pragmatic solutions to...
2022 - La Via Campesina (LVC)
Total results:3987