Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Article de revue spécialisée
Ingénierie de formation et organisations professionnelles agricoles: étude de cas au Maroc

Enseignements de l’étude de deux dispositifs mis en place par des organisations professionnelles agricoles marocaines dans le Tadla-Azilal
L’atelier multi-acteurs, « Rôles des organisations professionnelles agricoles (OPA) dans les services de formation professionnelle et d’appui-conseil pour les petites et moyennes exploitations agricoles des périmètres de grande hydraulique au Maroc », animé par le bureau d’étude Cap Rural, s’est déroulé le 17 septembre 2015 à l’ENA-M. Il a rassemblé...
2017 - Fondation pour lágriculture et la ruralitè dans le monde (FARM)

Article de blog
FNDE lança concurso para premiar concurso boas práticas de agricultura familiar para a alimentação escolar

Com o objetivo de incentivar e valorizar experiências exitosas da agricultura familiar no ambiente escolar, o Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE), autarquia vinculada ao Ministério da Educação, lançou na última semana o concurso Boas Práticas de Agricultura Familiar para a Alimentação Escolar. Trata-se de um processo seletivo que...
2017 - Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE)

Potentially Important Food Plants of Cambodia

This guide is based on information from the Food Plants International (FPI) database developed by Tasmanian agricultural scientist Bruce French.  The source material and guidance for the preparation of the book has been made possible through the support of Food Plants International, the Rotary Clubs of District 9830, particularly the...

Article de blog
Diversificação da produção representa também maior cuidado com o solo

Investir em diferentes tipos de produtos em uma mesma propriedade traz muito mais que benefícios financeiros, representa também benefícios para o meio ambiente. A forma como se cultiva os alimentos faz toda a diferença. A escolha do que plantar, quando plantar e como plantar pode ser fundamental para conservar a...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Article de revue spécialisée
Food Sovereignty and Fome Zero: Connecting Public Food Procurement Programmes to Sustainable Rural Development in Brazil

The global discourse on food sovereignty suggests several mechanisms for improving food security and agricultural livelihoods, including redistributive land reform and restructuring of markets to improve food distribution and access. In Brazil, the Fome Zero (Zero Hunger) social welfare programme has created innovative links between public nutrition and food security programmes and...

Site web
La voix du paysan congolais

Bimestriel d'informations du monde rural et de l'environnement en République Démocratique du Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2017 - Centre National d’Appui au Développement et à la Participation Populaire

Fiche d'information
Small-Scale Family Farming

The overall objective of this Regional Initiative is to reduce rural poverty by promoting and supporting inclusive small-scale agricultural development, with special attention to governance and institutions, including improving access of smallholders to social protection, rural services and markets, strengthening the capacities of producers’ organizations and promoting youth employment and...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


In agriculture, pests are organisms that significantly interfere with the productivity of crops or animals. In conventional agriculture, farmers often use chemical pesticides to manage pests. These can be effective at keeping pests away but they come with negative side effects. Chemical pesticides are costly, damaging to the environment and...
2017 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

Article de revue spécialisée
Water-food security nexus in Middle East and North Africa Region: an exploratory assessment

The multifaceted relationships between water resources and food security (FS) are at the core of sustainable development challenge in Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This paper proposes a multidimensional analysis of two indices related to water security and FS. The five components of the Water Poverty Index (mWPI) -...

Document technique
How to raise political awareness of the need for support to organic agriculture

Tips for organic advocates
As for any advocacy activity, it is important to know the local administration and political landscape, the political alliances that are in place, and the attitudes of different parties and different administration units towards environmental issues in general. What is the current attitude of various ministries towards the issue of...
2017 - IFOAM-Organics International

East Africa: Warning of dire food shortages

With only one-quarter of expected rainfall received in the Horn of Africa in the October-December period, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) called for an immediate response to prevent widespread drought conditions from becoming a catastrophe. “The magnitude of the situation calls for scaled up action and coordination at national and...
2017 - Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

Young farmers : policy implementation after the 2013 CAP reform - Study

This report provides information regarding the state of implementation of the current CAP young farmers’ mechanism. The different implementation styles of the Members States are described and the currently implemented policy tools are evaluated. Based on the secondary analysis and case studies, several policy recommendations are formulated, aimed at improving...
European Union
2017 - Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union

Counting the cost

Agriculture in Syria after six years of crisis
Despite six years of crisis in Syria, agriculture remains a key part of the economy. The sector still accounts for an estimated 26 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and represents a critical safety net for the 6.7 million Syrians – including those internally displaced - who still remain in rural...
Syrian Arab Republic
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Note/document d'orientation
Cambio climático y seguridad alimentaria y nutricional América Latina y el Caribe

Orientaciones de Política
Este documento aborda la relación entre cambio climatico y seguridad alimentaria y además ofrece un panorama de las politicas que están implementando los paises para mitigar los efectos del cambio climatico en la región.
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Article de revue spécialisée
L'agriculture biologique, un outil de développement de la filière dattes dans la région des Ziban en Algérie

Les difficultés de commercialisation entravent le bon fonctionnement de la filière dattes en Algérie, particulièrement pour les cultivars à faible valeur marchande. Afin de tirer profit des expériences extérieures, et notamment de celles des agriculteurs des pays européens et des pays voisins (Maroc et Tunisie), de nombreux mécanismes et outils...

Document technique
Livestock solutions for climate change

Livestock are key to food security. Meat, milk and eggs provide 34% of the protein consumed globally as well as essential micronutrients such as vitamin B12, A, iron, zinc, calcium and riboflavin. But their contribution to food security and nutrition goes well beyond that, and includes a range of other...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Guidelines on Environmental Monitoring for Cage Aquaculture within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

This document has been prepared based on sound scientific principles and international approaches to monitoring cage aquaculture facilities. In general this is a guide to help support good monitoring practice, with details on what to monitor, parameters to be collected, how data is collected, appropriate ways to process the data...
Saudi Arabia
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
SIPAF já beneficia mais de 145 mil agricultores

Ao conceder o Selo de Identificação da Participação da Agricultura Familiar (SIPAF) de número 1.800, a Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD) fez, nesta semana, o balanço dos últimos números do programa. A boa notícia é que já são mais de 145 mil agricultores familiares beneficiados...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Étude de cas
Mujeres de Algodón

Roles de género y participación en las cadenas de valor en Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay y Perú
El nuevo estudio publicado por la cooperación internacional entre FAO y Brasil presenta un mapeo de los roles de las mujeres algodoneras en cinco países (Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay y Perú), identificando las áreas de empoderamiento y desapoderamiento que, en mayor y menor medida, afectan su participación en este importante...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Colombia - Paraguay - Peru
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Document de travail
Scrutinizing the status quo

Rural transformation and land tenure security in Nigeria
Despite growing consensus on the socio-economic benefits emanating from enhanced land tenure security, issues related to how best to measure it and what constitute universal indicators of tenure (in)security are poorly understood. As a result, issues of what drives tenure security are poorly understood and inconclusive. This study, thus, examines...
2017 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:18980