Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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#IGrowYourFood in 2022!

The international action day is back! On 14 September, organic and agroecological farmers around the world will take to social media to share their work, the challenges they face, and how we can support them. While #IGrowYourFood is a moment for farmers, everyone’s invited to the conversation⁠—and to help amplify their voices!
2022 - IFoam Organics

Farmer Field Schools for the agroecological transition

This webinar shared the findings of joint work by FAO, CIRAD (Centre International de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) and the NGO AVSF (Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières), illustrated with three examples of field school programmes from Togo, Mali and India.

Technological Alternative for the Management of Agro-Industrial Waste Via Anaerobic Digestion: Sugarcane, Cheese Whey, and Slaughter Residues

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a technology that allows waste management. For this process to be carried out correctly, an appropriate inoculum is required to degrade organic matter to produce biogas and digestate. However, in rural areas of developing countries, an inoculum from an anaerobic treatment plant is not available. In...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Article de blog
Food and livelihood security in urban-rural hinterlands

Peri-urban areas are not ‘waiting rooms’ for entry into urban areas. A fundamental change in mindsets is needed, to prevent further land-use changes and unregulated construction activities. The situation can be better managed by promoting and maintaining multifunctional green spaces and also peri-urban agriculture. The initiative of co creation of...
2022 - Leisa India

Everything You Need to Know About BIOFACH 2022

At the BIOFACH Congress, farmers, retailers, scientists, entrepreneurs and processors will come together with economists, activists and policymakers to delve deep into the future of the organic sector. We’ll take part both as speakers and organisers, representing the voices of our members. IFOAM Organics Europe will also contribute to the programme with several...
European Union
2022 - Ifoam Organics, BOLW, FKM

The 31st International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022)

« Horticulture for a world in transition ». Taking benefits from this new context, the organizing committee is preparing an unprecedented IHC in a hybrid version, which will focus on three priorities:1) to host an outstanding scientific event,2) to reinforce the links between research, education and industry, and3) to enhance the links between Southern and...

Methodological recommendations to better evaluate the effects of farmer field schools mobilized to support agroecological transitions

Methodological recommendations to better evaluate the effects of farmer field schools mobilized to support agroecological transitionsThe Farmer Field School (FFS) approach, based on group experimentation of innovative practices and/or farming systems, is in line with participatory farm advisory efforts. This approach has an ambitious goal: strengthening farmers’ skills so that...

Article de blog
Greener pastures: Can ancient eco-engineering help fix our degraded landscapes?

Land management is one of the key issues facing the planet in the 21st century. As a result of climate change droughts are becoming longer and more intense and severe flooding is getting worse. Land degradation due to human activity and extreme weather is increasing the spread of deserts, reducing biodiversity, making it harder for...

Comment utiliser la démarche champ-école pour accompagner les transitions agroécologiques des agricultures familiales des pays du Sud?

Recommandations pour les facilitateur.rice.s des champs-écoles, concepteur.rice.s et responsables de projet de développement agricole Le champ-école est une démarche participative de formation et de conseil, basée sur l’expérimentation collective de systèmes de culture innovants. La mise en œuvre des champs-écoles permet aux agriculteur·rice·s de mener des activités (formation au champ par...
Burkina Faso - Togo
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
The Success that was the First Organics Europe Youth Event

On 31 August and 1 September 2022, IFOAM Organics Europe, FiBL and Bio Suisse hosted the 1st edition of the Organics Europe Youth Event (OEYE). The event aimed to create a platform for young agents interested and active in the organic sector to network, discuss and develop knowledge and awareness on organic amongst youth. Young farmers, entrepreneurs, start-ups,...
2022 - IFOAM Organics Europe, FiBL and Bio Suisse

Regenerative grazing with Nikki Yoxall, Grampian Graziers

Nikki Yoxall farms with her husband James, using Holistic Management and Regenerative Principles to run a profitable but highly biodiverse business. Year-round grazing is key to their system so managing for winter stockpile and wildlife habitat and plant species richness feature heavily. All animals are 100% pasture-fed, and their system...
2022 - Nature Friendly Farming Network

Article de blog
Urban farming for healthy life

Rapid urbanization, industrialization, land ceiling, construction of multi-storeyed buildings, wide roads, offices, markets have resulted in the non-availability of land for gardening work in big cities and towns. Ever-increasing population in cities and increasing vehicles have resulted in an alarming increase in pollution. There is a great need to break...
2022 - Leisa India

Article de blog
En Casamance, le pari de l’agroécologie pour endiguer l’exode de la jeunesse

Du 7 février au 15 mars 2022, la Dynamique pour une transition agroécologique au Sénégal (DyTAES) – réseau qui fédère la plupart des acteurs de l’agroécologie du pays – a entrepris une grande caravane pour rencontrer les agriculteurs et agricultrices sénégalais. Carte des 45 départements du Sénégal de 2008 à 2021. Amitchell125/Wikipedia, CC BY Après les Niayes, le Nord-Sénégal et...

The Land Gap Report

This Report shows that countries’ climate pledges rely on unrealistic amounts of land-based carbon removal. These cannot be achieved without significant negative impacts on livelihoods, land rights, and ecosystems. Our research suggests that countries should seek to reduce their expected reliance on land-based carbon removal and must instead make much...
2022 - Land Gap

Article de revue spécialisée
Planning food system transitions: Exploring spatial, citizen-driven, and agroecological approaches

As goals are set for greenhouse gas emissions, self-sufficiency in energy, and adaptation to climate change, much prominence is given to urban plans for sustainable mobility and energy efficiency in the built environment. This Special Issue draws attention to the food issue within the planning and its strong implications on...

Systèmes participatifs de garantie, un modèle de certification à (re)découvrir

Cet article présente le fonctionnement des systèmes participatifs de garantie (SPG) qui constituent une alternative, plus accessible pour les petits producteurs, aux certifications privées et labels. Selon l’Ifoam, il existerait 242 SPG agricoles dans 78 pays, engageant près de 1 200 000 producteurs. L’article présente aussi les avantages et défis...
2022 - CIRAD

Étude de cas
Technical note Open DIVEGFOOD, Conception, expérimentation et évaluation de systèmes maraîchers sous abris, agroécologiques, diversifiés et adaptés aux spécifications de leurs filères

Divegfood est une expérimentation sur la diversification de cultures maraîchères sous abri non chauffé de pleine terre. Elle est réalisée sur une période de 4 ans, récoltes de 2019 à 2022, sur le site de l’Unité Expérimentale sur les systèmes maraîchers agroécologiques à Alénya, située dans la plaine horticole du...
2022 - DiverIMPACTS

Article de revue spécialisée
Complex agricultural landscapes host more biodiversity than simple ones

A global meta-analysis
Significance Agricultural land, the world’s largest human-managed ecosystem, forms the matrix that connects remnant and fragmented patches of natural vegetation where nondomesticated biodiversity struggles to survive. Increasing the resources that this matrix can offer to biodiversity is critical to halting biodiversity loss. Our comprehensive meta-analysis demonstrates the positive and significant effect...
2022 - Bioversity International

Quand les paysans Indiens passent au bio, le pari de l’agroécologie

  Dans les campagnes de l’Andhra Pradesh, cet Etat agricole du sud-est qui a lancé depuis 2018 le plus grand programme d’agroécologie au monde. Près d’un million de paysans y sont déjà passés au "natural farming", délaissant OGM, pesticides, fongicides, et engrais chimiques. Cette ”agriculture naturelle” veut réparer la terre et relever les...
2022 - La Terre au carré

Scientific evidence showing the impacts of nature restoration actions on food productivity

This report is a narrative review of the effects reported in the scientific literature (peer-reviewed and indexed scientific publications showing quantitative evidence) about the relationships between a selection of nature restoration practices and food production. The reported effects are extracted from systematic reviews, meta-analyses and individual papers. As a narrative...
2022 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)
Total results:3987