Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Note/document d'orientation
FOOD POLICY FORUM FOR CHANGE - How feebate policies could upscale organic agriculture and food self-suffiency in Bhutan

This policy brief discusses how feebate policies could upscale organic agriculture and food self-sufficiency in Bhutan, specifically looking at rice production. The simulations show that a feebate (fee and rebate) policy coupled with promotion and training in agroecological farming methods could incentivize widespread adoption of agroecology, achieving both 100 percent organic production and greater self-sufficiency for rice in Bhutan.
2022 - Biovision , Millennium Institute; Food Policy Forum for change

Article de blog
Recognising the benefits of organic farming

Organic farming has countless benefits for the natural environment and society, but they are often overlooked. This article outlines some of the benefits of organic farming, exploring the role of science, consumers and research and innovation.
2022 - Organic Farm Knowledge

Comment réussir la transition agroécologique ? Leçons tirées du Sud

L’agroécologie est de plus en plus plébiscitée pour développer des systèmes agricoles durables et adaptés aux contraintes des producteurs, plus résilients face aux aléas climatiques et sanitaires. S’appuyant sur 15 ans de recherche en partenariat dans les pays du Sud, les chercheurs du Cirad ont identifié les leviers pour mettre...
2022 - CIRAD

Site web
Listen to Access Agriculture Podcasts

We are excited to announce that Access Agriculture podcasts are now available in English ( and French ( It is a great way to listen to farmers and experts from around the world talk about the topics you care about, as we have repurposed summaries of our popular videos as...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Article de revue spécialisée
Global analysis of yield benefits and risks from integrating trees with rice and implications for agroforestry research in Africa

While agroforestry is a well-established approach for agroecological intensification, rice is less often integrated with trees than other annual staple crops. The benefits and risks from rice agroforestry practices have not been systematically explored. Considering the need for strategies that may address low fertility and high degradation of arable soils...

Integrating peatland into national policy

CIFOR-ICRAF Senior Scientist Kristell Hergoualc'h addresses the importance of incorporating peatland into national policy in the fight against climate change.  Peatlands are terrestrial wetland ecosystems in which waterlogged conditions prevent plant material from fully decomposing. Consequently, the production of organic matter exceeds its decomposition, which results in a net accumulation of peat. In...

We are all Atlas: Sustainable Deforestation-free Agricultural Commodity Production and Consumption

On 1 March 2022, Denmark hosted a flagship side event at the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5) titled “We are all Atlas: sharing best practices for collaboration on sustainable deforestation-free, agricultural commodity production and consumption.” ''We are all Atlas’’ aimed to share lessons and discuss challenges regarding collaboration between governments, the...
2022 - Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5)

Agroecology, regenerative agriculture, and nature-based solutions: Competing framings of food system sustainability in global policy and funding spaces.

The terms ‘regenerative agriculture’ and ‘nature-based solutions’ have gained prominence in policy and funding spaces related to food systems. Global policy fora like the UN Food Systems Summit and the UN climate and biodiversity conferences have recently used these terms as bywords for sustainable development. They add to a collection...
2022 - : IDS & IPES-Food

Article de revue spécialisée
Improving efficiency of knowledge and technology diffusion using community seed banks and farmer-to-farmer extension: experiences from Malawi

Agri-innovations are mostly delivered to farmers through private and public sector-led institutions around the world, with various degrees of success in Malawi. These distribution systems, on the other hand, do not meet everyone's production and productivity needs, particularly those of smallholder farmers. Alternative gap-filling systems are therefore required. Over the...
2022 - Agriculture & Food Security

Plaguicidas microbianos: control y aseguramiento de calidad

Esta publicación tiene por objeto dar a conocer los estudios a nivel mundial y las experiencias de AGROSAVIA en control de calidad de bioinsumos agrícolas, con especial énfasis en parámetros microbiológicos, fisicoquímicos y biológicos de plaguicidas microbianos. El uso de microorganismos con interés comercial implica diferentes etapas y los controles...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Site web
Organic Without Boundaries

Organic Without Boundaries is a blog by IFOAM – Organics International.Uncover interesting stories about organic agriculture and the people working to build a more sustainable world.
2022 - IFoam Organics International

Organic farming - Innovative approaches to support conversion

This brochure has been produced within the framework of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP-AGRI), which was launched by the European Commission to promote innovation in the agricultural and forestry sectors and to improve connections between research and practice. This publication follows up on the work...
European Union
2022 - Eip Agri Agriculture & Innovation


Une science et une pratique agricole pour les petits producteurs d’Afrique subsaharienne
Ce manuel s’adresse à des agronomes. Il aborde les bases d’écologie, de chimie et d’agronomie nécessaires à la compréhension des pratiques agroécologiques. Il décrit ces pratiques et le pourquoi de celles-ci. Après avoir parcouru ce document, le lecteur sera en mesure de mettre en place, de développer et de gérer un...
2022 - Fondation Antenna

Circular bioeconomy with bioenergy

CIFOR-ICRAF Bioenergy Research Scientist Mary Njenga highlights the importance of implementing circular bioeconomy principal in bioenergy. What is a circular bioeconomy? A circular bioeconomy is an economy powered by nature. It is a new economic model that emphasizes the use of renewable natural capital and focuses on minimizing waste, replacing the wide...

Partie d’un ouvrage
Control de calidad microbiológico de bioplaguicidas a base de agentes de control biológico

Los parámetros de calidad microbiológica para bioplaguicidas producidos a base de hongos, bacterias y virus son similares, pues se enfocan, principalmente, en la identificación, cuantificación y viabilidad del principio activo y en la determinación del contenido de contaminantes. Sin embargo, existen aspectos particulares que requieren más atención que otros, los...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Levers for the agroecological transition of tropical agriculture

To promote greater sustainability in agriculture, development of agroecology is increasingly being invoked. What are the conditions for establishing agroecological production in tropical regions? Based upon case studies in several tropical areas, we provide here some answers to this question. We review the “pillars” (i.e. principles) and the “implementation levers”...

Addressing climate change with nature-based solutions

Director Innovation, Investment and Impact CIFOR-ICRAF, Ravi Prabhu explains the vital role of nature-based solutions in the fight against climate change while improving smallholders’ lives.

Article de blog
Two new sites in Japan designated FAO Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems

Using traditional practices and knowledge while preserving biodiversity and ecosystems
Two new sites in Japan - an inland fisheries and associated paddy farming system centred on the country’s largest lake and a traditional fruit-growing area  believed to have been the birthplace of Japanese grape cultivation - have been formally recognized as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). The two sites have been...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Article de blog
Small-scale farmers feed the world, but we are at a breaking point

Agroecological approaches promote more diverse food production, a reduction in the use of harmful chemical inputs, and the creation of farmer cooperatives with strong connections to local markets. The expertise accumulated by farmers over generations, and the conclusion of the International Panel on Climate Change, is that it is exactly these...
2022 - Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development

Note/document d'orientation
Horizon Europe – EU R&I Partnerships on Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems

EU Partnerships are a new and ambitious instrument in Horizon Europe, the EU’s 9 th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (R&I). With ERA-Nets (including ERA-Net CORE Organic) and JPIs ending in their current format1 , the new partnerships are expected to pool resources of a wide range of public...
European Union
2022 - TP Organics
Total results:3994