Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Lutter contre les parasites du mouton

Les moutons qui broutent dans les pâturages peuvent être infestés par plusieurs types de parasites. Le niveau d’infestation parasitaire doit faire l’objet d’un contrôle. Dans le cas contraire, l’infestation peut entraîner des saignements, l’amaigrissement et même la mort de l’animal. En cas d’hydatidose (maladie due à l’infestation par un ténia),...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Contribution aux politiques nationales pour une transition agroécologique au Sénégal

Dynamique pour une transition agroécologique au Sénégal
Au Sénégal, l’agriculture est confrontée au triple défi de la croissance démographique, du changement climatique et de la dégradation des ressources productives (eau, sols, forêts). Dans ce contexte, lemodèle actuel d’intensification agricole n’apportera pas de réponses durables. Les systèmes de production conventionnels paraissent performants à court terme, mais ils sont...
2020 - DyTAES - Dynamique pour une transition agroécologique au Sénégal

Étude de cas
CHAMPS-ÉCOLES DE PRODUCTRICES – GENRE pour renforcer la résilience des productrices de la commune de Keur Socé dans la région de Kaoack au Sénégal

Sécurité alimentaire: une agriculture adaptée (SAGA) - Étude de Cas (Septembre 2020)
Dans le cadre du projet Sécurité alimentaire: une agriculture adaptée (SAGA), la FAO coordonne différentes initiatives pilotes sur le renforcement des capacités adaptatives de la société civile au Sénégal et en Haïti. Dans ce contexte, d’octobre 2019 à mars 2020, Carrefour International et l’Association pour la promotion de la femme sénégalaise...
Haiti - Senegal
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

L’élevage des chèvres laitières

La technique d’élevage de chèvres laitières se montre en tant qu’option alternative, abordable et avantageuse. Cet élevage est bénéfique car ces chèvres sont des races améliorées pour la production de lait, se reproduisent rapidement, leur viande peut servir de source de revenues supplémentaire et elles exigent moins de surface de...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Conservation des légumes feuilles et des fruits

Les feuilles et les fruits de manioc, de patate douce, de papaye et de citrouille sont largement consommées en Afrique, étant données qu’ils sont riches en nutritifs et sont bon marché. Les avantages de les conserver contiennent une tenue longue durée, une préservation de qualité, une amélioration de stockage et...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Agroecological guide for bee farming

Bee keeping, also called Apiary is an important activity by many farmers in Uganda. Once properly managed, it is more secure compared to crop farming which is so much dependent on weather patterns. This manual is a guide to profitable bee keeping and farmers will find it useful.
2020 - Afard - The Agency for Accelerated Regional Development

Traditional foods: better livelihoods, dietary diversity and health

Local foods (such as leafy vegetables, berries, small animals, or any other traditional food source from local biodiversity) have long been an important part of people's diets - nutritious, affordable and adapted to local growing conditions and cultural traditions. They are cheap, readily affordable and rich in different micro-nutrients and...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Development of biopesticide legislation in Africa

Abuse and misuse of insecticides is common in Africa. Although the use of pesticides in Africa represents less than 5 percent of the global total, misuse is disproportionately high. The use of insecticides is determined largely by export crops, such as cotton and cocoa. Trends are therefore dependent on world...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Agroecological guide for beans production

This manual is developed by a consortium consisting of four NGOs (Caritas Switzerland, Advance Afrika, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization) for the implementation of the Action for Livelihood Enhancement in Northern Uganda (ALENU) Project that is funded under the Development Initiative for Northern...
2020 - (Caritas Switzerland, Advance Afrika, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization)

Crop protection: integrated management of Striga species

Striga species are noxious weeds that are widespread constraints to the production of staple cereal crops in semi-arid areas, principally attacking finger millet, maize, sorghum, and upland rice. They have been estimated to infest some 40 percent of the cereal producing areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Work by the DFID Crop...
United Republic of Tanzania
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Groundnuts production training manual

Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), also known as peanut, is cultivated in the semiarid tropical and subtropical regions of nearly 100 countries in six continents between 40° N and S of the equator. In Southern and Eastern Africa, peanut is grown at an altitude of over 1500 m, with a rainfall...
2020 - Caritas Switzerland, Advance Afri-ka, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic De-velopment and Globalization

Crop protection: early warning systems for improved Quelea bird management

A short-term forecasting model (now adopted and implemented by the South African Development Community- SADC), predicts the movements and breeding of the Red-billed Quelea bird in southern Africa. This is to enable better mobilization and targeting of control resources by national and regional agencies, and methods for monitoring effects of...
South Africa
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Bamboo in sericulture: a case study from India

Traditionally, bamboo equipment has been used in sericulture. The main uses of bamboo in sericulture are baskets for gathering mulberry leaves, trays for feeding leaving to larvae, mountages for production of cocoons, trays for cocoon storage, stifling baskets for steaming of cocoons and some woven mats. The present study is...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

La fabrication de cossettes et de farine de patate douce

La patate douce est très renommée en Afrique orientale car c’est une culture très résistante et robuste qui est riche en nutritifs et peut être consommée de différentes manières. Néanmoins elle est vendue à des prix sacrifiés et subis des pertes post-récolte. Il existe une technologie permettant à sécher la...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Development and promotion of community-based seed production of groundnut Rosette disease-resistant varieties

Groundnuts play a key role as a subsistence food source for poor people in the districts in northeastern Uganda, where the “Teso” system of agriculture is practiced. The crop is a valuable source of protein and oil and thus makes a significant contribution to people’s nutritional requirements. With a decline...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

La fabrication d’une farine de manioc de haute qualité

Le manioc est une culture très résistante et facile à cultiver. Bien que son utilisation n’est pas répandue en Afrique de l’Est, il a le potentiel de procurer des revenus supplémentaires, créer de l’emploi et servir de réserve alimentaire pour les périodes de pénurie. Toutes les parties de la plante...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Green manure for enhancing upland rice productivity on Striga-infested fields

Upland rice is an important cash crop in many areas of eastern and southern Tanzania, including Morogoro Rural and Kyela districts. Under continuous cultivation, rice yields have been in decline in recent years. This is associated with falling soil fertility and an increase in infestation by the parasitic witchweed, Striga...
United Republic of Tanzania
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Cassava processing: cassava wet flour

Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) is the third most important source of calories in the tropics, after rice and maize. Millions of people depend on cassava in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is grown by poor farmers, many of them women, often on marginal land. For those people and their...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Irish potatoes production training manual

Potato originated in the highlands of South America before Spanish explorers brought the plant to Europe in the late 16th century. Around the turn of the 20th century the plant arrived in Africa where potato has grown in importance over the last years (Biovision). Uganda is the 3rd largest producer...
2020 - Caritas Switzerland, Advance Afrika, Agency for Accelerated Regional Development, and Gulu Women Economic Development and Globalization

Building life skills for youth

Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) are designed to empower orphans and vulnerable children aged approximately 12 to 18 years. JFFLS target communities where HIV/AIDS, conflict, displacement or other crises have interrupted the generational transfer of agricultural knowledge and life skills, and thereby threaten food and nutrition security. A...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:3528