Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Recherche en plein texte
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Revue spécialisée
Les Systèmes Alimentaires Territorialisés En Méditerranée

RESOLIS et ses partenaires proposent à la MEDCOP et à la COP22 une Déclaration dite de Valencia, un ensemble d’articles réunis dans un numéro spécial de son journal et une proposition de coopération entre partenaires de différents pays du pourtour méditerranéen proposant de repérer, d’analyser, de valoriser et de suivre...
2016 - RESOLIS

Eco-pastoral diagnosis in the Karaburun Peninsula

15 to 22 May 2016. Conclusions and strategic issues for natural protected areas
This short report is produced within the frame of the BiodivBalkans project (2012-2016). This project is dedicated to foster rural development in mountainous regions through the construction of Signs of Quality and Origin (SIQO). One of its main outputs was to shed the light on the pastoral and localized livestock...

Partie d’un ouvrage
Assistance measures for smallholder forestry and agroforestry, with particular reference to Fiji and Vanuatu

A wide variety of approaches have been adopted to support forestry and agroforestry, to ensure future timber supply, household livelihoods and environmental benefits of vegetation in the landscape. This working paper reviews the measures to promote forestry and agroforestry at the national, regional and individual smallholder level in various countries,...
Fiji - Vanuatu
2016 - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Document de travail
Agricultural extension messages using video on portable devices

Increase Knowledge about Seed Selection and Seed Storage and Handling among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Southwestern Uganda
To feed a growing population, agricultural productivity needs to increase dramatically. Agricultural extension information, with its public, non-rival nature, is generally undersupplied, and public provision remains challenging. In this research, we explore the effectiveness of alternative modes of agricultural extension information delivery. We test whether simple agricultural extension video messages...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Fiche d'information
Interactions in Agroecology: Virtuous Cycles and Ecosystem Services that Underpin Agricultural Production

This poster describes various innovative sustainable practices used in agroecology. It provides brief information on pollination, natural pest control, crop-livestock integration, soil biodiversity, water management, forest management, nitrogen fixing and other ecological, economic and social principles and techniques of agroecology.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
New study seeks to identify needs of EU young farmers

Nearly 61% of EU young farmers consider the availability of land for purchase and 57% the availability of land for rent as the most difficult challenges they face, often due to issues such as land ownership laws, inheritance rules and land prices, according to a new external report published by...
Austria - Belgium - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprus - Czechia - Estonia - European Union - Finland - France - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Latvia - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - European Commission

Article de revue
Revista EnlACe Nº 31. La Revista de la Agricultura de la Conservación

Manejo Agroecológico de Plagas
En esta edición la revista trata del manejo agroecológico de plagas: Una alternativa viable para una agricultura más sustentable Manejo agroecológico de gusano cogollero Extractos vegetales como alternativas para el manejo fitosanitario
2016 - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)


At present, gastronomy is becoming an increasingly stronger motivation and focus of interest in economics, especially in fields related to tourism. At the same time, gastronomic tourism represents one of the most important business opportunities, allowing direct contact between food sector producers and tourists. Moreover, food related tourism is a key factor of success...

Partie d’un ouvrage
How is the life of family farms in Europe? Presentation of the Netherlands

Association of private farming of the Czech Republic organized an International Conference on family farms and Common Agricultural Policy of EU. The event was held in Brno on 4 - 6th of April 2016. 10 European countries attended the conference. Herewith volume 2. Presentation of the Netherlands
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

Connecting rural Europe

What is rural networking?
Rural development and agriculture are well placed to make a central contribution to the jobs growth and investment priority at the heart of the European Commission’s economic agenda.
European Union
2016 - European Rural Development Network

Article de revue
Seed banks and national policy in Brazil

Increasingly, seeds are the domain of professional breeders, agribusiness and policy makers. They decide what makes for a good variety and they develop legislation that excludes other varieties. Despite this, family farmer organisations and social movements in Paraíba, Brazil, have managed to strengthen decentralised farmerdriven seed selection and distribution systems...
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

Putting diversity on the plate

In this film, local people from the Barotse Floodplain, Zambia explain why a diversified diet is important and outline how participating in nutrition groups has helped them improve their diets. Bioversity International’s research with communities explored the seasonality of food availability and how to make nutritious meals from using fresh,...
2016 - Bioversity International

Article de blog
Inspirational ideas: Nutrient spill overs for valuable fertiliser

In the early 2000s, dairy cattle farmers in the valley of Wipptal in northern Italy found their herds were producing an excess of slurries. Furthermore, due to reasons such as conflicts with tourism (odour problems) and the fact that 40% of the meadows in the area are steep sloping, limited...
2016 - EIP Agri

30th Session of FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)

Regional Conferences are an official forum where Ministers of Agriculture and other high officials from all Member States in the region meet to debate challenges related to food and agriculture, thus promoting regional coherence. The Regional Conference is held once every two years, in years when the global FAO Conference does...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Article de blog
International Year of Pulses: Near East and Nile Valley Regional Dialogue

The Near East and Nile Valley Regional Dialogue on the International Year of Pulses in Cairo, Egypt was hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in cooperation with The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). More than 20 experts met on...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Bulletin d'information
News from the Deck - November

The newsletter of the Low Impact Fishers of Europe
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Étude de cas
Two Champion Farmers from Cambodia

This case study is part of the work conducted by the Agroecological Learning Alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA), in order to showcase outstanding agroecological initiatives at grass root level across the Mekong region (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam). ALiSEA is an innovative regional initiative supported by Gret, aiming at...
2016 - Agroecology Learning Alliance in South East Asia (ALiSEA)

Article de blog
La rotación de cultivos, importante para combatir el hambre en el mundo

A propósito del Año Internacional de las Legumbres, decretado por la FAO
Cuando sembramos una misma especie en el mismo terreno, cada año caemos en lo que se conoce como monocultivo, el cual trae consecuencias poco favorables para nuestra producción, pues fomenta el incremento de malezas, plagas y enfermedades, que se hacen resistentes a métodos de control. Es por lo anterior que uno...
2016 - Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)

AFA, Agriterra support VNFU’s fact roll out in Vietnam

The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), in cooperation with its partner Dutch agri-agency Agriterra, is supporting the roll out of FACT trainings by its member Viet Nam Farmer Union (VNFU) in 10 provinces through trainings of trainers and coaching missions for the trainers. The Farmers’ Advocacy Consultation Tool...
Viet Nam
2016 - Asian Farmers Association (AFA)

Fiche d'information
Curso: Plan de Exportaciones de la PyME agrícola dentro del Plan de Seguridad Alimentaria SAN CELAC

En el marco de la implementación del Plan de Seguridad Alimentaria, Nutrición y Erradicación del Hambre 2025 de la CELAC, FAO y ALADI han definido una serie de acciones orientadas al fortalecimiento del comercio intrarregional y la agricultura familiar, apuntando a aportar soluciones a los grandes desafíos de las pequeñas...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Total results:19745