Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Recherche en plein texte
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Thème principal

Transition To Greener Rural Economies

The EAFRD Project Examples brochure forms part of a series of ENRD publications that help encourage information exchange. Each edition of the brochure features different types of projects that have received RDP co-finance from the EAFRD.  This edition of the EAFRD Projects Brochure focuses on the topic of ‘Transition to Greener...
European Union
2017 - European Network for Rural Development

Revue spécialisée
Supporting Rural Business

This edition of the EAFRD Projects Brochure explores how Rural Development Programme (RDP) funding – co-financed by the EAFRD – has been used not only to support individual rural businesses, but also to create the kind of enabling environment that allows businesses to prosper in rural areas. Supporting rural business usually...
European Union
2017 - European Network for Rural Development

RIAAM 2017 - L’agro-sylvo-pastoralisme méditerranéen : un enjeu global et collectif

Les Rencontres Internationales des Acteurs de l’Agro-sylvo-pastoralisme Méditerranéen se dérouleront du mardi 17 octobre au vendredi 20 octobre 2017 entre Montpellier et Florac. Les Rencontres internationales sont un moment important de discussions et d’échanges entre acteurs sur la question pastorale à l’échelle française et méditerranéenne, à partir de deux expériences structurantes. Elles font converger en une seule manifestation le séminaire...
2017 - Rencontres Internationales des Acteurs de l’Agro-sylvo-pastoralisme Méditerranéen (RIAAM)

CEJA-ENRD Workshop on Generational Renewal through Rural Development

The ‘Generational Renewal through Rural Development’ Workshop, jointly organised by the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) and the ENRD Contact Point focused on identifying how various Rural Development Programme measures could support generational renewal. Specifically, the workshop facilitated debate on the challenges of generational renewal faced by young farmers...

Landare - An experience that feeds thousands of people

Landare is one of the Spanish State’s pioneer consumer associations. Founded in 1991 by individuals involved in antimilitarist and anarchist groups, Landare has since evolved alongside social change and unrest. Today, 2600 families from Pamplona (Iruña) meet and acquire foodstuffs in Landare’s two premises which employ 25 workers. Landare can,...
2017 - Landare

Site web
How To Set Up A Low Tech Mushroom Farm

Small-scale local mushroom  - How to set up a small Mushroom Farm
European Union
2017 - GroCycle

Los movimientos de agricultura sostenida por la comunidad (ASC) celebraron su III encuentro europeo

Alrededor de 150 personas procedentes de 21 países europeos, y representantes formales de todas las redes de ámbito estatal que están constituidas, participaron del 16 al 18 de septiembre en el III encuentro europeo de movimientos de agricultura sostenida por la comunidad (ASC), que se celebró en Ostrava (República Checa)....
Czechia - European Union - Spain
2017 - Urgenci

Article de blog
The CAP: Have your say

On 2 February 2017, Commissioner Phil Hogan launched a major consultation on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP). The three-month consultation allowed participants to share their views on the challenges faced by the EU agricultural sector, its rural areas and society as a whole, and on how a simpler,...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Note/document d'orientation
Pulse fishing: vote on 21/11

LIFE strongly urges MEPs of the Committee on Fisheries (PECH) to vote against the lifting of restrictions to pulse fishing.
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Article de blog
FAO spearheads discussion on effective use of water resources

Effective management of water resources on irrigated lands, monitoring of irrigated and arid pastures, water conservation in irrigated agriculture, and the influence of agroforestry and protective afforestation on water conservation were the focus of the roundtable held here today at Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. Co-organized by the FAO Liaison Office with the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Fiche d'information
EUFarmRecipes book

Copa and Cogeca launch new #EUFarmRecipes book, each recipe with a story to tell, to show consumers that farmers and their cooperatives are the first producers of food
European Union
2017 - Copa&Cogeca

Guidance for Implementation of the Leader Co-Operation Activities in Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

This guide aims to clarify the role of co-operation activities under LEADER in the rural development programmes 2014-2020. This guide should be regarded as an indicative reference document and does not create any new legislative rules. In any event, interpretation of Community law is ultimately the role of the European...
European Union
2017 - European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)

Article de blog
Consultation on modernising and simplifying the common agricultural policy (CAP)

The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was developed in the early sixties to translate in policy terms the objectives defined in the Treaty of Rome (1957), and subsequently taken over in the Treaty on the European Union. Like all other EU policies or programmes, the CAP is also subject to...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

1st Interim meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Working Group (REAWG) on LEADER on the “Assessment of the application on LEADER approach in the Western Balkan countries”,

The First Interim Meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Working Group (REAWG) on LEADER on the “Assessment of the application of LEADER approach in the Western Balkan countries” was held in the period 05 – 07 June 2017 in Andrevlje, Serbia. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the...
European Union
2017 - SWG RRD

Delivering Smart Rural Development.

The 8th NRNs’ meeting discussed new networking tools and methods to support the implementation of the Cork 2.0 Declaration in Rural Development Programme (RDP) delivery. The meeting used a methodology called ‘Innovation Camp’ to develop new ideas for the rural networks to achieve their goals in practice. Participants worked in six...
2017 - European Network for Rural Development ENRD

ENRD Workshop on ‘Generational Renewal through Rural Development’

This workshop, jointly organised by the ENRD Contact Point and the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), focused on identifying how various Rural Development Programmes Measures could support generational renewal. The workshop discussed challenges faced by young farmers and new entrants, such as access to land, finance, training, and knowledge. It...
European Union

Fiche d'information
New Entrants with no Farming Background

Generational renewal on farms addresses both farm succession and set up. This trend has been researched through a LEADER-funded project with the title “Creation of farming activity by entrepreneurs outside the family framework: specific needs, levers of action, complementarity between the different support tools” implemented in France by the Jeunes...
2017 - ENRD

EU support to young farmers should be better targeted to foster effective generational renewal

EU agriculture is facing a decreasing farming population. The overall number of farmers in the EU-27 has rapidly decreased in the last decade, falling from 14.5 million in 2005 to 10.7 million in 2013, i.e. a reduction of one fourth in less than a decade. All age groups of farmers...
European Union

Social Hubs in Rural Europe

This ENRD workshop discussed ways to respond to demographic change and promote social inclusion in rural areas. Entitled 'Social Hubs in Rural Europe', the event explored existing hubs of activity and inspiring initiatives from across Europe around specific social inclusion and demographic change issues,
European Union
2017 - The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)

TBTI @ MARE ‘People and the Sea IX’ Conference.

The main purpose of this half-day meeting is to gather feedback on the ‘SSF Governability Index’, a new assessment tool being developed by TBTI to help country gauge what needs to be done to improve governability and achieve sustainability of SSF. The forum will also be an opportunity to build...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2017 - Too Big to Ignore
Total results:2246