Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Note/document d'orientation
Institutional food procurement programmes

The case of PAA Africa in Senegal
This one pager summarizes a study on the targeting system adopted in Senegal for implementing food purchases using procurement preferential treatment for small-scale family farming food outputs. The study provide a detailed description of the selection of farmers producing rice in the Kédougou region and discusses how it influenced the...
2017 - International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG)

Étude de cas
Taking stock of agribusiness chambers in Africa

Lessons learnt, success factors and good practices
Inclusive agribusiness umbrella organisations (which ideally are vertically integrated down to the level of smallholder farmers’ organisations) could be key institutions to contribute to policy dialogue and design from the perspective of the private sector. Furthermore, they have the potential to carry forward the implementation of such policies on the...
Cameroon - Ethiopia - Ghana - Senegal - South Africa
2016 - New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)

Document de travail
The future of food security, environments and livelihoods in Western Africa

Four socio-economic scenarios
This working paper examines the development of regional socioeconomic scenarios for West Africa’s development, agriculture, food security and climate impacts. We present four globally consistent regional scenarios framed and outlined by regional experts who crafted narratives and determined key drivers of change. Stakeholders identified the type of actors driving change...
Burkina Faso - Ghana - Mali - Niger - Senegal
2016 - CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change

FAO-Dimitra Clubs: Women Leaders

The video shows how Dimitra Clubs play an important role in helping women gain self-confidence and in building their capacities to become leaders in their communities. ”Women Leaders” is part of a series that illustrates the impact of Dimitra Clubs, a successful gender-transformative approach developed by the Food and Agriculture...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Niger - Senegal
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Fiche d'information
Building resilience in Africa’s drylands

Populations in Africa are increasingly exposed to the negative impact of natural and human-induced disasters such as drought, floods, disease epidemics and conflicts which threaten the agriculture production systems and livelihoods of vulnerable communities. The initiative on “Building Resilience in Africa’s Drylands” was developed to enhance the capacity of these...
Burkina Faso - Chad - Ethiopia - Kenya - Madagascar - Mali - Niger - Senegal - Somalia - South Sudan - Uganda - Zimbabwe
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

2016 Youth Agribusiness, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation (YALESI 2016)

Youth employment and hunger are two key issues that have been impacted by the economic crisis. This is particularly true for youth living in developing countries, representing 85% of the world youth. In an attempt to address these issues, the Global Youth Innovation Network, GYIN, has initiated its second Global Youth Summit called the...
2016 - Global Youth Innovation Network

Note/document d'orientation
Sénégal: la route vers de nouvelles perspectives

Dans certaines régions du sud-est du Sénégal, à la saison des pluies, les habitants se retrouvaient isolés du reste du pays du fait des inondations. Mais avec le Projet d’appui au développement agricole et à l’entrepreneuriat rural, appuyé par le Fonds international de développement agricole (FIDA), ce n’est plus le...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Agroecology in Senegal: Kaydara school farm

The ten-year efforts of the Kaydara Agroecology School Farm, in Senegal, led to concrete benefits for the community and for the environment. Gora Ndiaye, founder of the "African Gardens" association, summarizes the some important features of the project.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Variabilité climatique et stratégies d’adaptation en zone pastorale au Sénégal

L’expérience de la ferme agricole de Guelakh-Peulh
Les populations de Guélakh-Peulh sont exposées aux variabilités climatiques comme la plupart des milieux ruraux du Sahel et du Sénégal en particulier. Ce travail analyse l’évolution des paramètres climatologiques et identifie les stratégies d’adaptation de l’élevage des bovins aux variabilités climatiques dans le village de Guélakh-Peulh. L’étude du climat est...
2016 - IED Afrique

Livret technique de production du compost

Au Sahel, les aléas climatiques combinés aux actions de l’homme (déforestation, feux de brousse, etc.) ont contribué à la dégradation des terres avec comme conséquence la baisse des rendements agricoles.
2016 - Union Européenne CILSS FFEM CADDEL-Consulting

Voices from African artisanal fisheries

From Senegal to Togo, from Guinea-Bissau to Mauritania, from Tunisia to Ghana, communities living from maritime fisheries show the same attachment to the sea and face the same challenges. Between September 2014 and November 2015, the West African Network of Journalists for Responsible Fisheries (REJOPRAO), in collaboration with the CAOPA,...
Ghana - Guinea-Bissau - Mauritania - Senegal - Togo - Tunisia
2016 - Swedish Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC)

First Great Green Wall Conference

The Conference builds on the political momentum gathered at the Climate Change Summit in Paris, December 2015, where world leaders renewed their commitment to the Great Green Wall initiative, pledging USD 4 billion over the next 5 years for the restoration of Africa’s landscapes. During the Conference, partners will define a roadmap for...
2016 - African Union Commission

Agroecology in Senegal: Kaydara school farm

The ten-year efforts of the Kaydara Agroecology School Farm, in Senegal, led to concrete benefits for the community and for the environment. Gora Ndiaye, founder of the "African Gardens" association, summarizes the some important features of the project.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Investissements fonciers, redevabilité et cadre légal

Leçons du Sénégal
Produit dans le cadre du projet Mécanismes de reddition des comptes dans la gouvernance foncière, ce rapport examine la redevabilité dans les transactions foncières au Sénégal. Il passe au crible le cadre juridique national qui régit les investissements fonciers et explore les occasions de reddition de comptes et la manière dont...
2016 - Institut international pour l’environnement et le développement (IIED)

Article de blog
Shortening the hungry season in Senegal

Farmer Coumba Ndoffen Sene used to struggle to feed his family, but now he can pay his children’s school fees and buy them new clothes. He has also started a business raising chickens. Sene takes part in the IFAD-funded Agricultural Value Chains Support Project in Senegal. One of the ideas behind...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Doubling the income of milk producers puts food on the table of many African families

Depending on their cattle breeds and husbandry methods, the income difference between Senegalese dairy farming families can be as high as eight-fold. Under the FoodAfrica programme, coordinated by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), a unique yield monitoring programme was conducted,and is now being expanded to dairy farms in collaboration with...
2016 - Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Sustainable and profitable milk production in Senegal – see the Food Africa programme’s video!

Food Africa programme produces videos to support advisory services in the agricultural field. In Senegal, Western Africa, the first monitoring study of its kind on milk yield was been carried out, seeking to shed light on the effect of different cattle breeds and husbandry methods on milk production. Join a Senegalese veterinarian to visit...
2016 - Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Étude de cas
Domestication and improvement of tree species in the department of Thiès, Senegal

One of the projects of The Senegalese Association for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture (ASPAB) is called ‘Domestication and improvement of tree species in the department of Thiès’. The aim of the project was to train farmers in the technical skills needed for the cultivation of orchard fruit tree species,...
2016 - l’Association Sénégalaise pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture Biologique et Biodynamique (ASPAB)

Senegal: Irrigation Market Brief

Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts – to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. FAO’s mandate is to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, better the lives of rural populations and contribute to the...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Economics of land degradation and improvement

This book on Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement provides with valuable knowledge and information both at the global, regional, and national levels on the costs of land degradation and benefits of taking action against land degradation. A key advantage of this book is that it goes beyond the conventional...
Argentina - Bhutan - China - Ethiopia - India - Kenya - Malawi - Niger - Russian Federation - Senegal - United Republic of Tanzania - Uzbekistan
2016 - Springer International Publishing
Total results:214