Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Partie de rapport
Europe entering the era of ‘precision agriculture’

The world’s growing population has resulted in rising demand for agricultural products. But, at the same time supply capabilities are shrinking due to reduced land availability and climate change. Analysts claim that an “agri-tech revolution” is needed and precision farming is emerging as an innovation driven solution. Precision farming is...
2015 - EurActive

German Federal Government Agriculture Report 2015

The 2015 German Federal Government Agriculture Report outlines current challenges, political measures taken by the Federal Government and the state of agriculture over the past four years. It illuminates the profile of a sector that moves within a dynamic field.
2015 - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Document technique
Kazakhstan and FAO

Partnering to achieve sustainable livelihoods and food security
The partnership between Kazakhstan and FAO has been constantly evolving since the country became a member of the Organization in 1997. Kazakhstan has recently increased its emphasis on investments in agriculture, forestry and rural development, and aims to modernize the sector while transitioning to a green economy. FAO technical assistance...

Training in Alternative Food Distribution Systems (AFDS)

“Building Regional Produce Supply Chains: Logistics for Short Circuit Agriculture” 2014-2015
These guidelines were created within the frame of a project called ‘Building Regional Produce Supply Chains: Logistics for Short Circuit Agriculture’. The document provides training material for use by anyone providing training in AFDS (Alternative Food Distribution Systems) or anyone eager to learn about organising logistics for local food systems....
European Union

Article de blog
MAG continúa trabajos de tecnificación de la agricultura familiar

El Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) continua con los trabajos de implementación de tecnología en la agricultura familiar a fin de mejorar los resultados de rendimiento en los cultivos de los pequeños productores. A través del apoyo del Programa de Producción de Alimentos (PPA) del MAG 8.360 hectáreas fueron mecanizadas,...

FAO urged to address land degradation, malnutrition, needs of family farms

Key elements of FAO’s work in Europe and Central Asia – combating land and soil degradation, addressing the needs of family farms, boosting nutrition through agriculture, and studying rural people’s access to social protection schemes – were affirmed by the Organization’s members this week. The 39th session of the European...
2015 - FAO

Partie de rapport
Reformed CAP aims to respond to global food security challenge

In an effort to help EU farming adjust to future nutritional needs, the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2014-2020 aims at bridging the existing gap between research and farming practice.
2015 - EurActiv

Étude de cas
Incertidumbres sembradas en la tierra. Prácticas y expectativas de jóvenes rurales en perspectiva intergeneracional y de género, en contextos de guerra

El caso de la región del Oriente Antioqueño, Colombia
Este texto recoge los resultados de un estudio cuyo propósito es profundizar en la relación, expectativas y percepciones de los y las jóvenes frente a la tierra y el territorio desde una perspectiva de género e intergeneracional que hiciera posible una lectura más amplia de estas realidades. La aproximación se...
2015 - Corporación Ambiental Rio Verde

Article de revue
Rural development in the European Union

Rural development in the European Union is part of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and it is a vitally important policy area: over 56 % of the population in European Union (EU) Member States lives in rural areas, which cover 91 % of the territory. The EU has 500 million...

Article de blog
En ascenso producción de la agricultura urbana en Cuba

El papel de avanzada de la agricultura urbana en Cuba continúa en ascenso, cuando este año deberá ser superada la cifra de hortalizas y condimentos del 2014, que fue de un millón 260 mil toneladas. Según el director del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Fundamentales de la Agricultura Tropical y jefe del...

Article de blog
Firman convenio que permitirá mejorar la competitividad de la agricultura familiar

Con el objetivo de abordar brechas de productividad y tecnología en la pequeña agricultura, a través de una metodología que permita a las familias campesinas y sus asesores incorporar nuevos conocimientos, el Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) y el Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP), firmaron un convenio de cooperación en...

Article du bulletin d’information
AgriNeTT app for farmers UWI App tech taking crops to new heights

This article is a written work published in an electronic medium. AgriNeTT, the project, is a series of mobile apps which will help farmers geo-spatially understand the characteristics of their land and understand the most suitable crops to plant and will help them to track expenses and profitability of crops and...
Trinidad and Tobago
2015 - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Article de revue
Editorial: Women showing the way with agroecology

Around the world, women forge change in their communities using agroecological approaches. Yet, surprisingly little has been written about this subject. This issue of Farming Matters shows how women can transform a situation of exclusion, crisis and social vulnerability, into a positive spiral of innovation, solidarity, and personal growth.
Many innovations led by women are based on agroecological principles such as increasing diversity, using fewer pesticides, or building new relationships with consumers. Through small experiments women learn, get organised and strengthen their autonomy. They gain increasing recognition and visibility in their communities and increase their self-esteem. This positive spiral...
Brazil - Colombia - Malaysia - Mozambique - Spain
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Connecter les exploitations familiales agroécologiques aux marchés porteurs

Au Sénégal, Agrisud et son partenaire local JAPPOO Développement tentent de lever les contraintes qui pèsent sur l’agriculture familiale des régions de M’bour (sud de Dakar) et de Basse-Casamance. Objectif : se reconnecter aux marchés porteurs, en particulier celui des structures hôtelières du littoral.
2015 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale (CFSI)

Article de revue spécialisée
Jeunes fellahs en quête de leadership au Maroc

Notre analyse porte sur les jeunes fellahs (paysans) en quête de leadership, en postulant que la jeunesse renvoie aux mutations sociales et politiques, notamment au rapport entre générations et au rapport aux politiques publiques. L’histoire politique du Maroc montre que pour asseoir une domination sur les territoires ruraux, l’État a toujours entretenu...

Partie de rapport
‘E-agriculture’ could save EU farmers time and money

The new Common Agricultural Policy for 2014-2020 prioritises innovation in order to help the sector adapt to the new competitive environment, and promote “greener” policies. In a recent interview with EurActiv, Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, talked about an “Agri-tech revolution” and the use of advanced ICT...
2015 - EurActiv

Document de travail
Big tractors, but small farms: Tractor hiring services as a farmer-owner’s response to an under-developed agricultural machinery market

The debate about agricultural mechanization in Africa south of the Sahara (SSA) has largely ignored the role of the capital service market in spreading the use of mechanical technologies. Yet, custom machinery hiring ser-vices have been essential for the widespread use and ownership of tractors and other agricultural machines in...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Article de revue
The apiary, a prosperous opportunity for young farmers

Romania has over 11 hectares of melliferous flora, with a potential of over 200 thousands tones honey and thus it can ensure good conditions for over 1.7 million bee families. In Iaşi County, apiculture is the main economic activity for many inhabitants living in Comarna, Tomeşti, Paşcani and Trifeşti –...

Article de blog
Argentina y Chile avanzan en materia de cooperación agropecuaria y biotecnología

El ministro de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación, Carlos Casamiquela, integró la delegación Argentina que viajó a Santiago de Chile para la VII Reunión Binacional de Ministros y participó de la firma de diferentes acuerdos en el Palacio de la Moneda, con la presencia de la presidenta de...
2015 - ADN

Document de conférence
Reporte Foro Mundial Campesino

En el presente informe, FIDA pretende recopilar de exhaustiva las diferentes experiencias en la colaboración con las organizaciones campesinas y determinar las tendencias regionales que han ido surgiendo. El estudio representa un punto de partida para la ampliación de escala y la profundización de los logros en otros países y...
2015 - Programa Fidamercosur CLAEH
Total results:18862