Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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What is agroecology?

Concerns about chronic hunger, malnutrition, climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation have led to increased focus on the world’s food system in recent years, with various actors putting forward different plans to tackle these interconnected issues. In this context, interest in agroecology has grown significantly, and it is now...
2021 - TABLE Explainer

Seedling Containers with Christof Bernau

UCSC Farm Garden Manager Christof Bernau gives an overview of what to look for in seedling soil mix, and different types of containers for growing seedlings and how to choose which container is best for the needs of your seedlings.
2021 - UC Santa Cruz Center for Agroecology

What is agroecology? (TABLE explainer video series)

This is the first of the TABLE explainer video series. These explainers are short, peer-reviewed introductions to concepts that are important for understanding food systems and food sustainability.
2021 - TABLE

Mountain farming systems - seeds for the future: Sustainable agricultural practices for resilient mountain livelihoods

This publication presents a collection of case studies by Mountain Partnership (MP) members from around the world, highlighting experiences of agroecological mountain farming systems. It aims to increase attention toward agroecological principles and approaches and showcase their potential. The MP, the only United Nations global voluntary alliance dedicated to sustainable...
Armenia - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - China - India - Italy - Kyrgyzstan - Morocco - Nepal - Panama - Peru - Philippines - Portugal - Romania - Sierra Leone - Switzerland - Thailand - United Republic of Tanzania - Viet Nam
2021 - FAO

Article de blog
Agence Bio 2020 Barometer: What Are the Key Figures for Organic Farming in 2021?

Each year, the Agence BIO (public interest group in charge of the developmentand structuring of French organic agriculture) publishes its barometer. Published in July 2021, the latest report deals with the figures for organic farming in France and Europe.

Article de blog
Banana plant, soil and root ecology reveals sustainable routes to pest and disease control

All living organisms have enemies. EU-funded research has harnessed the enemies of banana plants’ enemies for a natural battle in which banana plants, people and the environment are all winners. Population growth and global climate change are putting tremendous pressure on our agricultural food chain, making it even more imperative to...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

Co-creation of Agroecology Knowledge in Western Uganda

In light of the 10 elements of agroecology and the 13 agroecological principles adopted by the High-Level Group of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE), the importance of rethinking the production of knowledge and its sharing, and include agroecological transition processes in participatory approaches, is today largely a consensus. On paper, these principles seem fairly...
2021 - Iles de Paix

Bulletin d'information
Access Agriculture e-newsletter May 2021

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South.
2021 - Access Agriculture

Agroecology and the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems

Agroecology is not a new invention. It has already been applied for decades in family farmers’ practices and has guided both policymakers and grassroots social movements in various countries around the world. However, recent global discussions on agroecology across its three different dimensions, namely scientific discipline, agricultural practice and political-​social...
2021 - Logo of ETH Zurich, World Food System Center

Note/document d'orientation
Reaching the Farm to Fork objectives and beyond: Impacts of an agroecological Europe on land use, trade and global food security

This Policy Brief presents the key results of a study that analyses the implications of an ambitious agroecological transition across Europe, following the TYFA scenario. Published in 2018, what it proposes by 2050 is fully aligned with the objectives that the European Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies aim to achieve by...
2021 - IDDRI

Article de blog
Agriculture sans chemicals is giving Himachal farmers better and sustainable incomes

Natural Farming methods have significantly reduced the expenses incurred in the purchase of chemicals, insecticides, and fungicides and improved the incomes of farmers in the Himalayan state in India. Himachal Pradesh which is popularly known as the fruit basket of India produces fruits and vegetables worth Rs 8,000 crores every year....

Étude de cas
The challenge of BEE-ing in a pandemic

Women are the new face of beekeeping in rural Georgia, helping keep a steady family income during COVID-19
With the COVID-19 crisis heavily affecting the economy in Georgia, decimating the tourism industry and sales of wine – a traditional product of Kakheti – many people of the region, who were more active in these sectors, have found themselves out of income. Families struggled to meet ends, and very...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Cotton in West and Central Africa: from the agricultural revolution to the agro-ecological transition

Since the 1970s, cotton has been a driving force in the transformation of agricultural production systems and a key element in local economies in the savannah areas of West and Central Africa (WCA). However, the sustainability of cotton-based production systems is often debated because of their effects on soils and...
2021 - CIRAD

Bulletin d'information
Access Agriculture Panorama Newsletter no 7 - February 2021

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South.
2021 - Access Agriculture

Training Guide: Agroecology as a Substitute for Pesticides

Reducing the use and risks of pesticides and veterinary products using viable alternative practices
This training guide was written by the members of AVSF (employees and volunteers)who are deeply concerned about the growing use of pesticides and veterinary products in developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, many of which are no longer authorized in developed countries due to their high toxicity. This situation has...
2021 - AVSF

Entretien avec Pierre-Marie Aubert : L'agroécologie pour nourrir l'Europe d'ici 2050

Retrouvez notre conférence organisée le 11 mars 2021 avec Pierre-Marie Aubert, chercheur, coordinateur de l’initiative Agriculture européenne à l’Iddri (Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales) : L'agroécologie pour nourrir l'Europe d'ici 2050, le scénario TYFA "Ten Years For Agroecology"
2021 - Fondation Terre Solidaire

Note/document d'orientation
Shifting Funding to Agroecology for People, Climate and Nature

There are growing calls to transform the current food system in response to hunger, malnutrition, climate change, and biodiversity loss. Financial institutions and donors and other actors have tended to focus on increasing productivity and developing global value chains, which has caused great harm to the environment while failing to...
2021 - Actionaid, Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative, Cultivate!

Article de blog
Against or with Nature

Agricultural technology was fairly stable for centuries, but slowly began to change in medieval times, which brings us back to the windmill.
2021 - AGROinsight

Zimbabwe: Female Smallholder Farmers Plead for Government Support

Women smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe have appealed for government assistance, claiming that they are often ignored when authorities and other organizations visit their regions to provide agricultural assistance. Despite their significant contribution to the country's food security, female smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe who practice agroecology (AE) and grow 'women seeds,'...

Regenerative agriculture in Aotearoa New Zealand – research pathways to build science-based evidence and national narratives

Regenerative agriculture (RA) is proposed as a solution to reverse climate change, biodiversity loss, declining water quality and health of freshwater ecosystems, wellbeing crisis in rural and farming communities, and food system dysfunctions. RA may also open overseas premium and niche markets. However, there is a lack of clarity about...
New Zealand
2021 - Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU)
Total results:3987