Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Bulletin d'information
IIED Forests newsletter

Welcome to this edition of IIED’s forests newsletter.In this edition we share a policy briefing on agrobiodiversity and update on our work with rural women producers. We are also excited to share in full the recordings from a market analysis and development refresher training delivered online to forest and farm...
2023 - IIED

Sweden: a portrait of agricultural diversity

What do you know about Swedish agriculture? It’s a question Food for Europe is asking in this edition of the programme, following the country’s assumption of the revolving presidency of the Council of the European Union. The picture we paint is one of contrasts, shaped by geology, climate and sustainability. In...
2023 - Food for Europe

Apprentissage en ligne
Organic Citrus Online Course by BIOFRUITNET

On April 20, from 10:00 to 13:00, via zoom, the expert in organic citrus Rosa Vercher, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia will give the BIOFRUITNET course on organic citrus in Spanish. The topics to be discussed will be as follows: Phytosanitary risks. Emerging problems for organic citrus Functional Biodiversity Pest management strategies After the...

Market analysis and development: building sustainable forest and farm-based smallholder businesses

Training courses run by the Forest and Farm Facility are helping local forest and farm producers generate income in sustainable ways.
In March 2023 the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) ran refresher training on the market analysis and development (MA&D) approach designed to enable local forest and farm producers to develop sustainable income-generating enterprises. The FFF is committed to increasing entrepreneurship as well as access to markets and finance through business development services within forest and...
2023 - IIED

CSA as a LifeCOACH

CSA as a LifeCOACH, a film developed by filmmakers Ondrej Sovik and Martin Matej, explores the value of mentorship and apprenticeship in small-scale, agroecological farming in the beating world of community-supported agriculture (CSA). To resist the loss of agroecological knowledge, to combat the devastating consequences of climate change, and to...
Czechia - Hungary - Italy
2023 - Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ

Site web
EU SOIL OBSERVATORY - EUSO Soil Health Dashboard

The speedometer indicates the proportion of land likely to be affected by one or more soil degradation processes or by soil sealing in the EU. It is based on the convergence of evidence approach described below. This figure is subject to a degree of uncertainty. It is likely an under-estimate...
European Union
2023 - European Commission

Article de blog
Inspirational ideas: Smart barn makes for happy pigs

Innovative barn infrastructure and real-time monitoring to improve animal welfare and reduce ammonia emissions.
Consumers are calling for more affordable, sustainable pork which is produced in improved animal welfare systems. This was the context identified by the Dutch Operational Group ‘Data driven project’. The partners have developed a pilot barn concept in which the pigs are monitored in real time using ear-tag sensors so...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network, Eip Agri

The CAP debated at the "GREEN WEEK" 2023 in Berlin

Berlin International Green Week opened its doors on the twentieth of January, and for Food for Europe it’s a great opportunity to discuss the European Union’s new Common Agricultural Policy, or CAP, with farmers, interest groups, and representatives of the EU institutions including the Commission and the Parliament – in...
European Union
2023 - Food for Europe

Note/document d'orientation
Free School Meals Sourced from Small-Scale Farmers: a Win-Win Approach for Food Systems Transformation

Free school meals are a strategic lever to implement the right to food and nutrition in the EU, by ensuring all children have access to healthy and nutritious food, daily. Free school meals can also support the transition to sustainable food systems by linking school meals to small-scale farmers using...
European Union

Note/document d'orientation
Policy Brief: Good public policies can ensure producers really benefit from Short Food Supply Chains

Good public policies can ensure producers really benefit from Short Food Supply Chains Producers within Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) often achieve higher economic benefits and better social relations, while reducing negative impacts on the environment. Yet, the use of SFSCs does not guarantee better economic performance per se, as...
European Union

Inspirational idea: Controlling wireworms in potato production

Austrian Operational Group looking for alternative, environmentally friendly control methods. Wireworms, the larvae of click beetles, cause major losses in potato production across Europe. The situation in recent years seems to be worsening due to climate change as Johannes Mayer, Austrian potato farmer explains: “Wireworm damage is more significant in drier...
2023 - EIP-AGRI

Note/document d'orientation
Policy Brief: Human rights must be placed at the heart of EU food systems transformation

FIAN International is a human rights organisation committed to the struggle of grassroots social movements around the globe to defend and protect the Right to Food and Nutrition and induce a paradigm shift sustained by food sovereignty principles. European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) is a confederation of unions and organisations...

Note/document d'orientation
Local and Regional Governments Have a Key Role to Play in the Transition to Territorial Food Systems

Since local and regional governments (LRGs) have the mandate to procure food for public canteens in the EU, the purpose of this policy brief is to provide LRGs with insights on how to connect small-scale farmers with food tendering processes in legally compliant ways. LRGs can apply more inclusive sustainable...

Note/document d'orientation
Public Food Procurement as a Powerful Tool to Boost Territorial Food Systems

This policy brief provides recommendations on how to achieve these objectives with a focus on three key areas: 1. How to link small-scale farmers with the public plate; 2. School meals as a powerful tool to address social equity (all school children and young people), health (tackling fast-growing child obesity)...
European Union

Article de revue spécialisée
Accounting for diversity while assessing sustainability: insights from the Walloon bovine sectors

Livestock production is confronted with significant challenges across all dimensions of sustainability. There is an urgent need to identify sustainable livestock systems that are environmentally friendly, economically viable for farmers, and socially acceptable. To this end, diversity assessments and data-driven indicator-based sustainability assessments can be helpful tools. These two mutually...

Article de blog
CAP 2023-27 on track? Check it online!

In line with its transparency and monitoring requirements, the European Commission launched today an online dashboard presenting the targets set at national level by each Member State in its approved CAP Strategic Plan, as well targets at EU level. By exploring the interactive dashboard, users can find out for example about the...
European Union
2023 - EU Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Article de blog
Thematic Group on Rural Youth Employment: the Voice of Rural Youth 

One of the priorities for moving European rural youth forward is to create sustainable and high-quality rural jobs accessible to young people. Rural youth unemployment rates are higher than the average throughout the EU and rural employment opportunities tend to be relatively limited, with a prevalence of seasonal jobs.    Supporting youth...
European Union
2023 - EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Network

Article de blog
Feeding Ourselves 2023 – Diversified Diversification in Action

Feeding Ourselves as an event grew out of the Cloughjordan Community Farm (CCF). CCF had itself as a member owned and operated CSA – Community Supported Agriculture – initiative 13 years ago. Then, this farm, which itself emerged from a newly established ecovillage, wanted to tell the world about this...
European Union
2023 - ARC2020

Article de blog
Feeding Ourselves 2023 | Fertile Ground for System Change

Another rural is possible! ARC2020 and friends were in Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Ireland on March 25-26 for the annual Feeding Ourselves gathering, which takes food and farming as an entry point for moving towards fairer, more caring communities. What are the ingredients to cook up transformative system change? How can we build...
European Union
2023 - ARC2020

Bulletin d'information
EU CAP Network Newsletter - July 2023

In the new EU CAP Network, innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI play a crucial role in sharing good practices and connecting people across EU agriculture, forestry and rural areas. The new edition of the Agrinnovation magazine offers inspiring stories, interviews, Operational Group updates and other news from across Europe.
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network
Total results:2253